Your experiences with M1T?


New Member
I am currently running M1t 20mg/ED with 600mg/Wk of test prop. And all I got to say is I love it, whicked strength gains so far. :p

My question is how was/is your use of m1t been as far as side effects and strength/weights gains? BF%? etc...

Thank you

I am currently running M1t 20mg/ED with 600mg/Wk of test prop. And all I got to say is I love it, whicked strength gains so far. :p

My question is how was/is your use of m1t been as far as side effects and strength/weights gains? BF%? etc...

Thank you


I've done it many times and got crazy gains but they are not easy to keep.

Here's a great write up by Natron from another board

FEATURED PRODUCT: M-1T (also knows as, methyl 1-test, 17-aa-1 testosterone)

INTRODUCTION: Methylated 1 Testosterone is a structurely modified version of the most potent pro steroid known as
1-testosterone. This modification enables the hormone to pass through the liver with intact, thus increasing the oral bioavailabilty of the compound to nearly 100%, similar to injectable compounds. In comparison to methytest, M-1T is 910%-1600% as anabolic, and 100-200% as androgenic.

DOSAGES: Methylated 1 Testosterone is a VERY potent steroid. Dosages as little as 5mg per day are sometimes enough to produce strength gains, gains in lean body mass as well an an increase in vascularity. However, depending on the individuals size, goals, experience with training and experience with other androgens, the dosage may vary. Those who are lesser experienced with the use of androgens will only require a dosage of 5mg per day, taken with or without food. A more experienced bodybuilder will require 10-20mg to produce the desired effects. Because of the potency of this compound, coupled with it's strength, higher doses are not only unecessary, but also potentially dangerous. Methylated hormones also place more stress on the liver than injectable androgens, and with higher dosages, you increase liver toxicity. M-1T IS NOT FOR THOSE UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE.

POSITIVE EFFECTS: Methylated 1 Testosterone has quickly become the "king" of legal supplements, and with good reason. Effects are noticeable within the first 2-5 days, and are very pronounced. Lean gains come quickly, and strength increases almost immediately. Users of methylated 1 Testosterone are gaining anywhere between 6-15lbs of lean muscle mass in very short time frames. M-1T does not appear to aromatize into estrogen, and causes little to no water weight.

NEGATIVE EFFECTS: As stated previously, the methylation of this compound increases liver toxicity. Also, methylated 1 Testosterone causes blood pressure to raise while using the compound, and normalizes with cesation of use. Ataxia, or nosebleeds occuring for what appears to be no reason, are also quite possible. Once again, if you happen to react in this manner, it stops with cesation of use. M-1T may also cause muscle cramps, specifically in the calfs and lower back. Some users report a lack of sex drive, while others experience an increase in sex drive. HPTA suppression happens quickly, and post cycle therapy is a must after a methyl 1 Test cycle. Lethargy, or a lack of energy is probably the most prominant side effect associated with M-1T. In some prone to male pattern baldness, hair loss may occur, but is not frequently reported. M-1T may also cause or exagerate BHP or other prostate issues. M-1T may also cause aggressiveness, mild headaches, irritability, insomnia and decreased appetite. M-1T should not be used in conjuction with alcohol, or any other compounds known to increase the risk of hepatoxicity.

High Blood Pressure: Celery seed extract, Hawthorne Berry, CoQ10.
Liver Toxicity:CFM whey protein Isolate, Milk Thistle Extract, NAC, R-ALA.
BHP, Prostate Issues or Male Patter Hair Loss: Saw Palmetto, finasteride, CFM whey protein Isolate.
Lack of Sex Drive: 4-diol (4-AD, 4-androstenediol)
Inabilty to become erect: cialis(Tadalafil), Viagra (Sildenifil Citrate)
Irritibilty: L-theanine, 5-HTP, Phenibut
Insomnia:5-htp, Melatonin

CYCLING: Duration of use with M-1T should be held from 2-4 weeks, because of the possibility of liver toxicity. M-1T can be used with other androgens, such as 4-AD (4-androstenediol, 4-diol) however should not be used in conjuction with other methylated hormones. Doing so would increase the risk of liver toxicity. Stacking M-1T with 4-AD eliminates sexual side effects, as well as lethargy. Another option for cycling is a 2 week on, 2 week off, 2 week on pattern. With each off period post cycle therapy should be used.

POST CYLE THERAPY: M-1T cycles MUST be followed by proper post cycle therapy regiments. 6-OXO, nolvadex(tamoxifen), Clomid (clomiphene Citrate), letrozole and Formestane are the most popular compounds used for M-1T post cyle therapy. DO NOT SKIP POST CYLE THERAPY. Recovery time should be equal to the time frame that you have used M-1T or any other androgens.
