Your ratio of Test to Masteron?


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For you guys who are using Masteron for estrogen management, what have you found to be a good ratio? I never played around with Masteron or Primo much. On my first trial with Masteron, I used my usual AI dose for a test/Deca cycle and felt awful. Now I'm interested in trying to use it in place of an AI, to mitigate any high E2 side effects.
Have you actually ran it to see if it actually lowers your e2? It seems that it is actually rare that it lowers e2 unlike primo. In myself it does nothing to my estrogen I can run grams of Masteron with no effect to e2
I did. I ran 1 gram of test and used the amount of Arimidex I typically would. I added in 400mgs of Masteron and I felt awful. My E2 levels on lab work were fine. I think the Masteron was stopping the estradiol I did have from binding to some important areas. That's just my guess anyway.