would Enclomiphene + MK677 exhert anabolism?


New Member
I heard this crazy idea multiple times. Like could you use Enclomiphene as a test base and MK677 to maintain normal or high-normal IGF-1 levels? and if it works as a test base would it be convenient to also use Anavar (as it lowers SHBG and Enclomiphene is characterized by increasing it)
Possibly a little, but not worth the $ or side effects. This line of thinking was very common on Reddit when I used to snoop around there. The idea isn't technically "wrong" but the results will be so poor it's not worth the trouble. If you are after very minor results maybe try it?

If you want to go down the light road I would suggest higher dosed HCG with moderate anavar. Results will be be OK at best but probably much better than your proposed plan.
Some kid on Reddit was defending this as his “natty stack”

Just pin test and GH. Mk677 is dirty & mostly a ghrelin mimetic. SERMs also have nasty sides compared to test and HGH