Should prisons have weight rooms for convicts?

Should prisons have weight rooms for convicts?

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MESO-Rx Administrator

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Let them lift but use it as a privilege that can be taken away if a con steps out of line.
Also after most workouts I’m spent and would rather eat and chill than go stir up some shit. If someone is passionate about something they’ll find a way regardless, a trash bag inside a pillowcase makes for some decent weight, they’ve got nothing but time and can get quite creative.
As the article points out, protein is like gold behind bars, if they screw up yank the protein or better yet make all protein come from soy, that would have an impact on testosterone/Estrogen and perhaps turn them into submissive little bitches like we have on the outside...
That’s it, that’s why you have repeat offenders and so much crime because most of them have it better inside and don’t mind going back.

You think that the US has so much crime and repeat offenders because prison is a luxury?

The US has no focus on criminal reform... They just have a mentality like you do, make it hell inside so they hate it. Probably why the US prison system is an unmitigated disaster and other developed countries prevent repeat offenders and turn convicts into productive members of society when they get out. Probably won't happen here because the for profit prisons prefer to, you know, make a profit.
I made some mistakes and paid for them and still do today. Some people think criminals are scum and some know that some criminals are actually good hard working people that just made 1 or a few bad decisions. I did 3.5 years in a NJ state prison. Lifting weights during that period saved me!!.. gave me something to focus on and something to take my pain out on!! It takes alot of discipline to workout daily and to actually work a program.. I truly vieve all prisons and county jails should have a cable machine or 2. And if you fuck up you lose recreation privileges.. anyone who has done some time knows what I'm saying. The reason I lift today and I have built this body is from the passion foe weights that started in prison. And today that'l discipline to eat healthy and work a exercise program helps keep me focused determined and dedicated to myself my family and my life goals. All that hard work and discipline skills over into all aspects of your life. Well it has.for me anyway. And to the people that wanna say make prisons horrible and whatever.. most of the guys in the system are non violent decent guys that made 1 bad call andgot fucked over because they couldn't afford a lawyer and got screwed by the.system.. unless you or someone you know has been through the.system then you shouldn't talk about it as if you "know".. you dont.. and it's good that you don't. I wish I didn't. I have 2 kids a family a home and a career.. that's discipline started in a prison weight room.
My opinion.
Those guys who are repeat offenders, will repeat offend, it is what it is, the weights arent going to change that.

The guys who want to reform, will reform (Not because the system helps... it fuxking doesnt) but because they WANT it, then the weights will help

Maybe if we focused on reform instead of "Fuck em" we would have less guys sitting in the can.
Maybe if we focused on education, we would have more successful people.

So many guys I met and employed, turned to crime because even if they got straight A's in school, they still wont be going to college or University, they were fucked before they were born.
So why bother?

Let them have weights
My opinion.
Those guys who are repeat offenders, will repeat offend, it is what it is, the weights arent going to change that.

The guys who want to reform, will reform (Not because the system helps... it fuxking doesnt) but because they WANT it, then the weights will help

Maybe if we focused on reform instead of "Fuck em" we would have less guys sitting in the can.
Maybe if we focused on education, we would have more successful people.

So many guys I met and employed, turned to crime because even if they got straight A's in school, they still wont be going to college or University, they were fucked before they were born.
So why bother?

Let them have weights

The whole reform thing doesnt count for shit like pedophiles etc.
Lock em up in gen pop, eliminate their ability to go into protective custody and throw away the fucking key.

There is no reforming those pieces of trash
Convicts are people. How would you do if you were put in a hole for years with three shit meals and nothing else to live for or hope for. You'd be a broken person when you got out, if you didnt kill yourself first.

I think opportunities for exercise, education, etc, should be offered, and those with the initiative to better themselves will take it. They're productive outlets, exactly what people with more freedom do in their free time. And, as demonstrated by first hand accounts in this thread, the productive benefits reach far beyond the any cell wall.
My dad was locked up for 8 years throughout most of the nineties. When he first arrived, they were allowed to lift as much weight as they wanted to. But at some point, I guess the powers that be, decided that they didn't like the idea of the convicts being stronger than the guards, so they limited the amount of weights they were allowed to use, down to something like 160-180lbs.
My dad was locked up for 8 years throughout most of the nineties. When he first arrived, they were allowed to lift as much weight as they wanted to. But at some point, I guess the powers that be, decided that they didn't like the idea of the convicts being stronger than the guards, so they limited the amount of weights they were allowed to use, down to something like 160-180lbs.
180 in each hand? Yeah sounds good too me :)
For some people, there is a moral panic over prisoners who still have the freedom to work out and lift weights while incarcerated. They feel weightlifting convicts are a threat to society. John Hoberman discusses this in his article:

What are your thoughts?
Absolutely they should have access to weights. A lot of people get hung up on the punishment aspect of prison and don’t think enough about rehabilitation.

Ultimately, the goal is to have the prisoners leave prison as productive members of society. Denying them the means to better themselves, whether it be through weightlifting or access to educational programs, essentially ensures a high rate of recidivism.
Absolutely they should have access to weights. A lot of people get hung up on the punishment aspect of prison and don’t think enough about rehabilitation.

Ultimately, the goal is to have the prisoners leave prison as productive members of society. Denying them the means to better themselves, whether it be through weightlifting or access to educational programs, essentially ensures a high rate of recidivism.
This is damn near spot on. Some people or crimes aren't fixable .. but 90% are .. knowledge is the key to freedom!! Millions of dollars go to the prison system.. by teaching them and possibly giving them a skill we get some return in the investment.
I thought they did? Even in jail we made water bag weights and improvised pulley systems using the bars and bedsheets and the bags of waterbag weights.
I like how you know about "water bags".. they were awesome. Could get them pretty damn.heavy!!!.. some of the best workouts I've ever had and best lifting buddies I've ever had were in jail..
Absolutely they should have access to weights. A lot of people get hung up on the punishment aspect of prison and don’t think enough about rehabilitation.

Ultimately, the goal is to have the prisoners leave prison as productive members of society. Denying them the means to better themselves, whether it be through weightlifting or access to educational programs, essentially ensures a high rate of recidivism.

This is damn near spot on. Some people or crimes aren't fixable .. but 90% are .. knowledge is the key to freedom!! Millions of dollars go to the prison system.. by teaching them and possibly giving them a skill we get some return in the investment.
You guys ever check out Nordic prisons?

Their reform rate is crazy good.

They do things like have a "Grocery store" on the block.. where inmates have to use their allotted credits to buy and cook their own food.
Teaching them the basics of self worth and performance.

I've never done time,
I did t understand how little some of these guys were taught by their parents and families until I starting hiring ex cons and talking to them.
Sometimes not even the fucking basics.

Had a hilarious moment 4 years ago in my crew cab, had 4 guys with me... all talking about their stints.
I couldnt stop laughing, as I was the only guy on the crew who had never done been on the block
They were great guys, hard workers.

Because they got a shot, in that truck I had 2 murderers, but they got paid full union wages
They were "Write offs" to society... but right now they're both well respected foremen in different companies.
I still keep up with those guys, they're doing well.

Go figure, when you give a HUMAN an opportunity and dont treat them like shit... they do well

Who would have thought....
For some people, there is a moral panic over prisoners who still have the freedom to work out and lift weights while incarcerated. They feel weightlifting convicts are a threat to society. John Hoberman discusses this in his article:

What are your thoughts?
Most of those prisoners will someday be released back into society. The prison system in general already only makes mentally ill people even more mentally ill. Why take away something like weights and make that even worse? We need to help these people be mentally more fit and healthy so they don't get released and cause further damage to society.

Also, how about all the non-violent offenders too? It's not like prisons are ONLY filled with rapists and murderers--far from it. Some guy that was selling weed or committed fraud or tax evasion or had a drug addiction and wound up in prison doesn't deserve to have their access to a physically and mentally healthy hobby taken away. The idea that someone thinks that is a good idea is fucking ridiculous. Have fun when these guys get released and are worse than ever, prison is already bad enough, there's no need to make it even worse. Honestly we should be feeding (most) prisoners healthy foods, giving them counseling and therapy, and allowing them to find hobbies and pursue learning so when they get out they can contribute to society in a positive way. That is just objectively going to be better for everyone in the country.
They shouldn’t get shit at all but 3 terrible meals and a cot. That’s it, that’s why you have repeat offenders and so much crime because most of them have it better inside and don’t mind going back. This world never ceases to amaze me.
Attitudes like this one are the reason there are so many repeat offenders.

You honestly believe that locking someone up, treating them like shit and then releasing into the same situation that they came from when they were arrested without teaching them life skills is going to result in their reform?

Give your head a shake, man.