What did you inject today?

Last night: 300mg deca, 300mg test c, 7iu hgh, 1.4mg bpc157, 5mg tb500, 2500iu hcg, 10mg tirz

Ancillaries: propranolol, telmisartan, aromasin, t4, cialis.

Extras:creatine, taurine

Some of these are every day. But Sunday/Wednesday, when I inject the twice weekly stuff, I've come to realize I'm on a lot of shit. We are talking 6 separate pins.
Anoche: 300 mg de deca, 300 mg de test c, 7 UI de hgh, 1,4 mg de bpc157, 5 mg de tb500, 2500 UI de hcg, 10 mg de tirz

Auxiliares: propranolol, telmisartan, aromasin, t4, cialis.

Extras:creatina, taurina

Algunas de estas inyecciones son diarias, pero los domingos y miércoles, cuando me inyecto la inyección dos veces por semana, me doy cuenta de que estoy tomando mucha porquería. Estamos hablando de 6 inyecciones distintas.
6 pilla + 7 injections?
My trt++++++
Every 5 day
Test D 200mg
Deca. 150mg
Primo 200mg
Nad + 100mg
Mots-c 5mg
3 x aweek
Hcg 500iu
Glutathione 500mg
B12 2mg
Maybe able to start lifting a little next week.. see my surgeon 1 week from today... cardiologist tommarrow.. have been doing an indepth check on my health to get ready for next blast. Had a cat scan of my lungs, lymph nodes, heart and stuff last week..cause my doctor though I had a post optical blood clot in my lungs.. everything came back looking good, and I wanted the imaging done so cool.. my ekg has a little misfire so going to heart Dr. Tommarrow get that shit straight!! So far my heath is looking pretty dam good all things considered. Liver values is very good, kidney function is normal, bp is great my glucose is doing better. Gonna get a full workup next week with crp, a1c, and igf1, prolactin ect... get your health checked guys..
My trt++++++
Every 5 day
Test D 200mg
Deca. 150mg
Primo 200mg
Nad + 100mg
Mots-c 5mg
3 x aweek
Hcg 500iu
Glutathione 500mg
B12 2mg
Maybe able to start lifting a little next week.. see my surgeon 1 week from today... cardiologist tommarrow.. have been doing an indepth check on my health to get ready for next blast. Had a cat scan of my lungs, lymph nodes, heart and stuff last week..cause my doctor though I had a post optical blood clot in my lungs.. everything came back looking good, and I wanted the imaging done so cool.. my ekg has a little misfire so going to heart Dr. Tommarrow get that shit straight!! So far my heath is looking pretty dam good all things considered. Liver values is very good, kidney function is normal, bp is great my glucose is doing better. Gonna get a full workup next week with crp, a1c, and igf1, prolactin ect... get your health checked guys..
DView attachment 319459
Where did you get that cool luer lock vial cap?
Don’t have time to watch video right now, but I know primo will crash E2 in some people, but I never had a problem with EQ crashing E2. Instead, it put my E1 through the roof!I had to run an E2 and E1 sensitive assay to find out what was going on. I had all the hallmark symptoms of high or elevated E2, but bloodwork came back in normal range. I posted on here to see if anybody had any ideas and someone told me to check E1. I’m be damned, they were absolutely correct. Trying to get things leveled out after that was a nightmare.
i have the same experience with eq, thought i wouldn't need an ai and got awful acne plus bit of gyno growth
25mg test E
25mg tren E
25mg Ment E
25mg Eq
25mg deca

switched things up a bit. lowered doses. i like using multiple compounds at once, i find it works better than one singular compound at the same dosage.

total mg load for the week is 875mg

i load up all the gear i use for the week into a steril vial and than draw it using slin pins.
is that 9 total injections?
No all oils definitely go into the same syringe.
Nad+= Intramuscular/ daily
B-12 = Intramuscular /2x week
Glutathione =Intramuscular (night time)/3x week
Mots-c = Sub-q/ daily
HCG = Sub-q / 3x week
Reta= Sub-q. /1x week
Test/deca/primo= Intramuscular/ E5d
I've was out of town Tues/wed/Thurs and I had to get up early and travel Friday morning to get a chemical stress test and an echo cardiogram of my heart so I skipped on some of my admins this week so this morning I did all of them weather it was scheduled or not..
When I get back on cycle I will discontinue the Glutathione, mots-c drop the b-12 to 1x per week. I may keep the Nad+ but drop that to 3x week not sure.. I will also add back in tb500/bpc-157/ HGH..
I am designing my next cycle now. Im Going to train myself with a little consulting from a friend on the training and diet. I will see what the surgeon says on Tuesday about getting back to training.. I will probly train at current for 4 weeks before I hop back on. However I can't fucking wait... Looking forward to getting back at it.
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A yorkie, so it doesn't really matter if he shits on the floor; turds are like the size of a peanut shell. But I'd hate to have to clean it up if someone stepped in it and walked around the house.
Lol. I live in a cabin on the edge of woods/mountains. Mice are a real problem out here for my food storage. I decided to get a cat to hopefully put an end to that.

I have a service business and one of my customer’s neighbors had a stray kitten that I took on. I’m a dog person though. But I kept the kitten indoors until full grown. She’s a total weirdo. I never bought a container with litter for her to poop in because I let her loose on the property when I left home.

But while she was a kitten I let her sleep inside. Fortunately she only pooped in my shower. It was nasty but being that it was a shower I was ok with it because it was pretty easy to clean up. Some bleach spray and pick up with paper towels followed by turning the shower on was all it took.

I also have a bunch of other critters of many species and I became grateful that she was the smallest of the bunch by far. So I feel ya on the small turds lol. And I know this will rustle some jimmies but after my experience with that cat I’m dumbfounded at grown men that only have cats. Just weird to me. To each their own, I reckon. If I didn’t need rodent control there’s no way I’d have a cat lol.