Your Opinion on my PCT!


New Member
Hello Guys,
at first i'm from Germany and excuse me for my bad english.
I'm here because I want to hear your opinion about my PCT.
My Cycle is as follows:
Week 1-4: Dianabol 20mg/Day
Week 1-10: Deca 300mg/Week
Week 1-12: Test E 400mg/Week
Week 1-12: HCG 250 i.u. 2x Week
Week 12-16: Clomifen 150/100/50/50
Week 12-16: Tamoxifen 50/50/25/25

So what do you think?
Greetings and thanks...
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How many cycles have you run before? How did your PCT go on those cycles? You should have some personal history to work off of by now, and if you a noob, then why are you running dbol and deca?

Most people wait until most of the Test has left there system before beginning pct, around 3 or 4 weeks after last pin of a long ester.
I have run 2 Cycles. My Last Cycle was 8 Months ago. Test E. 600mg for 12 Weeks. For my PCT i use Clomifen and Tamoxifen. At my PCT i lost maybe 4kg from 12kg, but I was satisfied. So how should my pct look like?
Thank you.
I have run 2 Cycles. My Last Cycle was 8 Months ago. Test E. 600mg for 12 Weeks. For my PCT i use Clomifen and Tamoxifen. At my PCT i lost maybe 4kg from 12kg, but I was satisfied. So how should my pct look like?
Thank you.

Do you have post PCT labs?
Okay Thank you, so i start the pct 2 weeks after last inject. of Test.
It's the Dosage okay? and do i need hcg ?
Okay Thank you, so i start the pct 2 weeks after last inject. of Test.
It's the Dosage okay? and do i need hcg ?

ok, you must not have used my link...if you're running deca it's going to be longer than two weeks...and enanthate alone should be about 15-17 days
He said he is running deca for 10 and test e for 12 weeks. If he waits 2 weeks after he has finished running test e that would be 4 weeks off deca.
The harm/danger in PCT is starting SERMs (or AIs) too early. That is the case for the OP. Further, with a probable habit of this PCT now over number of cycles, there is the very good case for ASIH.
The harm/danger in PCT is starting SERMs (or AIs) too early. That is the case for the OP. Further, with a probable habit of this PCT now over number of cycles, there is the very good case for ASIH.

Doc, Do you think that the common practice of starting the standard clomid/nolva PCT 14 days after last pin on a Test E or C cycle is potentially harmful?
PipeX, I can't believe you're not taking the Dr. up on his offer!
Doc, in Apes thread regarding PCT he suggests that an exogenous test level of 50mg is roughly equivalent to a 400 ng/dl blood serum level.
Does that sound right to you?
Definitely way past the 2 week mark to get there!

Is there a formula to guestimate ng/dl relative to exogenous mg?

If 50mg = 400ng/dl (8/1)
and 1000mg = 4000ng/dl (4/1)

should a mid range level of say 400mg be around a 6/1 ratio? 2400ng/dl