Labmax test results

Hey flenser it would be nice to test some PEP var. if somebody could get you 1 cap that would be nice.

I'm sure Pep's var will be tested very soon. I know of at least two Pep customers who said they ordered a kit.
Well this explains why my feet and hands hurt from the water retention!!! It's really only been this week, but its also my 4th week on them, I can honestly say that I'm on dbol and not var as my last 3 var cycles I had NO water retention...I'm not sure I can put the blame on Astro as it is SX's product, but now that he knows, hopefully he will discontinue selling this crap...
Well this explains why my feet and hands hurt from the water retention!!! It's really only been this week, but its also my 4th week on them, I can honestly say that I'm on dbol and not var as my last 3 var cycles I had NO water retention...I'm not sure I can put the blame on Astro as it is SX's product, but now that he knows, hopefully he will discontinue selling this crap...

He has. You should be the first one to be replaced. He committed to replacing those with his.
If anyone wants to test what I have, I'm willing to send my SX var tabs, not to bust Astros balls, but to prove SX sells shit "var"...

So the SX Var is verified crap & the Astro Var is priced pretty low which is nice but concerning at the same time. Does anyone plan on testing the Astro Var?
If anyone wants to test what I have, I'm willing to send my SX var tabs, not to bust Astros balls, but to prove SX sells shit "var"...

To be honest, Myth, I would have been surprised if anything Sx sold was top notch quality. They have a pattern of dodgy behavior that lends itself to skepticism and doubt. If a source is willing to underfill vials, short people on tabs, etc, then that is an indicator of their overall approach. Why would the same company doing all of those things, adamantly demand that their orals contain exactly what they are supposed to? There are honest mistakes, and then there is blatant dishonesty. One is forgiveable, the other not-so-much!
PM me for info on my Var...actaully a member asked test Sx var and mine so there should be another test her within a week or so. There's a good reason I parted ways but I still never thought he'd stoop to that level.

If anyone wants to test what I have, I'm willing to send my SX var tabs, not to bust Astros balls, but to prove SX sells shit "var"...
The price is actaully what the rest of the sources should price it at. It's expensive but not that expensive to where it should ever be $100 for 100 10mg tabs. I could always raise it though :)

I'm sure someone will test it. A member offered to test Sx var and mine so of course I said yes but I'm sure without me knowing a test will take place.

So the SX Var is verified crap & the Astro Var is priced pretty low which is nice but concerning at the same time. Does anyone plan on testing the Astro Var?
Astro Mast P - pass

Note the color in test a is orange instead of the bright green I expected. The lab max rep explained that I waited too long to take the pic. I did see green when I first added the oil, but not for the 2-3 minutes the instructions say. It was more like 30 seconds. We're going to have to be careful with these tests. It's pretty easy to get it wrong.

Dscn4142.jpg Dscn4146.jpg Dscn4148.jpg
AMA Mast P - fail

I waited too long with this one as well, but it started out red and just got darker. I didn't waste a test b vial, since AMA is closed and I'm the only one I know who has any.

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It's probably good they are closed!!! How does Mast compare cost wise? Isn't it fairly expensive too? If that is the case then I could see a lot of fake Mast. Maybe replaced with eq or deca? Anyone care to chime in on it.
Great info!!! Any plans no testing Maxgrowth? I'm sure they are gtg since my brother has been making all kinds of gains from his test e and deca but for everyone's peace of mind.
I gave away the Astro tren a, but I'm getting one back for testing soon. I got this pretty soon after Astro opened, so it might be Sx tren. Don't know if there's any way to distinguish the vials between Sx and his new supplier.

I also have BIO and Astro mast e which isn't on the chart. Not sure if I should test these. I know what will happen if the results are different, and even with my bias I would hardly consider that reasonable. Any suggestions?
Great info!!! Any plans no testing Maxgrowth? I'm sure they are gtg since my brother has been making all kinds of gains from his test e and deca but for everyone's peace of mind.

I only have his test e. I don't plan to test that.
I say test them who knows they both may come out the same. And if they are different then they are different. Let the community judge it.
Astro Mast P - pass

Note the color in test a is orange instead of the bright green I expected. The lab max rep explained that I waited too long to take the pic. I did see green when I first added the oil, but not for the 2-3 minutes the instructions say.

I did test my mast also I got also confused but the chart says initial color, I was not paying attention, then I have see the movie about testing mast

Video demonstrating how to detect steroids at home with test kit.

where they show mast test, you can see that the initial color is green then turns in something yellow fast and you need to UV light to make sure