Would these liver and kidney values stop you from running a cycle?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Was just about to start a cycle of 400 test 400 eq after being off for a few years. Got some pre-cycle bloods done and noticed a few anomalies which has taken me by surprise. Health care in the UK is on the decline and they’ve booked me in for a check up in 2 months time.

Background: Recreational drug user, used steroids for 10 years, ran just about everything in low to moderate doses. I don’t drink, don’t smoke, cardio 7 days a week, lift 3-5 days a week work permitting. Balanced diet although not recently as I’m currently on semaglutide.

Just looking for a second opinion to see if I have anything to worry about in the long anticipated doctors visit.

Currently using caber to lower the prolactin.
