
  1. Training till failure

    How can I make my diet even more healthy?

    So here is what I eat in a day and just want advice on stuff I can add, remove or swap out in my diet to make it more healthy with health benifts just to be clear. So I start off my day with organic tea with stevia and organic honey and sugar free biscuits. Then I make a mass gainer using...
  2. Metribolone

    Methods to Increase Appetite

    I felt like making a list of things that help appetite as it’s something I struggle with. Drugs that increase appetite 1) Ghrelin agonists (mk677, Anamorelin, GHRP-6, etc) - These drugs bind to the Ghrelin receptor and agonize it similarly to Ghrelin, the hunger hormone. These Drugs are also...
  3. M

    Chicken Salad anyone?

    So, I love chicken salad. But I fucking hate mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is a disgusting creation and just thinking about consuming it and incorporating that guck into my being makes me want to vomit. But guess what? You can make some BOMB ass chicken salad with no fat greek yogurt instead of...
  4. B

    Builking meals ideas

    Starting my bulk here soon and I'm needing new ideas for meals. I typically eat chicken rice veggies, pb sandwiches, whole wheat spaghet with beef, stuff like that. I'm just looking for something new as I'm getting tired of the same old shit. Do you guys have any go to, high calorie, easy to...
  5. primus

    How many calories do you eat?

    how many calories are you eating? Height? Weight? Cutting? Bulking? Maintenance? Macros? Any tips you would give yourself if you could go back in time?
  6. FutureMrO

    How much do you money do you spend on bodydlbuilding

    hey guys. How much do you guys spend on bodydlbuilding (fitness) a week or month base. Groceries, gym membership and ofc drugs and supplements if you take any? $200-250 on food (weekly) $200 monthly ( supplements) $800 for a 12 week cycle, With pct. $60 a month on gym membership. This is...
  7. calfmuscle555

    Food and Hormones?

    Hello, What foods and supplements will help to increase our natural hormones.. Is there any foods that suppresses estrogen and boost TESTOSTERONE?
  8. KingAlfred

    I can't eat THAT much!

    I'm just not hungry enough to eat more than two or three times a day tops, with snacks in between. Especially in the mornings I'm just not hungry. I try to stuff myself for bulking and only get about 4000 C tops, 200 - 250g protein. But that's not every day even. I'm just not able to eat 5...
  9. YouKnowIRUN

    Calories to consume?? Newb question

    I want to put on as much muscle as possible, is there a certain calorie sweet spot that would let me gain all the muscle I want and little to no body fat?? I eat 3000 cals on a natty bulk! THANKS