Search results for query: Ethyl oleate

  1. tubesox

    Possible infection

    Do you know if the product contains ethyl oleate?
  2. RagingBlizzardLeapOfFaith

    Revalor 200 turning green when adding Lye solution.

    ...anyway Superman I took this into account and what I did was crush the cow pellets as they came and then dissolve them in the BA, BB and ethyl oleate and then inject them straight up without doing the conversion of stripping the estradiol. I did this just to make sure and to know for certain...
  3. P

    A guide line for all new members?

    ...other hand, a recipe like 2% BA, 5% Guaiacol (super solvent), 10% Benzyl Salicylate (liquid asprin) with the filler split 50:50 between Ethyl Oleate (oil/solvent hybrid) and normal oil should be far less painful. If you inject too quickly it can tear tissue. If your muscle is new to the...
  4. ebkallday

    Ascendant Labs

    Ethyl Oleate is a carrier that is thinner than most. It is made from ethanol and oleic acid. Some folks are highly allergic to it so user beware. It is great to keep short esters from crashing at higher concentrates and gives less PIP than most. I've done prop and TNE with EO and personally...
  5. ATodd

    Revalor 200 turning green when adding Lye solution.

    The convergence of great minds. I have a feeling this time things are going to turn out just fine. Everyone knows, for tren to work properly, it must be injected directly into the testes. I feel silly for asking, but, you did this, correct? atodd
  6. jesse

    A guide line for all new members?

    i tryed t400 and test e both gave me lots or pain my muscle became hard and my sholder swolen for a week can i be alergic to all gear.
  7. P

    homebrew with ethyl oleate

    ...oil. You can get EO anywhere online. Can I just post the site or would that violate a rule I am not aware of? Literally google 'ethyl oleate USP' and you'll get the place I use and recommend for all carrier oils and solvents. **the concern I have is that supposedly EO, since it's such a...
  8. M

    Muscle Depot?

    Listen no offence bro but you are kind of insane! You think everyone is ganging up on you - you think you will never receive real gear - you suggest someone is in charge of calling the shots of your life. What the fuck is wrong with you? any sane guy would know that the only one in charge of...
  9. RagingBlizzardLeapOfFaith

    Home brewing

    while I am still waiting for my syringes, whatman filter and ethyl oleate to come in the mail I crushed 2 Revalor 200 pellets very well and then chopped it up into very fine powder. I put one pellet worth of powder under my tongue for 20 minutes, then I snorted a little more than half of another...
  10. jp4355

    painless prop

    I just started Gymlabs Test P, and I'm not getting any PIP. I alternate between the Outer Quads, and no problem. It's Ethyl Oleate Free, that may be the reason, not sure......................JP
  11. jp4355

    Testosterone Acetate

    Hey thanks, I will get some Ethyl Oleate. I will try without, and then if it doesn't hold, I'll add in the EO................JP
  12. digler

    48hrs after inject ,painful and hot !

    Yes it is vergin , I'm not familiar with ethyl oleate ? I hope it is what your saying . It's warm and hurts like a mother .
  13. P

    test-c/test-e at higher dosages

    I've seen recipes that use ethyl oleate (EO) as a cosolvent. One test c @ 400 mg/ml used 50% EO + 50% GSO as the carrier, then the typical BA/BB additives.
  14. S

    48hrs after inject ,painful and hot !

    Is your thigh virgin muscle to injections? I'm sensitive to Ethyl Oleate and experience the same side affects when I inject Ethyl Oleate. Major PIP and the site will be warm to touch for 3-4 days after.
  15. V

    Homebrewed Tren Ace/Test E.

    Ah. I was wondering if the increased mg/ml would have any effect on the color or anything. I've never messed or even bothered to look at homebrew. I pinned it the other day and it had literally 0 burn which is what bothers me, especially for a 200mg/ml Tren Ace. Honestly I have no clue. He's...
  16. jp4355

    Cycle log with Gym labs/roidsource

    I've done their Test E and P. I liked both, both are Ethyl Oleate free. I'm waiting for their new Gymlabs Anavar today, it's the one with the G on the pill................JP P.S. Will keep you updated.
  17. M

    Recrystallization to check purity?

    ...had the means to (that will change soon I hope) but lets assume that it's not 100% pure. When I mix the gear into its solvent (oil, ethyl oleate, etc) the adulterant should not dissolve, it should sink to the bottom, unless of course it too is soluble in the solvent I'm using. SO, when you go...
  18. calfcramp

    Cloudy gear.

    No I use both. The tren went like this: 20g powder 35ml Ethyl Oleate (EO) 32ml Grapeseed Oil (GSO) 3ml BA (3%) 15ml BB (15%) The Bold went like this: 36g powder 35.4ml EO 30ml GSO 3.6ml BA (3%) 24ml BB (20%) As a reminder I'm novice. There is a picture attached. I've had...
  19. ShiestDog

    PEP test-e contaminant testing?

    I have a question to what oil pep uses to make his gear? Does he use ethyl oleate? Reason asking is because I've heard it can dissolve the stoppers and maybe that's what's happening and causing it to float in the gear?
  20. S

    test-c/test-e at higher dosages

    I am still looking to find recipes like that. I wonder how much 50% EO comes out to be. I looked for a calculator but never did find one. I guess I have a lot more searching to do to find some of those recipes.
  21. S

    Ascendant Labs

    I didn't post any links but I googled Does Ethyl Oleate prevent gear from crashing. And the results on other boards is yes but I didn't want to post links to other boards. Also the boards with the most hits was ology and IM .
  22. G

    Ascendant Labs

    Can anyone weigh in on Ethyl Oleate? I'd like to try out him as a source, interested in some Mast/Test E/Test P, but I'm concerned about him or anyone using EO, really. It's approved by the FDA as a food additive, but not for IM use. Also, Wikipedia says some companies use it as a progestin...
  23. B

    Ascendant Labs

    It reduces pip, and hormones can dissolve in it a lot easier- good for high concentration oils
  24. W

    PEP Scam

    ...person. FYI the order I received was bold cyp and the order I didn't received was super cuts. Some ppl told me that it's hard to mix tp 100mg/tren a 100mg/mast p 100mg together. Even just 50/50/50 still needs ethyl oleate to hold. But PEP could mix 100/100/100 don't you feel strange about...
  25. conquistador

    Astro Labs US Dom and Intl SRC

    Ethyl oleate