Steve's Bodybuilding/Competition Log

Looking forward to following. I know this one is going to be good.
To be transparent, I dont really “cycle” or even blast and cruise, at least not in the way ppl think when you use those terms. Dont get me wrong my dosages will ramp up and down depending but if you were to average out my weekly milligram amount over the past 1.5 years it would be over 1g. My philosophy is to keep bloodwork, bp, rhr, fasting glucose etc all in healthy ranges by avoiding orals/tren, any applicable meds, year round cardio to maintain health year-round. As opposed to running a 16 week cycle with tren and kick start with an oral to immediately trash lipids right off the rip lol, only to cruise/pct to barely recover bloodwork for the tail end of the cruise before repeating process. I think my sweet spot is somewhere in the 1.4-2.2ish gram range.
I have a similar philosophy and I appreciate your transparency and honesty in sharing yours.
Thanks for the detail. I like the approach, as it's all about the long-game for growth anyway, as you've mentioned.

Whenever I run cycles, I feel like the downtime Tren causes (or other aggressive compounds) is unproductive in the long run. Growth takes so long anyway that had I been able to continue that period without skewed health markers, I'd have gotten better results. It takes looking at the big picture to see it outside of just 16-20wk cycles.

It also makes total sense that if their is a period in your life of stability or downtime in other areas, e.g career is stable, and few stressors, then if you have the ability to focus on the gym, you can utilise that period carefully and go harder during it - rather than stick to a typical cycle template. We're of similar age (i'm 33 later this year) and I'm in a position atm where I can visit the gym during work-hours and it gives me immense flexibility, so I've opted to keep pushing, outside of standard 16-20 wk templates (safely) to make the most of it.
I absolutely agree, health side effects aside, we need to consider physical side effects that will hinder training, eating ect. If i cant sleep on tren and now Im half awake when Im at the gym trying to train thats gonna set us back. Again, if I can barely eat on anadrol, who cares if I get an artificial temporary strength boost, you need food to build muscle.
I think if there's one single message I can spread its that outside of prep for a contest or powerlifting meet, do not use orals or tren. Test+moderate amount of anabolic(deca,eq,primo,mast) will build just as much muscle and you will be healthier because of it.

Just to drive home this message, consider this.
Cycle A
A common cycle is Test, Tren and anadrol. Lets say we run it at 350 test, 300 tren and 50 anadrol/day. Less than a gram.

Cycle B
Now another guy runs 1.5g test and 500 eq. Those people running the first cycle will say thats too much, youre gonna die etc.

Just looking at these two cycles I can tell you who will be healthier according to every single health marker we have available to assess health. Hell, even give Cycle A a statin and telmisartan and at best their bp will likely only match Cycle B and their lipids will still be worse due to hdl being tanked

And just to note, Im not saying that because Cycle B is better for health markers so just run a boatload. Im just using double the dosage in Cycle B vs Cycle A to drive home a point. The dose you take still depends on goals and your level of development. I just had a convo with a personal friend telling me he just finished running anadrol for about 8 months and is straight into Halo, I gave my advice but its in one ear and out the other. This type of behavior is not as rare as we'd like to believe and while running gear has risks regardless of compound or dosage, we can take such simple steps to reduce damaging effects
Looking forward to following. I know this one is going to be good.

I have a similar philosophy and I appreciate your transparency and honesty in sharing yours.
I, as Im sure you have as well, was so misled by people lying about their dosages and what is involved in the sport. Its gotten more open in the past few years or so but coming up from 2014 when i first started, pros either had no comment or just flat out lied about dosages. I dont blame them and I understand why they would but it caused me to spin my wheels for so many wasted years that I swore to be more realistic with people. Now if a 16yo comes up to me at the gym I wont be recommending them take steroids in the first place but here on meso, people have at least taken the time to register and try to learn so they can excel at this endeavour so I will speak openly and try my best to impart what I have learned
Following. I like your approach to drug usage and monitoring your health.

When I first glanced at your profile pic, I thought it was PALifter.
Looking solid, man. Definitely gonna keep an eye on your progress - always inspiring to see someone fully committed to their goal.

And yeah, this section of the forum is basically a showcase of lab-grown superhumans. Just another day of scrolling and wondering where I went wrong.