Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just admit you hate brown people from other countries and let’s move on, no need for mental gymnastics about H1B fraud. It’s really a non issue relative to the other shit we got going on like a president setting the country back a century.
I knew the discussion was going to take a tangent as soon as H1B was dragged into it.
A classic libtard lmao
I'm convinced they are all mentally ill and want to see our country fail. I mean look at their last president who wasn't even mentally capable of running the country. Now they are making TikTok videos acting like video game fighting stances with "attributes", the clown show just keeps on coming, the American people are fed up with the delusional nonsense and it shows as we won and will continue to win against these weird losers for a long time to come. They are embarrassing for our country, it's literally disgusting.
I'm convinced they are all mentally ill and want to see our country fail. I mean look at their last president who wasn't even mentally capable of running the country. Now they are making TikTok videos acting like video game fighting stances with "attributes", the clown show just keeps on coming, the American people are fed up with the delusional nonsense and it shows as we won and will continue to win against these weird losers for a long time to come. They are embarrassing for our country, it's literally disgusting.
Tell us how your life is personally better or worse. That is the real gauge of things. If you are looking for cheap chinese meds that tells a lot about your personal situation. A lot of those libs will not be found doing that. They're the ones that buy from american compounders because they just don't trust stuff from the 3rd world (bubble boy), or UGL is somewhat illegal.
Your hypocritical self is up in China and Indian Pharma shouting "they want murreca to do bad" . Kindly leave this thread and stick to only domestic labs for all your purchases, else you're just playing to a gallery that no one is watching
Tell us how your life is personally better or worse. That is the real gauge of things. If you are looking for cheap chinese meds that tells a lot about your personal situation. A lot of those libs will not be found doing that. They're the ones that buy from american compounders because they just don't trust stuff from the 3rd world (bubble boy), or UGL is somewhat illegal.
Your hypocritical self is up in China and Indian Pharma shouting "they want murreca to do bad" . Kindly leave this thread and stick to only domestic labs for all your purchases, else you're just playing to a gallery that no one is watching
Your a retarded libtard, no sense in trying to reason with you I've already learned long ago you're all mentally ill and can't understand reason.
Who says we are operating at the same level? Your beneath me peasant. Go make some more TikTok videos and hold up your little signs. Losers.
Again, you are looking for cheap meds. That says it all. You aren't special bro. As long as you buy from these cheap sources, you are operating on the same level. :D . All those your extra IQ points couldn't be converted to dollars...
what a shame
Can anyone give me their recommendations for an alternate UGL until Sigma is back on? Specifically Semeglutide. Cant find anyone in other threads that comes close to Sigmas prices.
Can anyone give me their recommendations for an alternate UGL until Sigma is back on? Specifically Semeglutide. Cant find anyone in other threads that comes close to Sigmas prices.
There are a few if sources if you search, though I can't recommend any. They're all the same. It's all about time/chance/luck

