first cycle

  1. B

    First Test E cycle

    The time has come for me to start my first cycle. I've been researching for about a month now and think I have a good amount of knowledge to start. I want to start with a very basic cycle that I think many first time users go with. I am about 5'10''. I have been around 135 pounds all my life but...
  2. J

    First time Test E cycle log help

    The time has come for me to start my first cycle. I've been researching for about a month now and think I have a good amount of knowledge to start. I want to start with a very basic cycle that I think many first time users go with. I am about 5'10''. I have been around 135 pounds all my life...
  3. T

    New to roids..

    so I've been in the gym for 5 years and I'm a good size. Diets help but my work doesn't really allow me to be eating. (No breaks on 12hr shift) This would be my first cycle and I'm thinking tren and test but is there a trusted website that sells them in pill form? I'm trying not to have needles...
  4. M

    First cycle need HELP

    I guys I'm looking to do my first cycle but I have some questions I need to know what will be best for me. I work a 10day on 10day off shift so when I'm at work for 10 days I can't be bringing steroids to work (guy I work with actually got fired for this) but I could get away with orals. So I'm...

    Football player cycle

    Hey Men, I am a Senior who has competed in four Years of Division 1 college football at the higher level. I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to receiving a Division 1 scholarship and now I am here in my final season after redshirting my first year to a All-American Guard. In High...
  6. J

    Extending first cycle

    Hi all, Just looking for a bit of advice. I'm currently half way through my first cycle of sustanon250 I'm using 500mg per week Monday and Thursday. My cycle was initially supposed to be for 10 weeks then come off and nolva for pct. I'm going on vacation in June for 2 weeks and am...
  7. L

    Test 400/eq300 cycle

    Hey guys. I am looking for some advice and insight on running a test 400 and eq 300 stack. I am 29 years old, 5'8, 173 pounds, 11% body fat. I've been lifting for almost 5 years now. This will be my first cycle. I've come a good ways since I started(145 pounds), but have seemingly hit a brick...
  8. J

    Sustanon 250 advice please

    Hi there, I am 27 years old and new to aas. I have trained in the past and have decided after research to give sus 250 a go. I am currently using 500mg e/w Monday and Thursday and am on my 5th shot. I have not as of yet seen any difference and am just wondering if this is normal for a first...
  9. Beem

    Dianabol and Anavar Cycle for a first timer

    Hello Boyz, After quite a bit of research, I still feel a some what confused and I'd really appreciate some advice on how to properly go through my first cycle. I'm 34yo, 5'11, about 180lbs and been hitting the gym for a bit over a year and a half. I'm not exactly sure what's my body fat so...
  10. Nighthawk8118

    1st Cycle Advice to cut with some gains??

    I'm 6'3" 229lbs 17%BF I'm sick of fighting with my terrible metabolism and having a gut... I have decided to do my first cycle. I want to lose as much fat as I can and gain a little muscle in the process. Clenbuterol would probably cause me jitters as a big cup of coffee does that to me. I've...
  11. Pimp178

    First Cycle Advice

    I know the First recommended cycle, it's Test E only, But was wondering if this would work. Going for a lean bulk, then a cut at the end? Stats 24 yrs 6'2 215lbs Lift 6/7 days out of the week, work out intermediate fasting every day for the past 2 years. Test E 500mg/Week 1-12 (The standard...
  12. X-BODY

    First Cycle After Break What Do You Think?

    Hello First off all sorry for my bad English Im planning 12 weeks cutting+lean mass (with carb cycling) cycle with test propionate +salbutamol. But mostly for cutting. CURRENT STATS Training experience 13 years. 31 years old 168 cm/5.5 feet 77 kg/169,4 lbs bf:%17 (Jackson/Pollock 4 site caliper...
  13. Pimp178

    Cycle Advice

    Hello, My Name is Anthony, 24 Years Old, 6'3 currently at 215 lbs. Been lifting for 2 years now, on a 6-7 days bases. I am looking for some Advice on my first cycle, I was planning on running a Anavar cycle. Hipo's Oxandrolone / Anavar 25 mg 100 tabs for 2 tabs for 3 weeks then maybe up it up...
  14. N

    Steroid amateur - looking for tips

    Dear all, Probably post like this is the most frequent one but as most of the beginners I am quite confussed about what, how to take During last 4-5 years I have lost 42kg in total while exercising and dieting. This has lead to good post-weight loss body i.e. no stretch mark and I consider...
  15. N

    First cycle - lets do this!

    Stats: 23 years old 6'1 210 lifting for 7 years Starting 10 week cycle of 500mg test e on the 14th! Been planning this for months. Getting blood done tomorrow. Goals: Leangains - hopefully a drop in bodyfat. Will be consuming between 4000 and 4500 kcals through clean food. Atleast 300g...
  16. M

    First Cycle - Test E only cycle or Test E + Deca?

    Hey Guys, I am thinking about starting my first AAS cycle in the new year and I have a source and have been doing quite abit of research with about two months. I am have been training on and off for a few years but I am training everyday except a rest day each week since last summer. I am 6...
  17. N

    First cycle - critisism? not a noob

    Hey guys, First of thanks for all the info - have tried to suck it all in through the last 14 months or so. Been reading up on AAS for a long time and feel its fianlly time for me to take the plunge. Current stats: age 23 height 6'0 weight 210 bf around 12 Diet: been eating between 3500-4000...