So here's the deal. I've been preparing for an event which is taking place early March. It was going to be drug tested, but I just found it that it is not going to be anymore, which changes everything.
I've been purposely going with short-ester stuff with the intention of cutting them off with...
I'm 6'3" 229lbs 17%BF I'm sick of fighting with my terrible metabolism and having a gut... I have decided to do my first cycle. I want to lose as much fat as I can and gain a little muscle in the process. Clenbuterol would probably cause me jitters as a big cup of coffee does that to me. I've...
Wassup Bro's!
Ive lurked around every forum on the web and decide i wanted some comments from some new people so ill be bringing this years game here!
23 yo
7% BF
Ive been Competing for years around my area and have been self taught and trained. My diet has also been be...
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