Primo Ages You


TLDR: Just an interesting note, Test didn't "age" my appearance, Primo did.

Going back through pictures, I never experienced any "AAS aging" changes in my appearance until I added in primo.

I started (real) TRT a few years ago and eventually added Primo in at 30mg/week as my first additional AAS in 2023.
All I wanted it for was to bring my e2 down as it was at the top of the reference range, and it brought it down a little as desired..

Interestingly enough, if I look at pictures the month before, and the month after adding primo, I can visibly see my face aged (and has continued as expected since as I have increased AAS etc).

Higher amounts of aas of course age you, but seemingly test solo didn't, and with the addition of the smallest amount of primo - with no other drastic life changes, traumatic events, etc - it appears to have initiated my "AAS aging". at only 30mg/week yes it was an increased androgen load, but a very small one mg wise and about 20% percent wise, but as mentioned, the changes started quickly, I think a lot quicker than I would accredit to increased AAS exposure over time.

Of course there are many factors and I cannot technically 100% point the finger at the primo, but seemingly it caused notable aging in my face as per the photos two months apart.

Just an interesting note really - perhaps those considering adding in primo might find my experience interesting, or perhaps others had similar experiences.
None the less, have a great day
Could be the lowered estrogen causing less water retention & the less water filling out the skin gave you more of a droopy look appearing more “aged” as you said? I didn’t get this from primo, but then again I never really that payed much attention.
TLDR: Just an interesting note, Test didn't "age" my appearance, Primo did.

Going back through pictures, I never experienced any "AAS aging" changes in my appearance until I added in primo.

I started (real) TRT a few years ago and eventually added Primo in at 30mg/week as my first additional AAS in 2023.
All I wanted it for was to bring my e2 down as it was at the top of the reference range, and it brought it down a little as desired..

Interestingly enough, if I look at pictures the month before, and the month after adding primo, I can visibly see my face aged (and has continued as expected since as I have increased AAS etc).

Higher amounts of aas of course age you, but seemingly test solo didn't, and with the addition of the smallest amount of primo - with no other drastic life changes, traumatic events, etc - it appears to have initiated my "AAS aging". at only 30mg/week yes it was an increased androgen load, but a very small one mg wise and about 20% percent wise, but as mentioned, the changes started quickly, I think a lot quicker than I would accredit to increased AAS exposure over time.

Of course there are many factors and I cannot technically 100% point the finger at the primo, but seemingly it caused notable aging in my face as per the photos two months apart.

Just an interesting note really - perhaps those considering adding in primo might find my experience interesting, or perhaps others had similar experiences.
None the less, have a great day

I mean these are mostly things which are generally known about DHTs right?

I personally noticed not much with Primo apart from a dryer look and a bit more oily skin at 250 and above but with just 30mg's i think its something else. Bad sleep? Stress? Other hormones? Diet?
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primo, eq, DHB all seem to improve my complexion.
tren on the other hand is old-man in a bottle.

i've only been on test and tirz for a while now... my appearance is 'golden' now. tirz i blieve really improved my appearance by reducing inflammation.
Even ten years ago, I looked way, way more youthful. I look like a piece of old discarded leather, now. Fucking depressing. But I always wondered if AAS were accelerating the process. The difference between now and then is just... damn... seems way too much for just ten years. And I do use Primo, as well... but I seemed to start my decline when I started TRT in general. It wasn't until 5-6 years ago that I added the "plus."
I think it has something to do with sleep. Once I sorted my sleep no amount of gear has had a negative effect on my skin. Cpap for the win. Currently on 2g of primo.
Adding primo to TRT is retarded. Trying to nuke estradiol when it is already in range is retarded. Please stop listening to Vigorous Steve.
Adding primo to TRT is retarded. Trying to nuke estradiol when it is already in range is retarded. Please stop listening to Vigorous Steve.
FYI, numbnuts, I have never listened to "Vigorous Steve." What I have are years and years of labs showing my individual response to Primo. I also have with those labs metrics for E2 and know how I personally respond to varying levels. So fuck right off with the condescension and ego.
As mentioned, just a finding looking at pictures! As with the primo addition is really the true starting point of what i would call aas associated aging in myself. Skin quality didn't change, e2 didn't drop drastically or tank (down maybe 10-13 points from a high 40's / 50, I don't recall changes in sleep (but we are talking a few years ago).

I personally think the DHT derivative addition had a strong role in myself and perhaps they HAVE a strong role in the AAS associated aging seen in AAS users compared to some other anabolics (like test).
Single digit SHBG is probably causing roid face much more than low body fat is.
Dont know for the general population, but my SHBG was pretty low by nature prior going TRT, using DHT derivatives dumped it even more. It is still "too" low on paper. I dont know what you exactly mean by the term of "roid face", but Id interested to hear more what you exactly mean.

If I see some competitive athletes using the dosages "needed", yea, they definitly look way older than they are.
If I observe gym veterans who used / still use AAS for long periods of time it is the same.

My face changes using Primo aswell. Anytime I used it. And the short term effects come due to the reduction of E2 for me and a better condition since I just used it to cut. Didnt happen that much using just anavar e.g.

Doing it for a while now and people cannot guess my age, does not matter if on a cut or not. I always used to look younger than I was (Being younger it sucked, getting "older" its kinda nice).
However, this is just me, I just instantly store water in my face and even on lower BF my face does not match the condition compared to the rest of my body.

One of my best friends is the opposite.

But I do not belive this happens "over night" especially if you do not compete and erase literally the rest of your facial bodyfat aswell. Or running ridiculous amounts of DHT derivatives in general.

But this is just based on my observations and I cannot back it up by science so please take it that way.
Was reading something about changed collagen synthesis in the skin which makes sense to me but I do not remember any details, perhaps someone else here knows.