my godtropin GH is cloudy

Ed Plucker

New Member
OK I just put 100% sterile bacterostatic water and the GH reconstituted ok but its a bit cloudy. There's not a damn thing wrong with the water. Its direct from one vial to the next via syringe. Insert says toss cloudy GH and I have had this problem in that I ran out of distilled water and my lazy ass didn't think to get any. Should I just toss this shit? Please tell me straight please don't fuck with my. I just potentially lost 24iu of very good pure and potent hGH.
OK I just put 100% sterile bacterostatic water and the GH reconstituted ok but its a bit cloudy. There's not a damn thing wrong with the water. Its direct from one vial to the next via syringe. Insert says toss cloudy GH and I have had this problem in that I ran out of distilled water and my lazy ass didn't think to get any. Should I just toss this shit? Please tell me straight please don't fuck with my. I just potentially lost 24iu of very good pure and potent hGH.

Sounds off to me. Not being Pharma HGh and having pinned several vials of the stuff myself without ever feeling real sides I am curious to know exactly why you believe your generic is pure and potent when research says only a few well funded labs can even make the stuff?
Do you not normally use bacteriostatic water for your Hgh? That's all I've ever used and never had an issue with cloudy.
Dude for sure my drugs are legit. I use a domesic source who makes some of the most powerful injectable steroids, I have a hGH source in China from whom I got some Angtropin. I have used hGH before, I used Serostim and Humatrope for three months at a time and I am actually getting better results with generic Chinese hGH. The Chinese obviously have stolen the patent on recombinant DNA technology and using e-coil bacteria that is injected with a pryon which encodes specific genes to create a different substance. Gh is easy producable by a well know once trade secrets and the patent on hGH has expired. So the technology to use Ecoli bacteria which has enormous creative power and we should respect it. I think its because God favors us as we were made in his image and he came to us in ours.
Do you not normally use bacteriostatic water for your Hgh? That's all I've ever used and never had an issue with cloudy.
No I normally only use distilled water because that shit is sterile meaning nothing growing in it and nothing alive in it. With distiled water I am getting the best results ever using 4-7iu of hGH - Godtropin and angtropin. Everytime I have used bacteriostatic water it has fucked up my GH and I just moved so I couldn't get to the store but Im about to go here in a minute.
You are full of shit :)

No I normally only use distilled water because that shit is sterile meaning nothing growing in it and nothing alive in it. With distiled water I am getting the best results ever using 4-7iu of hGH - Godtropin and angtropin. Everytime I have used bacteriostatic water it has fucked up my GH and I just moved so I couldn't get to the store but Im about to go here in a minute.
i have been on my cycle and really have good out come of it
got a good person i also take my stuff from and are really original
he is fast in shipment and stuff are great you can pm if you might

he is a great supply if i may say
i have been on my cycle and really have good out come of it
got a good person i also take my stuff from and are really original
he is fast in shipment and stuff are great you can pm if you

he is a great supply if i may say
Stop spamming fuck head!!!!
No I normally only use distilled water because that shit is sterile meaning nothing growing in it and nothing alive in it. With distiled water I am getting the best results ever using 4-7iu of hGH - Godtropin and angtropin. Everytime I have used bacteriostatic water it has fucked up my GH and I just moved so I couldn't get to the store but Im about to go here in a minute.
i have been on my cycle and really have good out come of it
got a good person i also take my stuff from and are really original
he is fast in shipment and stuff are great you can pm if you might

he is a great supply if i may say

Go fuck yourselves. The both of you.

