I am the one who brought this labmax steroid testing kit to everyones attention. A friend of mine by the name of Joebig was doing a bunch of tests these past few months, and the results were brought to everyones attention over at AB. We should have posted pics, but thats neither here nor there. We had no reason to lie or falsify any of the findings, so either you believed us or you didnt.
But just my opinion, you personally cant donate pills or vials for the testing. That is shady, and you could specifically make a correct product and its dosing for the test. Not saying you would do that, but its possible. These tests were done at random, so no one knew but a few people what we were doing, or who we even bought off of.
I think this kit is a good start to keep sponsors honest.
Also, this kit doesnt test for primobolon. But I guarantee you it will very soon. I am personally sending the company a bayer primobolon depot ampule that I know is legit. How do I know? I use them, and they come direct from turkey, no middleman, or shady bullshit. I plan on taking care of this when I have some free time in january. So hang tight. All the primo fakers beware, this test is going to expose some of you guys cutting corners..
What you can do, since the test doesnt test for primobolon, use the test for what labs use instead of primobolon. Test it for EQ, Deca, or NPP.