Revalor 200 turning green when adding Lye solution.

no, I'm not sure that it would even make a difference, also finding a European web site that sells steroid cow pellets might even be more difficult because effective from 1989 onward countries within the European Union have banned the sale of meat that was produced by the usage of steroid hormones on all animals.

So in other words someone can use steroids to beef up any type of animal, but they just can't sell the meat if the animal is slaughtered.

In my research a few months ago I did not find any European web sites that sold them, only American.

Since there's a ban on cow pellet usage over there then the demand might not be as high and as a result there might be very few web sites or possibly no web sites that sell them.
no, now that I remember, I got so frustrated that one day I brewed 200 mg of tren ace and I fit it all in a 10 ml vial and I injected it all in one day. 200 mg of tren is an extremely high amount the recommended dosage is 50 to 100 mg every other day or every day max.
Ok I just started this account bc I study chemistry and I can help. Lye destroys hormones. Thats why you add the lye to strip the estrodial. If you add way too much lye, or if you leave the lye in the solution too long it will not only destroy the estrogen it will also destroy the test or tren and you will get bunk shit. Its not the manufactures fault, its yours. as a rule of thumb add as much lye as you have estrogen. so if you have 200mg of estrodial add 200mg lye. Way too caustic guys be safe.
Ok I just started this account bc I study chemistry and I can help. Lye destroys hormones. Thats why you add the lye to strip the estrodial. If you add way too much lye, or if you leave the lye in the solution too long it will not only destroy the estrogen it will also destroy the test or tren and you will get bunk shit. Its not the manufactures fault, its yours. as a rule of thumb add as much lye as you have estrogen. so if you have 200mg of estrodial add 200mg lye. Way too caustic guys be safe.

I was thinking the same thing, lye is very soluble in water. I put a few of the very tiny round lye balls in a glass cup and I added about 3 drops of water and I kept stirring the lye and water until it completely dissolved then I added the tiny lye balls to the solution little by little and stirring until no more lye would dissolve. I had maybe 5 or 6 drops of lye solution, but I guess that may have been too much, it was a very small amount.

Superman I was thinking the same thing that I may have destroyed the hormone by adding too much lye even though it was only about 6 drops of lye, I left the lye in for exactly 1 hour as instructed, possibly the only mistake that I made was adding too much even though it was only 6 or 7 drops roughly.

Well anyway Superman I took this into account and what I did was crush the cow pellets as they came and then dissolve them in the BA, BB and ethyl oleate and then inject them straight up without doing the conversion of stripping the estradiol. I did this just to make sure and to know for certain whether I destroyed the trenbolone acetate steroid by adding too much lye, well I got the same result which is no result....nothing happened.

I did not even filter it or nothing, I crushed the pellets, mixed them in the oil and other liquids and I injected them straight up as one would have done years ago with Finaplix. I tried something different and the result was the same.
Ok I just started this account bc I study chemistry and I can help. Lye destroys hormones. Thats why you add the lye to strip the estrodial. If you add way too much lye, or if you leave the lye in the solution too long it will not only destroy the estrogen it will also destroy the test or tren and you will get bunk shit. Its not the manufactures fault, its yours. as a rule of thumb add as much lye as you have estrogen. so if you have 200mg of estrodial add 200mg lye. Way too caustic guys be safe.

I was thinking the same thing, lye is very soluble in water. I put a few of the very tiny round lye balls in a glass cup and I added about 3 drops of water and I kept stirring the lye and water until it completely dissolved then I added the tiny lye balls to the solution little by little and stirring until no more lye would dissolve. I had maybe 5 or 6 drops of lye solution, but I guess that may have been too much, it was a very small amount.

Superman I was thinking the same thing that I may have destroyed the hormone by adding too much lye even though it was only about 6 drops of lye, I left the lye in for exactly 1 hour as instructed, possibly the only mistake that I made was adding too much even though it was only 6 or 7 drops roughly.

Well anyway Superman I took this into account and what I did was crush the cow pellets as they came and then dissolve them in the BA, BB and ethyl oleate and then inject them straight up without doing the conversion of stripping the estradiol. I did this just to make sure and to know for certain whether I destroyed the trenbolone acetate steroid by adding too much lye, well I got the same result which is no result....nothing happened.

I did not even filter it or nothing, I crushed the pellets, mixed them in the oil and other liquids and I injected them straight up as one would have done years ago with Finaplix. I tried something different and the result was the same.

The convergence of great minds. I have a feeling this time things are going to turn out just fine.

Everyone knows, for tren to work properly, it must be injected directly into the testes. I feel silly for asking, but, you did this, correct?
Yeah man you should have Tren cough by now... lol. Ive heard good things about Revalor 200, I do recommend that you strip the estrogen, use 3ml distilled water and add 200mg lye into the water mix it up, this is estrogen solubulizer that is sold in kits, and 3ml will do one box of Revolor or 200mg of estrogen. Leave the solution dissolved for one hour then rinse w one gallon distilled water, filter and filter again w a syringe filter (this is the hardest part). I also recommend that you do a Synovex H conversion at the same time and use em both. Test is way less harsh on your body, and Tren is way more anabolic, it will make you dense. Then give it a little time, they both need to build up in your system and it can take up to 4 weeks to notice gains, but when you do they are worth it. take the 100mg Tren every 48 hours and the 100mg Test every 36 hours. or just combine them every other day. If you want the step by step theres a million Synovex conversions out there its the exact same principle. to make sure your dosages are correct add 3g of powder to 30ml of oil. I would make it strong, so you might want to do 4g powder to 30ml oil (i like grapeseed) then you should have really strong stuff, and that's the beauty of doing it yourself. if you want even better purity make crystals! But this does work.
Superman77, that is exactly what I did.

You know that really bothers me, I think that I am being lied to on a mass scale. I took DHEA from around very late 2006 or January 2007 until 2008, up until 2008 I was able to find real DHEA, everything after that has been bunk crap or some time released bullshit that wasn't really around back then, that time released crap isn't any good. When I took REAL DHEA, I would literally feel the effects of it the second that I swallowed the capsule, I have no idea how it could possibly work that fast, I don't even think that the capsule can dissolve so that the powder can come into contact with your stomach membrane that quickly, but somehow it did work that quickly. Since this DHEA that I took in 2007 did not have an ester I felt the effects immediately, the main thing that I noticed is that it gave me unbelievable explosive speed, especially an explosive first step, it also quickly changed my body, my arms would immediately looks more lean and muscular, they immediately looked more defined, but the effects would not last for a long time, that is why the pills should be taken daily or right before a workout. I did a search of peoples reviews of DHEA and a lot of them were way off, I have read some people saying that it took them more than a month to see results or to even feel the DHEA in their system, this is completely wrong, it's a lie.

For all of these reasons I do not understand why I have been reading everywhere that it takes some people 10 days or even up to a month as Superman77 said to feel the trenbolone acetate in your system and to JUST BEGIN to see results of it. I am EXTREMELY skeptical about this and if this is true then I am extremely disappointed at steroids. Superman77 and others have said something about allowing Trenbolone Acetate to build up in your system, it has to build up enough in order to feel the results. How can that possibly be? What build up can possibly happen for a month when trenbolone acetate only lasts in the system for 2 to 3 days? Tren ace is out of ones system in 2 to 3 days so how can it possibly build up for a month to feel the results? How can someone inject the most powerful steroid in existence in their bodies and not feel anything on the first try? If the user doesn't notice anything the first time why would they feel anything after the 10th injection?

It's like saying that the finasteride that I take daily has to build up in my system, that is complete bullshit. Finasteride works the first time, it is only in the system for a short time that is why it has to be taken once every 24 hours. It neutralizes the effects of DHT to stop hair loss.

Also I remember seeing Anthony Bosch saying that Alex Rodriguez would take testosterone gummies and other steroids IMMEDIATELY before a game in order to enhance his performance on the field, he never reported this 10 day or one month bullshit that is so prevalent on these boards, he immediately reported feeling faster, quicker and most importantly MORE EXPLOSIVE which is crucial in baseball when he has to make quick decisions in fielding a ball or hitting a ball with a bat, that would give him a major edge and as you can see it did, it obviously did help him and thousands of other Major League Baseball players, I read a long time ago that Barry Bonds allegedly took Trenbolone Acetate and he's the greatest home run hitter of all time.

Again the results were IMMEDIATE, yet I rarely if ever see anything immediate on this board by anyone, that is why I am VERY VERY SKEPTICAL as to what everyone is reporting about tren ace and winny and other steroids because what most people are reporting STRONGLY goes AGAINST MY OWN EXPERIENCES with a mild over the counter steroid called DHEA and by what I hear about the TOP ATHLETES IN THE WORLD steroid usage.

My own experiences coupled with what I have seen by some of the top guys when it comes to steroid usage is a complete 180 of what everyone else is saying on these boards. My experiences are exact as to what the experts say and what everyone else on these boards is saying is the complete opposite to these experts and to my own experience.

I've also read mixed reviews about Testosterone Base or Testosterone Suspension, I've read a lot of people saying that they would feel it IMMEDIATELY upon injection and I've also read quite a few saying that it would take them 3 days to feel it, what a complete load of shit that is, even if the test base did have effects on the system 3 days after injection, the peak feeling that you would get from it would NEVER EVER be felt 3 days after the first injection, it's pretty much IMMEDIATE or NOTHING.

I am so skeptical and so angered at what everyone is saying, I really think that I am being lied to on a massive scale and that people on this board are misinforming and lying for the sake of lying and out of malice, if so many are lying about this one month or 2 week build up what else could you all be lying about? I'm so tired and frustrated at everyone's phonyness, I know what liars people are I experience it all of the time, everyone is constantly lying to one another.
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Dude, chill on the paranoid stuff. The people on here are a mixed bunch. You have the decent guys that have shitloads of knowledge and you have the chumps that talk shit as much as possible. Bro, I also took dhea whenbi was younger and never did I have a reaction as you described here. No way, not ever. Now...I did have a placebo effect I believe. Dhea is not a over the counter steroid. Sorry man. Pre cursor, not actual. At least this is what I've been told and read. The people here are'nt maliciously going out of their way to lie all over this board. Take care of yourself my man.
Dude, chill on the paranoid stuff. The people on here are a mixed bunch. You have the decent guys that have shitloads of knowledge and you have the chumps that talk shit as much as possible. Bro, I also took dhea whenbi was younger and never did I have a reaction as you described here. No way, not ever. Now...I did have a placebo effect I believe. Dhea is not a over the counter steroid. Sorry man. Pre cursor, not actual. At least this is what I've been told and read. The people here are'nt maliciously going out of their way to lie all over this board. Take care of yourself my man.

DHEA is a steroid hormone produced and released by the human body, it is also a precursor. If you bought your DHEA after 2008, then that may be why you did not feel what I felt, also if you bought the time released DHEA then the difference is night and day. I only used the DHEA that was not time released, I only bought the time released DHEA when I could not find the regular DHEA and the time released DHEA is garbage. Even the regular DHEA around today is nothing like the DHEA I bought in 2006 and 2007, it gives me no effect, depeneding on the brand, the only thing that it may give me is a terrible migraine headache that lasts up to 5 days.

If your DHEA was bought after 2008 and if it was time released then that is why you didn't experience what I did, if you bought your DHEA before 2008 and it was not time released and you still did not experience what I did then I don't know why you didn't feel what I did.

DHEA is the only over the counter steroid sold in the United States, I first bought GNC brand DHEA at a GNC and it was great, it gave me amazing athletic benefits and it is only considered to be a mild steroid.
DHEA is a steroid hormone produced and released by the human body, it is also a precursor. If you bought your DHEA after 2008, then that may be why you did not feel what I felt, also if you bought the time released DHEA then the difference is night and day. I only used the DHEA that was not time released, I only bought the time released DHEA when I could not find the regular DHEA and the time released DHEA is garbage. Even the regular DHEA around today is nothing like the DHEA I bought in 2006 and 2007, it gives me no effect, depeneding on the brand, the only thing that it may give me is a terrible migraine headache that lasts up to 5 days.

If your DHEA was bought after 2008 and if it was time released then that is why you didn't experience what I did, if you bought your DHEA before 2008 and it was not time released and you still did not experience what I did then I don't know why you didn't feel what I did.

DHEA is an over the counter steroid, I first bought GNC brand DHEA at a GNC and it was great, it gave me amazing athletic benefits and it is only considered to be a mild steroid.
I was 15 through 19. Im 37. Yes it was before 2008. Never did I feel this.
Most of the research on tren was done on cattle it is administered 60-90 days before slaughter. So that should be your goal you will see all your gains by 60 days. Hormone levels need to be stable, in cattle they inject implants, releasing hormones slowly, we cant do that so inject every other day.

From the sounds of it you are experiencing some side effects, increased rage, night sweats, limp dick. its working.

D bol will act quicker but just do the work on the tren and you will have good results.

The reason they changed the formula of finaplex is they found out that straight tren made the beef too dense and tough to chew, so they added 20mg of estrogen and that increases size and keeps the beef edible, and maintains some of the fat content.
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