MESO-Rx Exclusive Maximum Steroid Trafficking Sentencing Double Due to Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Act


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Rick Collins, leading steroid legal expert from Collins, McDonald & Gann, has released an analysis of the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008 that doubles maximum steroid trafficking sentences. President Bush signed the legislation on October 15, 2008 to put an end to the illegal sale of highly addictive prescription drugs on the Internet to ensure a safer future for our children.

Most importantly, the law increases the maximum sentence for selling anabolic steroids (and other schedule III drugs) from 5 years to 10 years (up to 15 years if use of the drug causes death or serious bodily injury)

For those with a prior drug conviction, the maximum increases from 10 to 20 years (up to 30 years if use of the drug causes death or serious bodily injury)

Rick Collins, leading steroid legal expert from Collins, McDonald & Gann, has released an analysis of the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008 that doubles maximum steroid trafficking sentences. President Bush signed the legislation on October 15, 2008 to put an end to the illegal sale of highly addictive prescription drugs on the Internet to ensure a safer future for our children.

Hey thanks for posting this gem up. Many of us wouldn't even known about this without it.
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This kind of stuff really pisses me the artical Millard tells us the legislations namesake is a kid who overdosed on vicodan...some dumbass out there kills himself and new laws are passed because of it. I don't get my gear from online pharmacy's, but I do get my PCT supplies from them, and if it becomes impossible to get my PCT i'll probably still use gear, and this "Consumer Protection Act" will have done nothing but make my cycles more dangerous than they already are! Good job, thanks a lot fuckers! and that is my rant of the day.

This kind of stuff really pisses me the artical Millard tells us the legislations namesake is a kid who overdosed on vicodan...some dumbass out there kills himself and new laws are passed because of it. I don't get my gear from online pharmacy's, but I do get my PCT supplies from them, and if it becomes impossible to get my PCT i'll probably still use gear, and this "Consumer Protection Act" will have done nothing but make my cycles more dangerous than they already are! Good job, thanks a lot fuckers! and that is my rant of the day.

I think the Ryan Haight Act only applies to controlled substances ordered via the Internet.
I dont know... I kinda liked the article on the front page about the accidental overdose with the Blow, xanax and whatever else it was. I dont know what anyone knows here, but heard it from a very good source that you are pretty much a dumbass if you mix the three. I think the third was a oxycontin. As i understand it, it is risky enough to use a benzopine to come down from a coke high. You throw in the codone on top of all that and if you have been up for a few days scarfin some lines, you are pretty fucking exhausted!!!! WHAT THEY FAILED TO MENTION was, the juice was probably the only thing that kept him alive as long as he was!!!!!


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