Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Does anybody know how qsc was making her dhb? Does it contain Guaiacol in it? Or she was making it with mct oil bb and ba only?
I never saw it mentioned about qsc dhb. but just in my short experience of ordering a vial without guaiacol from another seller it crashed even in 100*f weather. So if it's not crashing that might be a good indicator that there's guaiacol.
Crap forgot that was lobster. Hopefully something's been permanently changed to prevent it in the future. I'm not sure if anyone has tried SSA's 36iu yet
Don’t listen to his shit. Lobster is one of few vendors consistently selling high quality HGH. From what I remember there was one member who reported a single vial without vacuum. After that dozens of members have ordered and found no issues. Ghoul doesn’t buy HGH from anyone. He doesn’t use HGH. He doesn’t test any products. He just spouts nonsense he reads on the internet all day.
To my surprise I received my products from qsc but how do I know which peptide is which?
I ordered bpc/tb, reta, epitalon and thymosin alpha 1. Obviously I’m missing one but I’m not stressing that just need to know what’s what.


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To my surprise I received my products from qsc but how do I know which peptide is which?
I ordered bpc/tb, reta, epitalon and thymosin alpha 1. Obviously I’m missing one but I’m not stressing that just need to know what’s what.
All the boxes have codes on them. There is lists of them all. Hold on I’ll quote them
What are you hoping to get out of 2.5 ius of growth??????
I’ve seen countless Reddit threads suggesting that 2–3 IU is the sweet spot for lipolysis. In my experience, it wasn’t until the rise of extremely affordable Chinese suppliers that higher doses—like 8 IU—became more common. Based on my research, 2.5 IU seems to be a solid “replacement plus” dose for maintaining fat loss during a bulk. But if you have different insights, I’d love to learn!
To my surprise I received my products from qsc but how do I know which peptide is which?
I ordered bpc/tb, reta, epitalon and thymosin alpha 1. Obviously I’m missing one but I’m not stressing that just need to know what’s what.
I got screamed at in this thread for describing the label on test vials but it's cool to just post pics
To my surprise I received my products from qsc but how do I know which peptide is which?
I ordered bpc/tb, reta, epitalon and thymosin alpha 1. Obviously I’m missing one but I’m not stressing that just need to know what’s what.
your asking about 4 different peptides and only have 3 pictures?
Don’t listen to his shit. Lobster is one of few vendors consistently selling high quality HGH. From what I remember there was one member who reported a single vial without vacuum. After that dozens of members have ordered and found no issues. Ghoul doesn’t buy HGH from anyone. He doesn’t use HGH. He doesn’t test any products. He just spouts nonsense he reads on the internet all day.
It was not a single vial; it has been every vial I have reconstituted. There were others that received vials without vacuum, but I don't think they wanted to come forward to voice their concerns after they observed the treatment I received.

I submitted 2 vials to Jano, and only 1 was tested to my knowledge. How can we know that 2 were not tested and only the best result was submitted? Also, how do you explain Lobster conveniently coming up with vials that he could not produce earlier? I think he is honestly just trying to protect his business. The vial I submitted came back with less than stellar results and I assume everyone thinks that I didn't store it properly. On my honor, I stored in the refrigerator as soon as I received it and even shipped my vials to Jano express shipping at Lobsters insistence. Let's not forget, that when they were shipped to me, they were not shipped express, and spent weeks in transit.

I have no doubt that Lobster produces some of the best GH on this forum, but I don't think he is infallible. He produced vials that had no vacuum and it was brought to the attention of the board before I made my purchase. I purchased after it was stated that the product in January would have vacuum. I was surprised when I reconstituted to find I was mislead. It was even stated that it would be a good idea to make buyers of the affected vials aware of the issue before purchase; that did not happen.

There are those that have said they would still use the product and honestly what choice do I have? It would be hard to justify throwing out GH that I paid good money for. I like that it reconstitutes crystal clear and no bubble form, but I do believe it either degraded from no vacuum or it was less than optimal when it was produced. My problem is I was under the assumption I would be getting the best there was to offer and not something that was already questioned by another member. Imagine ordering something from Amazon or any other online retailer and it comes to you with a defect. Would you accept the defect because it will still work, or would you want an undamaged product. Maybe a discount could have been offered for subpar GH.

I have lost faith in the members of this board that I originally had some regard for. I thought I was part of a harm reduction board where members had each others backs. There are some members here that do seem to be interested in harm reduction, but they are constantly criticized and I honestly don't know why they even bother trying to help. If there are those that find the harm reduction members annoying, why not just ignore them? I think if this would have been some other vendor, members would have stuck with me, but obviously there are people here that will believe anything Lobster tells them and are ready to bring out the pitchforks anytime he is questioned.
I ordered right before they cut out. I ordered test E. On my labels it says esssential oils (which I understand is discreet shipping) but in smaller print in parenthesis it’s labeled (Tren-H). The liquid is clear so I’m just confused. Why would they put the name of a different illegal substance on the bottle if it was not in fact said substance? I’ve just been on 50mg for 3 days and feel pretty pissy so just worried I’m doing Tren lol.
Oh look another person incapable of using the search function