Ain't you the guy running a cycle for 300 dollars? Oh I guess it just shows that you don't actually run gear like so many other shit talkers here and actual shit comes out of your mouth when you talk. Grow the fuck up, you act like you being a one man dick army is saving new members... it's not I promise.
I have got test for 15 dollars a vial plenty of times and guess what?!?!? My bloods were as good as pharmacy grade. Do you know how fucking cheap test is to make? Oh that's right you don't know anything about gear. Well let me help you out... It's cheap as fuck. This sub forum is for ugl information, if you don't like it ask Millard to take this sub forum off the site. I'll bet you a million dollars it won't happen tho because guess why?!?!? This is here for members that actually use gear and need info. You being a dick is not stopping anyone from buying gear, it just makes you look stupid as fuck. You have been talking shit out of what you call a mouth long enough man, take that sticker badge off your chest and retire already it's very old seeing you post the exact same shit in every thread.