
  1. AnabolicLab.com

    Geneza Pharma GP Bold 200 - HPLC/TAMC/TYMC - 2016-10 - SIMEC via AnabolicLab.com

    Geneza Pharmaceuticals GP Bold 200 was determined to have actual content of 201.7 mg/ml boldenone undecylenate compared to a label claim of 200 mg/ml. No microbiological contamination was detected. Steroid analytics courtesy of AnabolicLab.com: Geneza Pharmaceuticals GP Bold 200 Lab Test...
  2. T

    2nd Cycle

    Hola Amigos, I'm about two months removed from my last cycle and am trying to draw up my next. First cycle was very simple; test c 250mg/wk for weeks 1-4, then upped to 500mg/wk for weeks 5-8. Had great results with a test only cycle. Ran aromasin 10mg eod throughout and for three weeks post...
  3. S

    15 week test e/EQ cycle with blood work results

    Ran my cycle at 750mg/wk test e with 600mg/wk of eq. Split my shots into sun/wed and took arrimidex mostly around 1mg daily. Gear I was using was Logics, local around my area. My stats: Height 6'4, Starting weight was 207lbs and finishing weight was 218. My goal was to add some lean size which...
  4. BuckEighty

    EQ/var/test e cycle

    Planning my next cycle, thinking of running EQ and test e with var to kickstart. My goal is to make some solid gains as lean as possible. Thinking of doing: Week 1-16: 375mg test e Week 1-16: 600mg EQ Week 1~6: 50mg/day var (I might add an extra half pill and do 62.5mg/day) Adex: 0.5 mg e3d...
  5. E

    2nd cycle thoughts

    Hey all would like some feedback back to this and input on how you would set it up.. 25 y/o 215lbs workout 6 days a week with Olympic lifting 3 days a week. Eat around 195g P, 285g C, and 85g F. With one refeed day I currently have : 200 anavar tabs 10mg 100 stanozolol 10mg 500 mg/ml 10ml vial...
  6. T

    First cycle, adding a compound

    Hello guys, doing my first steroid cycle next week. Stats: 75kg 1.72cm tall ~12% bf Lift: Bench 120kg x3 Deadlift 180x1 Squat 140x5 Diet on point, 200g protein a day, on a cut id eat 200g carbs, or i would adjust accordingly to how im feeling. Ill be doing 100mg test p EOD. Got nolvadex just...
  7. L

    Test 400/eq300 cycle

    Hey guys. I am looking for some advice and insight on running a test 400 and eq 300 stack. I am 29 years old, 5'8, 173 pounds, 11% body fat. I've been lifting for almost 5 years now. This will be my first cycle. I've come a good ways since I started(145 pounds), but have seemingly hit a brick...
  8. W

    Test/Eq/Anavar cycle

    Just wondering what everyone thinks of this cycle. Wk. 1-12 exemestane 12.5mg Ed Wk. 1-12 Test e- 400mg / wk Wk. 1-11Equipoise- 400mg / wk Wk. 8-12 Anavar- 40ed PCT- Nolva, Hcg, Exemestane Age 25 Bf%14 195lbs 5,11 My goal is to cut fat while gaine a little muscle. I wish my body reacted...
  9. Z

    Hey all, wanted some constructive criticism and advice/opinions on cycle.

    Hi everyone, wanted some opinions on my second cycle I've been planning out, its been a while. Stats: 23 years old (24 in June); 5'11; 235lbs; ~17%bf I was planning on a cycle geared more towards some quality gains while gaining some strength. Was looking at sust250, eq, and maybe throwing in...
  10. Harmswhey

    Is deca superior to eq for strength? Thoughts on my cycle plans...

    I'm 31 6foot 215lbs about 13%bf training about 7 years....this is going to be my third cycle... Most recent was 12 weeks test e at 500mg/ week with 6 week tbol kickstart 50mg/day.... I was debating between eq and deca for my second compound this time.... I hear so many mixed reviews on eq i...