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X Propecia user Bloods Please look 20 years old


New Member
Decided to look into an HPTA restart after having a year of pretty much nonexistent sexdrive since I have been off propecia. Went to the doc and got an authorization to see an endocrinologist.

Before the propecia, I had taken a winny based PH 2 years before.

Current Age: 20

FSH .5 Range 1.5-12.4

LH 2.6 Range 1.7-8.6

Estradiol 43.8 Range 7.6-42.6

Test 790 348-1197

Clearly my levels are out of whack for 20 years old. The only reason why i think my T levels are midrange is because i had just been on zma/test boosters the week before.

I am looking at possibly doing a 30/20/20/10/10/10 Of Nolva. this should kickstart the LH

But what I am really worried about is the FSH. How can I bring these levels back up to speed?

Should HCG be administered too? I am gunna run this all by the endo when I see him. The medical system just seems so long especially when I have the Nolva on hand already =/

Appreciate your advice guys! I need my sex drive back!
Same story here at 20 years old, god forbid the day i took that drug. Keep us updated on how you do. I assume you are already registered on propeciahelp?
I have a very similar story and blood test results as you, except instead of libido issues I have brain fog, fatigue and low FSH but normal testosterone levels after quitting. my post is at -


Would be curious to see what people have to say about getting FSH back to normal.

Are you having any other symptoms besides sex drive problems?
Thanks for your support guys. I am not registered on propeciahelp but I have been lurking

The brain fog is definately there. But most importantly its the libido. I dont feel like a normal 20 year old. Ever since ive been off the drug. My hairloss has accelerated to a point where I buz it down to a 1. I wish I would have never got involved with that drug.
Let's hear from the pros on this. There are alot of guys suffering right now and your collective knowledge, wisdom and advice could save lives. No exaggeration.
We all just want an end to this finasteride bullshit. Every day since i crashed coming off that drug i have just been holding on. I am literally waiting for the day where i snap and actually have the balls to end my life.
We all just want an end to this finasteride bullshit. Every day since i crashed coming off that drug i have just been holding on. I am literally waiting for the day where i snap and actually have the balls to end my life.

I hear where you are coming from man. I am not gunna give up. I am thinking about doing a straight 8 week nolvadex cycle to completely restart myself starting from a 40mg dosage to a 5mg taper off dosage. I will keep you posted.
We all just want an end to this finasteride bullshit. Every day since i crashed coming off that drug i have just been holding on. I am literally waiting for the day where i snap and actually have the balls to end my life.

Why don't you just try some testosterone injections and masteron.
I am on 20 mg Nolvadex as we speak. I only have 20 mg left so tomorrow will be the last day on it. A number of men on the propeciahelp forum have used nolvadex for extended periods of time and none of them have sustained benefits.

At the moment i take

. Nolvadex
. Low dose naltrexone
. 25 mg clomid
. Tribulus
. Probiotics
. Fermented cod liver oil
. Digestive enzymes
. Magnesium (before bed)

In the two years that i have been dealing with these severe sexual problems i have found nothing to work. In fact, i have had recovery periods when i have ditched all of the healthy living and drank copius amounts of alcohol and ate junk food (2 occasions).

I also went back on finasteride at 16 months because i though 'woahhh, all these guys getting fucked by finasteride when they come off and never getting better? i may as well try to go back on and see what happens'

For 10 days i thought i was cured, i thought i had done it, but the improvements slipped away.
How long have you been on the nolva for?

I am thinking of cycling for 8 weeks.

I think something genetically is keeping the 5-AR levels down. which is causing high estrogen levels and lowered dht, test, fsh, and LH levels.

6 days so far on Nolva @ 40mg

Symptoms. Slight unbalance. Nothing unbearable though. I think its just my way of indicating the nolva is working. Extremely tired but I can work my way through it. Very restful sleep when I do go to bed. My ejaculate is lower in total amount but I can describe it as being a lot more "Potent" Almost ghost white and orgasms are really good. I can feel a tightness in my chest most days and sometimes can be a bit on the angry side.

Starting Tomorrow I will be tapering down to 30mg and will keep you guys posted.
Just after i finished a week of it i started getting waves of decent libido and a warm sensation through my prostate. Really strange how it was coming in these waves for no reason. Anyway, today i feel terrible; penis shrinkage and skin changes are unbelievably bad, no functioning erections whatsoever and mood, well, i would love to put a bullet in my skull but guns are illegal here.

I look forward to you finishing. It's always good to have more guys trying stuff. Some guys on the propeciahelp forum made temporary recoveries using arimidex/ nolva. One dude ran a course and was good for a whole year and then slipped back. Wtf>?
Have you tried Dropping the Clomid? I have heard it making guys very hormonal.

The nolva has been working great for me. Nice strong erections. I have kinda an alpha male sense of being when I go around campus. Although I still don't get those thoughts about woman suprisingly. It's wierd. lol.

I am debating on running another week at 40mg since i feel my body is getting used to the sides now... I am going to try to get some bloodwork done to see where I am at.
Dropped the clomid ages ago without giving it a fair chance. I hated that stuff but apparently the benefits come after treatment.

I also had some very strong erections with the nolvadex.

If your benefits remain once you drop the nolvadex i will give it another shot but for longer.

I wish i stuck to university now man, but unlike you i felt terrible. Before class i would get so anxious and need to shit/ piss all the time and my pelvis always felt clogged up and horrible. I shouldn't of been messing with clomid when i was trying to study really.
week and a half into the tamox HPTA restart. I am now dosing 30mg

I have to say I feel like everything is 98% back. I cant go a day without having mandatory Masturbation. Even two to 3 times a day... My erections are so full and my toes crinkle up with tingles throughout my body if I even start thinking about girls... I have noticed an increase in aggression. I am breaking out in the back area and face a little bit. I am losing body fat in the "right places".. way stronger and more tone now. And my confidence has gone WAY up. aside from the nolva sides. my focus is dead on. I am getting some of the most restful sleep ever. All in all. I feel like im going through a mini-puberty and it feels great! you never know what you had until you've lost it... and I am so glad that it looks like things are moving back to normal.

I will get bloods soon to see my progress. Unfortunately im using research grade tamox since i was sick of waiting for an authorization with the endo.

I am debating weather or not to shorten the cycle. I do not want any estro rebounds hence the very mild tapering off.

I hope all goes well after restart.
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There is research taking place currently on the Propecia side effects. 5 scientific teams are on the lead. Look for info by June of 2012. Apparently there is some type of molecular signal issue with the Androgen receptor.
There is research taking place currently on the Propecia side effects. 5 scientific teams are on the lead. Look for info by June of 2012. Apparently there is some type of molecular signal issue with the Androgen receptor.

swiss where did you here that from? thats real interesting... let me know