Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Just clarifying: I’m not saying that PS’ adex is underdosed, just that my E2 levels are pretty fucking high with so much AI and the listed aas. Maybe I’m very sensitive to aromatase, or very insensitive to anastrozole.

If this is UG Adex you're running and your e2 is high, i think you already know what the reason for that is.
Well your e2 is gonna raise on cycle but Without say another blasts blood work on pharma ai it’s hard to tell. Up the dose is all I’d know to do or get some pharma ai.

The problem is that those blood tests here are quite damn expensive, so I’ll only take at wk 4, 10 and second week of pct :D
Of course sir I have a ton of Letrozole on hand since the very start of the cycle, I’m an hell of a planner about this shit.
I have injectable liver intoxication antidotes, eparine and adrenaline for eventual vein shot, blood pressure solutions, SSRIs for mental state after cycle, anxiolytics, everything about PCT, anti emetics, ...

If this is UG Adex you're running and your e2 is high, i think you already know what the reason for that is.

I don’t want to blame @pharmasource without certainty, and we aren’t certain until some lab test his adex and AIs, that’s how I act. On the other hand: I save money with UGL AI, I accept the risk.

I’m no expert, but 36 doesn’t really seem high to me.

Man you’re right, 36 isn’t so high, if you are on 500 test, 500 deca and 10 mg/ed DianaBol, but for god sake I’m just taking 250 test and 500 deca since 3 weeks
The problem is that those blood tests here are quite damn expensive, so I’ll only take at wk 4, 10 and second week of pct :D
Of course sir I have a ton of Letrozole on hand since the very start of the cycle, I’m an hell of a planner about this shit.
I have injectable liver intoxication antidotes, eparine and adrenaline for eventual vein shot, blood pressure solutions, SSRIs for mental state after cycle, anxiolytics, everything about PCT, anti emetics, ...

I don’t want to blame @pharmasource without certainty, and we aren’t certain until some lab test his adex and AIs, that’s how I act. On the other hand: I save money with UGL AI, I accept the risk.

Man you’re right, 36 isn’t so high, if you are on 500 test, 500 deca and 10 mg/ed DianaBol, but for god sake I’m just taking 250 test and 500 deca since 3 weeks
Send it to @Analyzer and have it tested or switch to pharma ai and be using it when you get bloods at week 10. So many variables without other bloods to compare it to but from what I’ve seen from other labs who knows if it’s dosed correctly.
Send it to @Analyzer and have it tested or switch to pharma ai and be using it when you get bloods at week 10. So many variables without other bloods to compare it to but from what I’ve seen from other labs who knows if it’s dosed correctly.

It’s quite a problem for me to send things, can’t explain here why, but I’m looking for a local lab that can analyse gear, I’ll keep you posted about this. Until week 10 I’ll use pharma Letrozole (low dosage, think I’ll go 0.63mg/eod I would be grateful for any advice about) and pull my blood in similar conditions.
It’s quite a problem for me to send things, can’t explain here why, but I’m looking for a local lab that can analyse gear, I’ll keep you posted about this. Until week 10 I’ll use pharma Letrozole (low dosage, think I’ll go 0.63mg/eod I would be grateful for any advice about) and pull my blood in similar conditions.
Be careful not to crash your e2 as that’s a shitty feeling...I know lol
Be careful not to crash your e2 as that’s a shitty feeling...I know lol

Yeah, I’ll keep that on mind, when I saw 36/30 I grabbed my Letro and was about to eat all the tabs screaming “We can’t stop the gyno, we can only say her «NOT TODAY!»”
Fortunately I’m still able to bend my neck, so when I saw no tits on my chest I calmed myself down.
So guys, you are asking me about new pricelist and future PROMOs and sales .
New pricelist will be posted in Monday.

We have not any WU/MG cash receiver now, so CRYPRO + BANK payments only ( WU/MG transfers to bank accepted )

PROMO buy 2 get 1 FREE ( no other sale )
Alpha,Magnus,Primus Ray, SWISS pharma, ARL russia, old line of our oils ( Deca, NPP )

PROMO buy 3 get 1 FREE ( no other sale )
All our own products ( tablets, finished oils )
SALE - 5% for Crypto payments

SALE - 5% for Pharma grade goods
So you have prop, test e ,,npp??What you mean by no other sale??
hey I remember last year, you started doing your own oils

do you still do ? i didnt find them in price list

Want to know how I know you haven’t read shit in this thread?

Cause you ask a question that has been talked about on literally every single page.