Baseline Nutrition Domestic Distributor (AAS Oils/Tabs/Peptides)

We understand, and we will be scrapping LiveWell and only running with BioHealth. Due to our limited supply, we will renew testing and restock on BioHealth.
Our HCG and peptide line are not related to LiveWell. We understand all the hate and are completely blindsided by the revelation of LiveWell being part of a Chinese distribution as we have been getting them domestically for a while. We spoke to our distributor and they have not given us the full truth, and we are very sorry for this. I think the main reason to choose a source is to have good quality products and a honest, transparent source that will take accountability as needed. We will only work with BioHealth from now on, and suspend our hopes of growing on the forums until we set things straight. It was very painful for us, as the overhead was crazy and we thought our prices were fair. We were dealing mostly to community members, and some coaches so we were not made aware. Thank you guys, you have saved us and your own time. We will not try to source until we have all of our things in place.
Sorry, and we take full accountability and responsibility for not doing enough research (the first time we posted someone mentioned Chris Powders and we thought it was just some guy that also diatributed LiveWell). This was a learning experience for us, and we will strive to do better, and no longer work with the distributor that provides LiveWell.

Thanks again, and happy holidays.
We understand, and we will be scrapping LiveWell and only running with BioHealth. Due to our limited supply, we will renew testing and restock on BioHealth.
Our HCG and peptide line are not related to LiveWell. We understand all the hate and are completely blindsided by the revelation of LiveWell being part of a Chinese distribution as we have been getting them domestically for a while. We spoke to our distributor and they have not given us the full truth, and we are very sorry for this. I think the main reason to choose a source is to have good quality products and a honest, transparent source that will take accountability as needed. We will only work with BioHealth from now on, and suspend our hopes of growing on the forums until we set things straight. It was very painful for us, as the overhead was crazy and we thought our prices were fair. We were dealing mostly to community members, and some coaches so we were not made aware. Thank you guys, you have saved us and your own time. We will not try to source until we have all of our things in place.
Sorry, and we take full accountability and responsibility for not doing enough research (the first time we posted someone mentioned Chris Powders and we thought it was just some guy that also diatributed LiveWell). This was a learning experience for us, and we will strive to do better, and no longer work with the distributor that provides LiveWell.

Thanks again, and happy holidays.
I think you best cancel your account. Rebrand or rename.
Start over.
The packaging from livewell and biohealth look the same.

I am sure OP gets both from China.

Already seems like a liar
Hello we understand your concerns and once again we apologize about the live well. We will no longer be using that distributor and will not sell live well on here. But we get bio health from a different distributor. We can ensure you that bio health is a US based source. I know the trust has been broken with you and we are extremely sorry for that. Please give us another chance to show you that we can be a trusted source on here. We will renew our supply with just bio health and provide testing for all products soon. This has been a huge embarrassment for us and we will do everything we can to try to regain your trust.
Hello we understand your concerns and once again we apologize about the live well. We will no longer be using that distributor and will not sell live well on here. But we get bio health from a different distributor. We can ensure you that bio health is a US based source. I know the trust has been broken with you and we are extremely sorry for that. Please give us another chance to show you that we can be a trusted source on here. We will renew our supply with just bio health and provide testing for all products soon. This has been a huge embarrassment for us and we will do everything we can to try to regain your trust.
It's likely even if you have allot away for free, no one would gain trust in you.
But you never know got to tik tok some young wanker will take the crap
So you beleive that "bio health" is a US based pharmaceutical steroid manufacturer?? I am just trying to get a clear pi ture here...
Hello, yes we can ensure that bio health is for sure a US manufacturer. We have been working with them for years now and have a great relationship with them. We have seen their facility and confirm it is US based. For OPSEC reasons though we can not provide you with any pictures of their facility or their process because they do not want that published. We will be replenishing all of our stock using their product. We understand our reputation on here as of now is terrible and we ask you to please be patient and forgiving. We will be back as soon as we have fulfilled all the requirements of the forums and have ALL the testing for our products.
Hello, yes we can ensure that bio health is for sure a US manufacturer. We have been working with them for years now and have a great relationship with them. We have seen their facility and confirm it is US based. For OPSEC reasons though we can not provide you with any pictures of their facility or their process because they do not want that published. We will be replenishing all of our stock using their product. We understand our reputation on here as of now is terrible and we ask you to please be patient and forgiving. We will be back as soon as we have fulfilled all the requirements of the forums and have ALL the testing for our products.
No one here believes you. the first page already has you fucked in your thread. Get the fuck out of here.

1. Bragging about IFBB pros you sell to.
2. Only 3 tests posted
3. Cant give us any info on "biohealth" and quality of gear they manufacture.
4. Buying Livewell which is sold from a chinese source here. They were selling for a fraction of the cost you were.
5. I call bullshit on everything is here from the US. especially tabs.

You clearly didn't do any fucking market research on your own product! It shows through lack of testing as well. YOU DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE CHANGLAND SELLS LIVEWELL! HOW DO YOU EXPECT PEOPLE TO BUY YOUR SHIT?

You are claiming you sell "Pharma grade" without knowing jack shit and barely have your own testing

You are a fucking liar, get the hell out of here
Yes I agree also, the fact that your still using this same thread, name etc shows your level of stupidness.

The claim of IFBB althehles had absolutely nothing to do with you in any way shape or fourm.

Like I said above. Cancel thread and if you ever come back (hope you dont) good luck.
You sir are what give ugl bad raps.
Well you fucked up here man. Hate this for you but your business is fucking in the trash can. Quit rebrand and try again. No one here will buy from you with all this bullshit posted.