Are you fucking stupid? With vacuum or sealed bag it doesn't matter if it gets broken, the oil will not go anywhere.Damn, take an chill pill before you get an heart attack mate.
As said, it must not happen, and my guys will do their best to wrap the products an extra layer more to prevent leaks like this. People suggesting vacuum packaging, but in the long term that wont work either its too hard and with the way the couriers handling the packages it gets broken easier than now.
The problem here is not the broken vial is the fucking oil leaking out!
Like are you mentally challenged or what? Lol
First time I ordered oils you taped 30+ vials together with simple paper tape and yeah I was lucky for it to not break at all. I mean it's not complicated to pack properly, if you seal it in a bag the oil will not leak out, than you pad it very well inside and outside and there you go! Problem solved.
We shouldn't be teaching you this
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