
  1. S

    Trouble with crypto and Basicstero

    Hey guys, so about two months ago I placed an order on basic stero and hopped on Coinbase, bought tether, copied the address to send to and put in coin base. 3 days passed my transaction was declined, Coinbase put a restriction on my account and after about a month of dealing with then to fix...
  2. Mind-Muscle

    Pharmacom [Test-Deca-Tren-Dbol] 13 weeks

    I'm 24 years old, training since 16. I will try to keep a detailed log of this cycle, updating often and taking before and after pictures. My plan is to bulk as much as possible keeping fat at bay. I'm using Pharma Mix 3 from Pharmacom (200 Test E, 200 Deca, 100 Tren E per ml) Before cycle...
  3. wazzauem

    Forum-AAS-Pharmacom virgin

    22 yr old brit embarking on my first AAS cycle, spent over a 2 months just creeping on all these forums and taking in all the info. that lead me to recently buy my first cycle via basicstero (500$ with $200 discount). will produce a detailed cycle log w bloods and pics etc once the gear arrives.
  4. T

    Pharmacom NPP. Real or Fake?

    Okay so my order finally came in the mail today after 8 days even though I ordered through domestic.. if I knew it was going to take that long I just would've went international and saved a few bucks. Anyways, I ordered some pharmacom test e for a buddy and some Test p & npp for myself. The...
  5. W

    At this very moment, who is the best ugl to use for a first timer?

    Been lurking here for a year and finally decided to sign up. i've been eyeballing basicstero but if one could point me in a better and/or safer direction, it would be very much appreciated. looking for test e 500 for $105 delivered domestic.
  6. T

    US Domestic pharmacom

    Has anyone tried pharmacom through US Domestic service of basicstero? I know the prices are crazy, just curious how legit and quick it arrives at your door. Thanks
  7. BigVinny

    Hello from San Diego

    Hello everyone! I am new to this board though I am not new to lifting or AAS use. My first and only cycle a few years ago I did test prop 350mg/week and hit PRs on all my lifts, though the size did not stay on after cycling off. I actually think it may have been under-dosed. Some stuff about...
  8. tdad

    basicstero floaters!

    I hope there's an explanation for this @Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper
  9. tdad

    (Basicstero)Running a simple cycle of 500mg test E a week

    Got pre-cycle bloods done. I will be monitoring levels throughout this cycle, as well as post cycle. 12 week cycle Pinned 250 mg of basicsteros teste300 two nights ago into right glute (1 1/2" 25g) I can't speak on the pip because I fucked up on injection and the needle shifted while I was...