Time to drop a review. First order with Opti, hopefully not the last.

Got the Gold Tops - packaging looks clean, professional, and the gold caps add a nice touch. Delivery took just over a week, no complaints. Finishing up my HGH from Q, then switching to Opti at 3iu. Ordering through the website was smooth, though I still prefer email, but whatever, it works.

Now, onto the negatives, though this is more of a personal nitpick than an actual issue. Communication is basically nonexistent. No reply to my email, no “Thanks for your order, bro!”, no “Shipping soon, king!” Just radio silence. Feels weird not getting at least one unnecessary “bro” thrown my way - it’s basically part of the experience at this point.

Quality-wise, Jano tests look solid. Now I’m just curious if I’ll actually notice a difference compared to Q’s HGH - assuming there’s even anything to notice at all.
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Time to drop a review. First order with Opti, hopefully not the last.

Got the Gold Tops - packaging looks clean, professional, and the gold caps add a nice touch. Delivery took just over a week, no complaints. Finishing up my HGH from Q, then switching to Opti at 3iu. Ordering through the website was smooth, though I still prefer email, but whatever, it works.

Now, onto the negatives, though this is more of a personal nitpick than an actual issue. Communication is basically nonexistent. No reply to my email, no “Thanks for your order, bro!”, no “Shipping soon, king!” Just radio silence. Feels weird not getting at least one unnecessary “bro” thrown my way - it’s basically part of the experience at this point.

Quality-wise, Jano tests look solid. Now I’m just curious if I’ll actually notice a difference compared to Q’s HGH - assuming there’s even anything to notice at all.
Let me know if you notice a difference, I’m also running q gh and was looking at Optis stuff lately and was wondering the same
Time to drop a review. First order with Opti, hopefully not the last.

Got the Gold Tops - packaging looks clean, professional, and the gold caps add a nice touch. Delivery took just over a week, no complaints. Finishing up my HGH from Q, then switching to Opti at 3iu. Ordering through the website was smooth, though I still prefer email, but whatever, it works.

Now, onto the negatives, though this is more of a personal nitpick than an actual issue. Communication is basically nonexistent. No reply to my email, no “Thanks for your order, bro!”, no “Shipping soon, king!” Just radio silence. Feels weird not getting at least one unnecessary “bro” thrown my way - it’s basically part of the experience at this point.

Quality-wise, Jano tests look solid. Now I’m just curious if I’ll actually notice a difference compared to Q’s HGH - assuming there’s even anything to notice at all.
There is a reason….. for plausible deniability from both parties… did u order? NOpe not a fucken clue whatchu talkin bout willace….
I can’t seem to find the Pastebin here, could some one please direct me or at least tell me how to find it? Still new here

How did you run it? mg, with test, etc? Just curious to hear from somebody experienced without all of the garbage arguments that pop up in threads about primo.

I was recently running it with my trt. My trt is 150mg and I ran the primo at 100. It was actually my first time doing it at that dose. In the past when I ran it I ran it at a 1:1 (150/150). My favorite to date was testosterone cyp @ 400 and primoE @ 750. Primo has never effected my e2 and at first when I started seeing guys claim it did theirs I called BS, but now there is quite a few guys who says it does so I leave it alone. Guess we really do all respond differently. My labs are the same while on primo as they are while not on it.

Currently taking a primo break and running Masteron.
I was recently running it with my trt. My trt is 150mg and I ran the primo at 100. It was actually my first time doing it at that dose. In the past when I ran it I ran it at a 1:1 (150/150). My favorite to date was testosterone cyp @ 400 and primoE @ 750. Primo has never effected my e2 and at first when I started seeing guys claim it did theirs I called BS, but now there is quite a few guys who says it does so I leave it alone. Guess we really do all respond differently. My labs are the same while on primo as they are while not on it.

Currently taking a primo break and running Masteron.
I tried running 250 test c and 150 primo last summer and the primo didn’t crash my e2 but it was bottom of the ‘normal’ range and my libido was RIP. Was one occasion where the flesh was willing but the spirit was weak lmao

The primo did seemingly wreck my lipids though, even at that dose. I am trying Masteron now. I’m only running 150 test and 100 mast e and gonna see if i fair better with e2 and lipids with mast while just on trt dose of test c. No labs yet but so far, I feel damn good on Masteron. Pee all the time though.
I tried running 250 test c and 150 primo last summer and the primo didn’t crash my e2 but it was bottom of the ‘normal’ range and my libido was RIP. Was one occasion where the flesh was willing but the spirit was weak lmao

The primo did seemingly wreck my lipids though, even at that dose. I am trying Masteron now. I’m only running 150 test and 100 mast e and gonna see if i fair better with e2 and lipids with mast while just on trt dose of test c. No labs yet but so far, I feel damn good on Masteron. Pee all the time though.

I’m absolutely loving Masteron and my wife is enjoying the benefits of me running it as well ;)

Run that primo high and testosterone just moderately high just once and report back. YOLO. lol. Kidding but that is my favorite way to run it and most things actually but again, it doesn’t affect my labs. Crazy to read it does some of you guys. For decades the vets said if you run primo run it at a high dose of say a gram. Well, we know that guys weren’t running two grams of testosterone to combat their e2 crashing. This is why between it not affecting my labs and knowing how primo was ran up until recent years, when I started seeing guys reporting crashed e2 I scratched my head at it.
I’m absolutely loving Masteron and my wife is enjoying the benefits of me running it as well ;)

Run that primo high and testosterone just moderately high just once and report back. YOLO. lol. Kidding but that is my favorite way to run it and most things actually but again, it doesn’t affect my labs. Crazy to read it does some of you guys. For decades the vets said if you run primo run it at a high dose of say a gram. Well, we know that guys weren’t running two grams of testosterone to combat their e2 crashing. This is why between it not affecting my labs and knowing how primo was ran up until recent years, when I started seeing guys reporting crashed e2 I scratched my head at it.
I don’t know why it lets me comment on here but not ‘like’ comments on this thread. It lets me on others. Anyhoo.

Yeah it just goes to show that no two people’s physiology is going to be the same and react the same to compounds. I’ve had a couple bottles of NPP for a while that I want to use but keep talking myself out of it for fear that I’ll be in the ‘depressed, no libido’ camp of guys.

Some guys take 200mg of test and are 1200ng/dl easy. I take 350mg and am 850ng/dl lmao and that’s with both empower usp test c as well as UGL. I have a USP script. It’s horseshit I used to respond better, like 8 years ago 200mgs would get me 900-1000 ng/dl but, evidently something has changed.

I also never run an ai, yet even on 200+ mgs a weeks of test, my e2 will be under 30. Doesn’t change much if I up the t dose to 350 either. And even though my e2 is low, here’s another one for ya, I will get gyno in left tit even on a trt dose even running t only. Even daily micro injections sub q, still get Gyno. Have to keep raloxifene on hand for when the problem arises. It knocks it out. Then a few months later, gotta take another couple weeks worth of raloxifene. Prolactin normal.

Bodies are weird man, and I am convinced that none of us really know what we are doing you may know today, but your shit could change tomorrow too.
I tried running 250 test c and 150 primo last summer and the primo didn’t crash my e2 but it was bottom of the ‘normal’ range and my libido was RIP. Was one occasion where the flesh was willing but the spirit was weak lmao

The primo did seemingly wreck my lipids though, even at that dose. I am trying Masteron now. I’m only running 150 test and 100 mast e and gonna see if i fair better with e2 and lipids with mast while just on trt dose of test c. No labs yet but so far, I feel damn good on Masteron. Pee all the time though.
it seems as though people really like the "Mental Uplift" that Masterone gives even at smaller doses,,
it seems as though people really like the "Mental Uplift" that Masterone gives even at smaller doses,,
It’s hard to tell cuz I started reta with the mast e. 1mg reta/100mg mast e. I know for some folks, reta can make you feel uplifted too. But I do feel a lot better on this combo. Just feel more mentally with it, more motivated and just, “good”. Hard to explain. But I honestly felt that way for about the first month of primo last year too. And that faded out. Hoping this doesn’t.

Honestly hard to tell what’s placebo and what’s not, but that being said….placebo is a helluva drug

