NPP or Primo?

In the long run I prefer NPP because it has less side effects than Primo (DHT derivative).

Primo has built up with me only from 700mg noticeable muscles.

I achieve more with 350mg NPP and have fewer side effects.
What side effects are you referring to? Hair loss and prostate issues down the line seem like the “major” ones
What side effects are you referring to? Hair loss and prostate issues down the line seem like the “major” ones
That plus the occasional pimples here and there slight aggression(comes with most dhts)and crashed estrogen for some .
Not super bad but still needs to be said as some say it has no sides at all .
But overall they are not that sever and its still among the safest in my opinion .
Having lots of experience with both. Imo if your looking for size/growth and eating in a calorie surplus I prefer test/npp/mast p. I love primo as well and I also feel great jn it mentally as well. So it’s really just what works for you the best personally. I had many bad experiences in the past with deca and npp. Once I learned to add mast to the equation those previous Ed related issues went away.
Having lots of experience with both. Imo if your looking for size/growth and eating in a calorie surplus I prefer test/npp/mast p. I love primo as well and I also feel great jn it mentally as well. So it’s really just what works for you the best personally. I had many bad experiences in the past with deca and npp. Once I learned to add mast to the equation those previous Ed related issues went away.
Its not so much ED yes mast sorts that out its just annoying that it takes ages to orgasm.
It was cool as a kid to have sex for over an hour but now i got shit to do and spending 3 hours a day having sex is to much.Mast also boosts libido and npp makes it hard to cum so its a bad combo in that sense for me.
Whichever allows you to have a favorable hormone balance.

Nandrolone works opposite to primobolan in that nandrolone will actually make you aromatize testosterone into more e2 than you would if you were on just test alone at the same dose.

Primobolan will be a useful tool for many people who will be able to use higher doses of testosterone, add primabolan on top for more total dose of anabolics, and simultaneously have managed estradiol levels via aromatization control.

The way I would personally handle this, is select a solid dose of testosterone as a base to provide plenty of strength/ motor unit recruitment and mind muscle connection, anabolism. Ideally at a dose you can tolerate from an estrogen burden standpoint that isn’t close to pushing you into territory where you require estrogen management. Then add a small amount of nandrolone on top and assess if it increases your estrogen burden too much because it will make your test aromatize more. Not necessarily a bad thing depending on how extreme it is. Blood work and symptoms will tell you.

Then add in add in primobolan. I’d personally start at 70-175mg since primobolan has extreme extreme estrogen lowering effects for me. Even 70mg primobolan with 437.5mg testosterone enanthate per week put my e2 at 31pg/ml. I also take 500iu hcg every other day to, so that provides even more estradiol. I imagine if I were to do the 1:1 ratio that works for most people, and ran 437 primo with my 437 test- I likely would have crushed my e2 to single digits. Not optimal for anabolism, libido, or health. Really not optimal for anything besides brief phases where having e2 that low is beneficial going into a contest where you want to thin your skin out via reduced estrogen mediated collagen synthesis.

-So I’d prob go something with like high trt dose of test. 250 test, then add 200 NPP, assess the situation e2 and the gains.


-If you want more then increase the test to 400test and also add in 150primo. Really be sure to check your e2 3-4 weeks after the primo edition to make sure it’s not overly lowering your estrogen.


- from there I’d personally just increase everything linearly. But I personally allow nandrolone to be the primary driver. Everything else is just to dial in my e2
Planning my next offseason. Going to be using a 500mg test base. Trying to decide if I want to run primo or NPP. I need to put on a decent amount of size to fill out my weight class (~10lbs of muscle to work with). I’ve run deca in my last offseason but it gave me legit anxiety and I am never an anxious person. Joints and strength were good and I put on a lot of water weight, heard NPP was better when those sides were present. The primo is real from my source (I’ve seen the tests) but it’s damn it worth it?
Shit.. listen I’ve ran both several times. My best cycle was I ran them together
400 test
800 primo
300 npp
50 mg anavar

However if I had to pick between npp and primo.. absolutely npp. If I wanted to change it up.. primo. Problem with primo is my blood got thick because so much oil. I’ve trained others off this cycle and everyone had amazing results. I don’t recommend it anymore tho. Just pick two and make the most of it unless you’re making a living at this shitty game.
Shit.. listen I’ve ran both several times. My best cycle was I ran them together
400 test
800 primo
300 npp
50 mg anavar

However if I had to pick between npp and primo.. absolutely npp. If I wanted to change it up.. primo. Problem with primo is my blood got thick because so much oil. I’ve trained others off this cycle and everyone had amazing results. I don’t recommend it anymore tho. Just pick two and make the most of it unless you’re making a living at this shitty game.
I ran something similar 450 test 600-800primo 200npp without the var was a good cycle indeed.Good for athletic performance also .
I have a question to all of you that have ran primo. I have ran NPP and have had success with it but it give me a really lethargic feeling. I’ve debated about switching to a mast or primo(leaning towards mast because of price) question is I’ve stayed away from DHT because I’m predisposed to hair loss. Any good protocols to mitigate hair loss and acne?
Shit.. listen I’ve ran both several times. My best cycle was I ran them together
400 test
800 primo
300 npp
50 mg anavar

However if I had to pick between npp and primo.. absolutely npp. If I wanted to change it up.. primo. Problem with primo is my blood got thick because so much oil. I’ve trained others off this cycle and everyone had amazing results. I don’t recommend it anymore tho. Just pick two and make the most of it unless you’re making a living at this shitty game.
Your blood got thick from so much oil? Please say you’re joking.
I have a question to all of you that have ran primo. I have ran NPP and have had success with it but it give me a really lethargic feeling. I’ve debated about switching to a mast or primo(leaning towards mast because of price) question is I’ve stayed away from DHT because I’m predisposed to hair loss. Any good protocols to mitigate hair loss and acne?
Less acne for me on primo than on deca personally.
Well originally I became interested in it after listening to John Jewett compare the two and say he felt using primo or masteron as the main anabolic driver was best, and just having a low dose deca for joints. I ran the idea by a couple guys I know who are also pros and they said they really liked primo in the offseason too. Gave it a shot and love it.
Mast as ‘the main anabolic driver’. What exactly does he mean by that? Mast has VERY little anabolic qualities and aside from being used as a cosmetic aid and to potentially off set 19nor sides it does little else imo.
Shit.. listen I’ve ran both several times. My best cycle was I ran them together
400 test
800 primo
300 npp
50 mg anavar

However if I had to pick between npp and primo.. absolutely npp. If I wanted to change it up.. primo. Problem with primo is my blood got thick because so much oil. I’ve trained others off this cycle and everyone had amazing results. I don’t recommend it anymore tho. Just pick two and make the most of it unless you’re making a living at this shitty game.
Your blood got thick due to injecting a high volume of oil!!! Ffs mate what on earth are you talking about?
Primo is replacing npp/deca and i can see why.
But the dangers of constantly running dht compounds for long periods of time are unknown so we are lab rats in this regard .
Primo and Mast are basically the most studied compounds. And that being in a clinical setting in females with breast cancer.
Primo and Mast are basically the most studied compounds. And that being in a clinical setting in females with breast cancer.
What sort of dosages were looked at in the studies? 600mg-1000mg + per week?
Any studies that examine the effects of dht on a male such as the HPTA?
Primo and Mast are basically the most studied compounds. And that being in a clinical setting in females with breast cancer.
You mean the ones that lasted 3 months(Primo)?
Im talking about people using it with testosterone on blast and cruise for years.
Its basically the new aromatase inhibitor now for a lot of B/C guys .
Many people in the know have admitted that the long therm health effects doing this and having messed up colesterol are worrisome.
People have been cruising on deca for far longer and that also carries his bag of sides but those are more know.
Mast as ‘the main anabolic driver’. What exactly does he mean by that? Mast has VERY little anabolic qualities and aside from being used as a cosmetic aid and to potentially off set 19nor sides it does little else imo.
Meaning the main compound in your cycle for growing. After listening to his lecture on it, I first tried with Mast and it was awesome, much better growth than I'd experienced in the past with deca or Npp. So the next time around I decided to try primo and hands down the most effective growth cycle I'd done

A lot of people say the same as you did about Mast, and I believed it for years then finally went with John's advice. I'll definitely always utilize one of the two as my main compound in the off season.

There may be stuff on paper that would suggest otherwise, but man when you try it, it's undeniable