
  1. Type-IIx

    BOLUS: A Practical and Reference Guide for the Use of human GH and GH Secretagogues: Female Sections

    View: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEDiLimJy6F/?igsh=MTV0bWUxdXFwdW1neQ== From the author of Anabolic-androgenic steroid effects on libido (Part 2: Women) and coach to female bodybuilders, Type-IIx presents: Bolus: A Practical and Reference Guide for the Use of human Growth Hormone and GH...
  2. X

    I’m just an amateur wellness competitor 20 weeks out (female prep log)

    Hi Meso fam! I saw a few people discussing their prep journey and training as a new thread for others to follow along. I thought it would be fun to do the same. I haven’t seen many females posting about their journey to stage, but lots of husbands inquiring about gear usage etc. I’m being a bit...
  3. Anne Jectible

    Pew pew

    Hey all! Just doing this new member introduction. I am Anne, female 50…look 35 and want to keep it that way. Im into heavy lifting to keep the body young and video games to keep the mind young. I got into peptides last year and haven’t looked back. Currently doing tirz/cjc1296/ipamorelin...
  4. H

    Best cycle for female distance

    Hello! I am a distance runner and I run anywhere from the 800-5k. My best events are the mile/1500 and the 2 mile/3k. I have experimented with steroids in the past, EQ and anavar. I did not have good results- they made me put on mass and have horrible calf cramps. I was thinking to take gh for...
  5. C

    First Cycle - First Log.

    Wanted to share my experience with first Var cycle, hopefully you'll enjoy! Just for the record - I am 34 years old and have been doing a lot of different workouts/training the passed 8 years - mostly heavy strengthtraining, but also - running halfmarathons, been doing a lot og HIIT, spinning...
  6. Creamy Kitty

    First Cycle- Stick with Anavar?

    Hello Meso, I was hoping for help on deciding what to start with. I like to go in over my head on most new ventures, but just want to verify I'm on the right track. I'm stuck deciding between Ostarine (and Cardarine?), Anadrol or Anavar. Osta and Cardarine are very popular in other forums...
  7. Blueberries

    Supps to get female legs/butt leaner

    Hello, I heard taking estrogen blockers can help a woman get her legs/butt leaner during contest prep - is this true? Does anyone have any experience with this? What else might help reduce fat there (besides the obvious diet/cardio)? Thank you!! I'm doing my first show in sixteen weeks, can't...
  8. Fitfemale31

    Female anavar only cycle

    Hello ladies and gents, Not sure if I’m doing this correctly but here I am regardless. Getting ready to start an anavar only cycle. This will be my first cycle of gear ever. I’ve lifted for around 3-4 years. I compete in npc bikini although I took some time off. The plan: I’m prepping to get...
  9. CaliGirl13

    Pharmanolt + dbol Cycle

    Female actress/athlete Age:32 Height: 5'4" Weight: 115lbs off season 128lbs This is my sixth cycle using gear from PHARMACOMSTORE. Previous bulking cycles I used Nandralone Decanoate and this time I am using their new nandralone mix. I am prepping for a new role (actress). My cycle started...
  10. M

    Supplements for disc injury

    Suffered a disc injury about 3 years ago and have been on and off dealing with the repercussions. Had a solid year of training under my belt and then everything went to hell last May. Haven't been able to get back anywhere to where my numbers were. I've cycled on/off var during training and...
  11. Jennerater

    Female here! T minus 4 days out.

    Hi everyone! Error wtf? I just spent an hour filling this and pressed save. Rwar! I start my I start my AAS in four days var. I will re-write everything here in this form all over again soon. I am pissed, I logged all my supplements, medications, diet, stats, everything and clicked save and...
  12. B

    Female First Var Cycle

    Hi guys, finally got approved so now I can share my first anavar cycle experience with you. F30 169cm 66kg BF roughly 20% Goal - drop bodyfat without sacrificing strength gains. Plan - 5 days taper up, 6 weeks at 10mg, 5 days taper down. Then an 8 week break before repeating. Still deciding...
  13. Veganesthie

    Female anavar cycle overview

    So I fully intended to do a whole log when I began this cycle but time got away from me and I'm in school, so now I'm on the last day. However, I still thought my cycle could be beneficial for some women and also could use some advice for the next time I decide to do a cycle. Thus, I am doing an...
  14. Nova Skye

    Nova's First Anavar Cycle Log

    Hello! I’m Nova and I'm starting my first cycle of Anavar today, July 12, 2016. I am very excited for this new journey I am about to experience. I am taking 5mg per day (2.5mg before my 12:00pm workout and 2.5mg before my 5:30pm workout). I have a low tolerance (except to pain) but I will...
  15. H

    First anavar cycle female

    Hi! Female 30/5'7/165lbs 24% BF I'm on my first Anavar only cycle. Goals are to get leaner while preserving hard earned muscle, so I'm cutting. I would ideally like to work on things such as pull ups and core. Day 4 and I'm honestly not feeling very good. Lethargic, no appetite and my...