Onyx Pharmaceuticals

Onyx is sending me two vials of sust and two vials of tren A to make up for the bunk test E.. Maybe this lab isn't too bad after all.
@Monster053 @Eric david Anything new with your experiences?

Think it's most likely ass.. Came off the old stuff and started the onyx like I said, and I was blowing up for about 2 or 3 weeks and then just deflated. Idk how long you'll continue to see gains after your last acetate injection, but my guess is the previous shit was continuing to give me gains until it wore off and I was shooting the onyx motor oil.. Any input on this and how long you'll Continue to see results after a last short ester injection would be insightfull.
Think it's most likely ass.. Came off the old stuff and started the onyx like I said, and I was blowing up for about 2 or 3 weeks and then just deflated. Idk how long you'll continue to see gains after your last acetate injection, but my guess is the previous shit was continuing to give me gains until it wore off and I was shooting the onyx motor oil.. Any input on this and how long you'll Continue to see results after a last short ester injection would be insightfull.
The half life of tren A is only around 48hrs but I'm not very knowledgeable on tren.. how long did you run the onyx tren before discontinuing it?
Think it's most likely ass.. Came off the old stuff and started the onyx like I said, and I was blowing up for about 2 or 3 weeks and then just deflated. Idk how long you'll continue to see gains after your last acetate injection, but my guess is the previous shit was continuing to give me gains until it wore off and I was shooting the onyx motor oil.. Any input on this and how long you'll Continue to see results after a last short ester injection would be insightfull.
I have been lurking on this thread to see if there was ever some damn resolution?

I am running test e (500wk)and EQ(400wk) from onyx and picked up 2 bottles of tren blend (ace and e) and now I'm cursing myself.

Appetite is up, strength is up.
Stats: 31yo 5'10 190 14%bf lifting for 10y on and of, steady for 5.

I am breaking out all over my arms and have put on size but was running some Sust prior to this.

Jury is out. But overall I feel something.
I have been lurking on this thread to see if there was ever some damn resolution?

I am running test e (500wk)and EQ(400wk) from onyx and picked up 2 bottles of tren blend (ace and e) and now I'm cursing myself.

Appetite is up, strength is up.
Stats: 31yo 5'10 190 14%bf lifting for 10y on and of, steady for 5.

I am breaking out all over my arms and have put on size but was running some Sust prior to this.

Jury is out. But overall I feel something.
The test E I got from onyx was bunk without a doubt. But they're sending me 2 vials of tren A and 2 vials of sust to make up for the bunk test so we'll see how the new gear works out.. You could just be feeling effects of the sust you were running though man it's hard to tell.
Yea I know the half life, but I think you'll still continue to see results for a little while after. Just not sure or for how long.. Yea idk man, just gonna go back to good ol reliable biotech lol


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