When wil you call it quits?

I'll be 40 this year and in the way back part of my brain i have been thinking about this very question. I'm addicted to the "on" feeling. But with a wife and 2 kids, if something happened to me they'd be fucked. My wife doesn't bother me much but is concerned about my long term health. In my head I'm 25 and hitting the gym. I've been thinking i might start with the thinner, muscular more fit look instead of 20"arms and huge traps. When ill start this idk .i say all of this as i await a touchdown of dbol, drol and tren suspension. Fml. Good thread. And i murdered back today fyi. Lol
Yes sir. Can’t get much better. Switched gears here and working on mental muscles and the family. Stopped the gym. I felt was doing more harm than good. I still read here daily. Love u bros. I’m walking dogs and keeping busy doing active stuff with the fam.

Thanks for kind wishes
Have to say i felt a small bit of envy reading this. Not enough to change anything lol but just a bit. :D
I'll be 40 this year and in the way back part of my brain i have been thinking about this very question. I'm addicted to the "on" feeling. But with a wife and 2 kids, if something happened to me they'd be fucked. My wife doesn't bother me much but is concerned about my long term health. In my head I'm 25 and hitting the gym. I've been thinking i might start with the thinner, muscular more fit look instead of 20"arms and huge traps. When ill start this idk .i say all of this as i await a touchdown of dbol, drol and tren suspension. Fml. Good thread. And i murdered back today fyi. Lol

Wife and kids is why I stopped. I’m the provider. I can’t do that if I’m cut short from gear. We are a selfish breed. It’s hard to let go of the ego and put others first. I’ll get back in the gym. That I’m 100% sure of. But not sure gear will be used. Yes my T is very low. But I only know it’s low in the real world by the blood test. I still feel “alpha” I still look good. But I don’t look “God”. It’s def a daily struggle to not use.
I remember him passing away.It wasn't the gear as much as the diruetics!!!.

You probably want to read up on that. His liver was basically a hard mass of crumbling material thanks to his love of orals. He had multiple tumors all through his body and several other internal problems directly related to AAS abuse.

You hit the nail on the head regarding use verses abuse though. Big difference in many ways but even the advanced “use” many subscribe too can be a long term recipe for taking years off lives.

I say advanced because for most the “trt” doses are higher than medically needed for trt and then a blast gets added a few times a year. Eventually, everyone will have to shut it down for the most part.
Hard to imagine calling it quits. When I saw the doc for trt she said I should stay on it forever. Low dose though, about 150-180 mg/week. I admit that self administered trt for me hasnt been that disciplined. I’m dropping back down to that for my cruise though. I know a few guys who’ve been on doctor trt for a decade or more and their health is that of guys much younger than them and they say they feel great. They never blast, just work out to keep in decent shape. Any of you know guys who are long time trt vets? Or heard of long term serious health issues caused by trt? My problem now is that during my blast I felt so damn amazing and started getting so many compliments with my rapid recomp that I’m not gonna give it up unless I get convinced that it’s gonna kill me quicker than letting my body rot away naturally
Don't really have any plans to stop working the way I do. I focus more on overall development than either size or strength individually.

But I, admittedly, am only pulling the trigger on AAS at this point because I have nothing else in my life.

Just out of an extremely toxic and abusive relationship with my best friend of 16 years. Don't really have any desire to do the relationship thing again.

With anyone.

I've never been overly social, most people just annoy me as I've like zero battery for small talk. Excuses absolutely put you in my write-off column. So yeah...I don't play well with others. I have like one legit friend. Lol.

Lifting and hardcore drug abuse are really the only things that've brought me any semblance of peace over the years.

And while I'd love to stick a needle in my arm and go to a happy place, it's kind of hard to function like that. Long term anyway.

So fuck it.

Catching the bus and seeing how far I can go. Maybe something will make me reconsider in time, but I kind of doubt it.

Lifting is my drug, my pint of ice-cream, and my bestie. The barbell doesn't judge me, but never lies either.

The world beyond the rack doesn't even fucking exist anymore.
I don't see ever calling it quits with lifting. I enjoy it, plus lifting was a big part of turning my life around and I wouldn't give it up for anything. I do see focusing less on strength and more on physique and cardio eventually. I'm not a big guy, so a TRT dose maintains my size just fine and I never lose any strength on that kind of dose either. As long as I don't have any health problems related to it I don't plan on ever coming off that either.
When the risk no longer justifies the reward. At a certain point, goals will change and I'll be lifting and using gear just as a means for health and wellness. The cycles will become fewer, the dosages lower, etc until it's just a test dose and a conservative lifting schedule.
Exactly what I had in mind. Good answer. Thanks
This is like asking a mountain climber when he will stop climbing mountains. He only stops when he either
1. Falls to his death
2. Falls and injures himself so badly he can no longer climb.

We are alpinists for the fun of the sport, we enjoy the process. Like lifting... you enjoy the process. Stop when your dead or too broken down to lift anymore.
Or have a massive heart attack well before old age?
You probably want to read up on that. His liver was basically a hard mass of crumbling material thanks to his love of orals. He had multiple tumors all through his body and several other internal problems directly related to AAS abuse.

You hit the nail on the head regarding use verses abuse though. Big difference in many ways but even the advanced “use” many subscribe too can be a long term recipe for taking years off lives.

I say advanced because for most the “trt” doses are higher than medically needed for trt and then a blast gets added a few times a year. Eventually, everyone will have to shut it down for the most part.
After seeing what drug coctails competitors use year round and even worse for show prep. Has me convinced that bodybuilders abuse there body’s and organs much worse then the average recreational drug users and drinkers.

They might look healthy but there rotting from the inside out.
Im still doing my 2 cycles a year and my TRT year-around at 58 going on 59 . I keep the cycle doseage at 750mg or less and sometimes still get started with a oral for a month . Just got my last bloodtest and they keep getting better for some reason . Staying active and not over-eating like I used to has improved my annual tests....:cool:

PS - I also give alot of credit to my Niacin/Turmeric/Cinnamon regime , it has turned my bloodtest/lipids around....;) ~Ogh
Turned 50 in December. Wanted to bench 500 on my 50th bday but tore 3 out of 4 rotator cuffs in my left shoulder in August. 1 in half. I've been on trt most of the time since. Surprisingly, I can do machine presses still so that's what I do. Dropped about 30lbs and not much strength. I told the wife I'm going to be a 50yo fitness model for AARP magazine.....Still love lifting.
I'd say most guys that have been seriously competitive or living that lifestyle should be looking to back off around the 50 mark to avoid causing problems that can't be easily reversed. Not stop everything, just back off and decide what the new priority is going to be.

I think most young guys have the forever mentality but I'm here to tell you that when something finally goes wrong or a test pulls up something that isn't just going to go away and it'll kill you in a short amount of time then everything changes.

I've seen it on both sides. I've got good friends that look great for any age and are healthy that have transitioned successfully. I've also had a few die way too early needlessly as early as 41 years old that just couldn't see that it can be done in a way that doesn't put you at immediate risk.

The smarter, older guys that have been in the lifestyle a long time gradually back off across the board. Most of them find that middle ground where you're on trt"ish" doses, your labs are good, your diet is still mostly strict but with more emphasis on maintenance rather than growth, your BP is good and you focus on health but still looking great. Your training is intense but that intensity isn't primarily created via heavy weights so joints and injuries are spared.

The days of 1000+ mgs of gear weekly, a bunch of orals and running your weight up 30, 40+ pounds in the "off season" would be done. It's bad for your heart, your cholesterol and pretty much everything else. Protein comes down some and you eat less meals.

I will say that show prep experience minus the stimulants is actually very beneficial. Lower carbs, more good fats, some cardio and staying leaner is the way to go. Plus, you look bigger when you're leaner so it's a win win.

I just saw a video with John Meadows the other day where he was talking about eating less than 200 grams of protein daily to maintain his current size.
Very well put!
Im still doing my 2 cycles a year and my TRT year-around at 58 going on 59 . I keep the cycle doseage at 750mg or less and sometimes still get started with a oral for a month . Just got my last bloodtest and they keep getting better for some reason . Staying active and not over-eating like I used to has improved my annual tests....:cool:

PS - I also give alot of credit to my Niacin/Turmeric/Cinnamon regime , it has turned my bloodtest/lipids around....;) ~Ogh
Can you fill me in on your Niacin/Turmeric/Cinnamon regime? How does that help?
Or have a massive heart attack well before old age?
Exactly my point brother. A lot of my climbing friends have died in their 30s and 40s from Falls. The same thing as dying in your 30s or 40s from a heart attack... dying way too young for a sport you love.