Big painful abscess and low fever after injection? Help needed


New Member
Hi everyone. So I was back to my home country for a week, and I didn't pack any test for my trt because in Greece up until a year ago when i left, I was able to buy testosterone from the pharmacy without a script for 6 euros. So I came here, Noone was selling test anymore without prescription and I stayed without any injections for a whole month.
Two days ago a friend of mine managed to send me a bottle of test e from a the same supplier that I use (so I know it's g2g) but he had taken a few cc's out of the bottle. My friend always changes needles, and disinfects everything, so I don't think there was a pathogen introduced in the multidose vial.
I did 2ml of test e (500mg worth) to frontload because I was feeling like shit and then cruise at 125 in 5 days that I'll be away from Greece. I did a ventroglute injection, it did hurt a little bit as I was administration the oil but nothing much. After I pulled the needle out it started burning and a lump formed.
The burn went away. It was the kind of burn u get with high concentrate oils, it has happened before. The problem is my right asscheek is swollen and hard, painful to the touch, although not as much as the first day, and warm, which indicates inflammation.
It has happened to me before but not to that extent. Maybe the needle didn't go all the way in and I had a lot of oil under the skin and caused it? Idk.
I wouldn't be worried as I had injections that really hurt me for days in the past because I didn't insert the needle all the way to the muscle, but I've been having a low grade fever (37.4°C) and I don't know if it is a response to the inflammation, an actual infection of the injection site, or anything else, because my left tonsil kinda hurts.
I'm on 875/125mg amoxicillin/clavucanic acid 2 times a day just to be safe
I’d wager a guess it’s the ugl test enanthate itself. I’ve had to shelve two recent batches of test e from a respected local source because of the same issue. Test e raws have been off and on a problem in the ugl scene for a while now.
Hi everyone. So I was back to my home country for a week, and I didn't pack any test for my trt because in Greece up until a year ago when i left, I was able to buy testosterone from the pharmacy without a script for 6 euros. So I came here, Noone was selling test anymore without prescription and I stayed without any injections for a whole month.
Two days ago a friend of mine managed to send me a bottle of test e from a the same supplier that I use (so I know it's g2g) but he had taken a few cc's out of the bottle. My friend always changes needles, and disinfects everything, so I don't think there was a pathogen introduced in the multidose vial.
I did 2ml of test e (500mg worth) to frontload because I was feeling like shit and then cruise at 125 in 5 days that I'll be away from Greece. I did a ventroglute injection, it did hurt a little bit as I was administration the oil but nothing much. After I pulled the needle out it started burning and a lump formed.
The burn went away. It was the kind of burn u get with high concentrate oils, it has happened before. The problem is my right asscheek is swollen and hard, painful to the touch, although not as much as the first day, and warm, which indicates inflammation.
It has happened to me before but not to that extent. Maybe the needle didn't go all the way in and I had a lot of oil under the skin and caused it? Idk.
I wouldn't be worried as I had injections that really hurt me for days in the past because I didn't insert the needle all the way to the muscle, but I've been having a low grade fever (37.4°C) and I don't know if it is a response to the inflammation, an actual infection of the injection site, or anything else, because my left tonsil kinda hurts.
I'm on 875/125mg amoxicillin/clavucanic acid 2 times a day just to be safe
Your thinking about it too much. Get some more gear if it's that bad, hit a different spot in a week or so. You doubled up, so that could happen.
infections are usually red and the injection site warmer than the rest of the area, you could just have the test e pip like the other commenter said

just some pain and a bump isn't a big deal
Thanks for your inputs guys. I went to the hospital last night, turns out I have a small infection, I'm prescribed two different antibiotics and nsaids. I hope it'll go away. Lesson learned
I don't think it's the Test e pip. I've gotten similar reactions before but never something that big. The ugl is driada and I've been using them for years without a problem. I think the problem was the open vial, something mightve been introduced to the oil
a month or two before bodybuilding shows some drop testosterone to lean out as much as possible,

if you were in Greece for a month or two you could of just waited??
Dude I reread you were there FOR A WEEK
I feel like complete shit whenever I fall bellow 500ng/dl. I'm back in france doing my test u trt and feeling great again. 900-1200ng/dl is my sweet spot. Otherwise I get lethargic, cranky, no libido, zero energy, always tired. I was in Greece for a month and then 2 weeks in an another country, so it's a long time to be without test