
  1. J

    IGF-1/HGH reduces need for AIs?

    Hey, this is just a theory. I’m trying to see if anyone has any information on this. I heard that people who have used HGH, possibly at high doses for a long time may not have as much of a need for AI’s. This may have something to do with IGF-1 production. I am wondering if anyone also has...
  2. demal

    No AI's on 500mg test while having high e2

    I am going to run 500mg test without using AI's (I tried up to 250 and never had high e2 sides). The negative effects of AI's are way worse than side effects of high e2. The only thing that matters to me is gyno and blood pressure. In case of gyno I would use Tamoxifen. But I don't know if I...
  3. J

    Nandrolone (deca/npp) - any evidence its more harmful than test?

    All the harmful reduction educators sound like an echo chamber when it comes to Nandrolone (probably except Derek who has touched on the same topic briefly). Everyone suggests it's more harmful (increased CVD and neuro toxicity) however I have been unable to find any quality studies proving...
  4. Training till failure

    Blood results

    Should I take 0.5mg of cabergoline and 12.5mg of aromasin to lower my prolactin and estrogen? What dosage of each should I run? Thanks in advance
  5. D

    Lost in the bulk? - Estrogen at 100pg/ml on cycle

    Greetings everyone, hope you're all doing well. I'm currently at around halfway my cycle of 500mg test with some dbol sprinkled for pwo at times, and got bloodwork and to my surprise my estrogen came back at 100pg/ml. Also way heavier than I was when I started the cycle, fat added as well. I've...
  6. O

    Low T3 from GH? & TRT Blood Work (e2 doubled)

    Hey everyone, Can GH cause low T3 (people seem to say the opposite)? + Got recent blood work as I thought maybe i was a little more watery, and Questioning a slight reduction in sex drive so looked at e2... but Healthy? TRT user since Late June 2023, low dose GH user since Nov 2022, HCG...
  7. 29trt

    High E2 leads to gallstone formation..?

    Having recently discovered I have a 4mm gallstone , I went around and found studies linking estrogen in women to higher likelihood of stone formation. Here is one such study Effect of Estrogen Therapy on Gallbladder Disease How would this translate to men, are the androgens negating estrogens...
  8. Training till failure

    Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin and the difference between all of them and their purpose.

    Hello all! I want to blast and cruise testosterone enanthate or cypionate, but I don't know what I would use between Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin while on cycle? Could you all also explain to me what they all do and when you would use Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin in a scenario in which you would...
  9. N

    Crashed E2 - EQ

    Long story short: I added EQ to my current test E cycle 2 month ago... I was running a 350 mg EW, and decided to frontload 1.6 g of EQ for the first 2 weeks(stupid). Didn't really think about possibilities of crashing my E2 at the time.... Since then i have upped my test dose to 600 MG EW, and...
  10. banana man

    DBOL making me weak?

    Hey guys, so I am on around 280mg of test x week. No AI. I decided to do a DBOL cycle (20mg) and took pre-cycle bloods. Total Test 1940 ng/dl 17-Beta Estradiol 64 pg/ml This is the fourth day I have been taking 20mg (split in 10/5/5) and man I am having the WORST workouts...
  11. P

    TRT high e2 symptoms

    Started TRT 200mg/week, Injection frequency 1/week First injection on Sunday morning. Yesterday and today I've been experiencing high e2 sides. Anxiety Bloat (especially in face) Mind fog ED Is this because I've just started, and it will go away as I continue taking T? Or is it because the...
  12. acetate jake

    LOW LIBIDO, Pls Help

    I think i crashed my estrogen by taking a little too much aromasin this week. My libido got crushed + super limp dick, and terrible timing too with my new girl. I'm on 500mg Test Cyp / week, I ceased use of Aromasin + finasteride (.25mg ED) and got ultrasensitive e2 bloods yesterday. I also...
  13. M

    Weird thing: crashed the fuuuugh out of my E2, now need less AI despite same blast dose

    Hey y'all! Good morning. Happy motherfucking Saturday ya bastards!@ I have been sleeping like a king lately (which means for me, a solid 7.5 hours of sleep and I wake feeling like a million bucks) after battling fucking wicked insomnia for the last several months. I finally figured out a...
  14. T

    Nipple lump, how long should I ommit Test?

    Hi all, Was running 175/week Test Cyp with no AI, plus 100 Nandrolone. Got a little lump in the nip, first time. Did a few days of Tamoxifen and one dose of Anastrazol, and switched to Drostanolone 200/week for a couple weeks. The lump shrank some and doesn't hurt anymore, and I've added back...
  15. T

    Aromasin timing on TRT

    I inject 90 mg of test every 4 days and take 6.25 mg of aromasin usually 12-15 hrs post injection. This keeps my estradiol at about 22-24 on my labs. However I forgot to take my aromasin last injection and didn’t realize it till 2.5 days later and took it as soon as I realized. So my question...
  16. FiftyShadezOfOrange

    Blood Work Available: Let's Explain Prolactin

    Hello folks! So I've recently decided to do as much lab work as possible to try and figure out what my optimal hormone levels are, as I get extremely flat any time my estrogen / prolactin go off a small range, no matter what other AAS i'm on. First test results are from May 17, I was running...
  17. K

    Erection issues on 300mg test

    I am on 300 mg a week pretty much year round come off for 3-4 weeks once or twice a year. i have read about every thread here on ed problems and I keep readin to use arimidex cause estro is to high. But I’m puzzled as this seems not to help me ( I may have gone straight to crashing) prior to...
  18. Heavy Iron

    Pretty much crashed E2 no AI???

    Figured I would start a thread as to not clog others. I am not running mast. Running about 700mgTest E p/w (brewed at 305mg) EQ at 750 p/w (brewed at 330) both PPLraws. Deca 450mg p/w (not PPL or homebrew) and added ZPHC dbol 40 mg pre workout (I haven't beenconsistent with non workout day...
  19. CTipp22

    Letro lumps a puffieness gone on day 4

    hey guys so currently I hopped onto letro because the arimidex on 420mg a week of test cyp didn't cut it and I developed a bit of gyno but it looks like ive zapped it with four days at 2.5mg. I have aromasin and arimidex and I want off letro asap because I need moist joints for my lifts. any...
  20. G

    Has my E2 crashed in week 1?

    hey guys so started first week of Test E @500mg/week and started aromasin 12.5mg e3d until the test properly "kicks in" planning to move to EOD, however i am experiencing very unusual lethargy, feeling tired a lot of my day, i wouldn't say i have low libido, but it isn't high either. However it...
  21. G

    6 weeks into first cycle, time to get bloods!

    Hi again guys, Monday (tomorrow) will be me going into my 6th week on cycle. Definetely getting bloods done but just making sure do I do them on this week or wait till my 6th week is complete then take them going into the 7th?, also when's best to take the blood before injection/after...
  22. G

    Acne out of control

    So I've been on cycle for about 3 and a half months now. Throughout the beginning of my cycle I had no acne problems. Then it all of a sudden started getting bad but I was able to control it and get it back to normal. Now all of a sudden it's just completely fucking out of control again and I...
  23. G

    High test vs high free test

    I'm wondering what the reason is behind taking moderate to high doses of testosterone and ending up with high test levels but not necessarily high free test levels. For the first 2 months of this cycle I had a super high sex drive as is normal for taking test cyp but now all of a sudden during...
  24. G

    Crashing estrogen/dick not working

    Hey I'm wondering about the effects of crashing estrogen? My dick still works but definitely not the way it normally works when I'm running test cyp which is what I'm on now. I added in MENT recently and because it aromateses so much more I added in letrozole which is of course very strong. I...
  25. N

    Estrogen flow-chart

    Crazy idea struck me so I had to ask. Does anyone know of a flow-chart to easily keep an eye on estrogen sides? I know to watch out for nipple sensitivity and libido issues, but would be nice to just have a spreadsheet or something with my stash to easily keep an eye on those small things we...