Looking forward to following. I know this one is going to be good.
I have a similar philosophy and I appreciate your transparency and honesty in sharing yours.To be transparent, I dont really “cycle” or even blast and cruise, at least not in the way ppl think when you use those terms. Dont get me wrong my dosages will ramp up and down depending but if you were to average out my weekly milligram amount over the past 1.5 years it would be over 1g. My philosophy is to keep bloodwork, bp, rhr, fasting glucose etc all in healthy ranges by avoiding orals/tren, any applicable meds, year round cardio to maintain health year-round. As opposed to running a 16 week cycle with tren and kick start with an oral to immediately trash lipids right off the rip lol, only to cruise/pct to barely recover bloodwork for the tail end of the cruise before repeating process. I think my sweet spot is somewhere in the 1.4-2.2ish gram range.