Yk11 injectable

Turbo charged

Well-known Member
Yk11 injectable is unbelievable. I have done many steriod cycles. From tren to winstrol but yk11 injectable is a awesome vitamin.
Did alot of blasting and cruise in my life time gain on steriods slow down. Finished my last npp cycle 12 weeks again get to a certain point and stop. Went on injectable yk11 after cycle gains started like wild fire like I was on my first cycle again. Bench went from 405 for 1 rep to 455 for one rep in 4 weeks. Shoulder press went from 275 for one rep to 6 reps. Guys in the gym are like wtf are u taking. Putting on great muscle mass. I was never a believer in anything else till now. On it with a trt dose of test only
This is a recap of the product for anyone that has no idea what is being referenced here:

YK11 is a known myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin inhibitors work by allowing the body to develop or increase muscular capacity at a rate faster than the body can do on its own. YK11 becomes attached to the androgen receptors found in the body.

Once the substance has attached itself to an androgen receptor, it sends signals to the muscles. These signals request more follistatin to be produced. Follistatin is a protein responsible for the enlargement of muscle tissue. At the other end of the scale, the levels of myostatin reduce. This leads to an improved rate of speed of muscle growth.
I'm not sure if injectable is any better than oral though it might change the metabolites and it's unknown if it would be better or worse
YK11 is a known myostatin inhibitor.
It’s a theoretical myostatin inhibitor. There is zero evidence (in humans, not on paper or in small mouse studies) to suggest that it’s anything beyond a simple (but effective) steroid. Even chemically it looks a hell of a lot more like testosterone than it does like some novel compound that inhibits myostatin.
The injectable is much better. No sides to speak of my hemoglobin came down since I stopped npp so I know it dont effect that and my blood pressure came down. Stomach seems to be shrinking just seems like lean muscle growth like a powerful winny. I put on about 7 pounds but not trying too eating to stay lean. Veins are everywhere. I can say for a fact this vitamin works and is a great bridge between cycles and restart things.
It’s a theoretical myostatin inhibitor. There is zero evidence (in humans, not on paper or in small mouse studies) to suggest that it’s anything beyond a simple (but effective) steroid. Even chemically it looks a hell of a lot more like testosterone than it does like some novel compound that inhibits myostatin.
Well I can tell you it does because I was on tren deca winny and everything else anadrol eq. And I could not get what this has done for me. Take it as you wish I am telling my meso brothers the truth
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Also what I have noticed is muscles I had trouble with growing for example my traps are really starting to come around. And calves
God damnit....why you gonna make me try this shit...report back in a few months so I know you didn’t die or grow a tail or some crazy shit
If he goes and gets blood work showing elevated eGFR that would be some version of actual proof. “I took more steroids and got bigger” isn’t exactly a shocking development. But with blood work indicating that myostatin is actually lower? That would be pretty useful data.
You’re not good with him telling you it does? Myostatin inhibition is definitely one of the “feelz.”
Hey I don't know what it's doing but the shit works that's all
Oh no doubt. It’s a strong steroid. Whether it’s a myostatin inhibitor is not determined. My objection is not to the results you’re reporting—obviously those are measurable!—it’s to the assumption that the drug is something beyond what we can prove it is. I’m looking at the science purely.