
  1. P

    Here's my cycle, how long for hcg to work

    Ok guys so this is my shortest cycle ever to date, only 12 weeks; Weeks 1-5 Test prop 150mg eod + NPP 90mg eod Weeks 6-8 Test prop 120mg eod (dropped test as experienced some unilateral nipple sensitivity, corrected with tamoxifen for 2 weeks) + NPP 100mg eod Weeks 9-12: Test prop 120mg eod...
  2. primus

    Increasing drug dosage and or freaquency.

    Hi all, Was wondering if some of you more experienced users of aas could shed some light on how you guys go about increasing your total weekly dosages excluding orals? whats your preference pinning more often or pinning larger quantities or are there any other tips?
  3. P

    Alliance Healthcare Pakistan

    As far as I am aware this is an UGL based in Pakistan it is not the true Alliance Healthcare pharma company based in U.K. Got some prop amps, anyone had any experience with their gear, is it g2g?
  4. P

    Gen Pharma legit?

    Got a few vials of Test P recently from a lab called Gen Pharma, did my 3rd shot today of 130mg, running 130mg eod. Haven't noticed much yet but to be fair normally takes 1-2 weeks , maybe slight increase in libido. Has anyone ever used this lab before, is it legit/any good??
  5. A

    First 12 Week Test Cycle

    Age: 16 Height: 6' start weight: 180 lbs BF% at start: 16% Been training for 2 years current weight: 186 lbs Current BF%: 17% Test P Day 1-20 100mg EOD Test E wk 1-12 500mg/Wk Arimidex wk 3-12 .5mg EOD PCT Nolva 100mg 1st day Then 20/20/20/20 I'm 3 weeks in and finished my bottle of test P...
  6. G

    Genetics @20yrs old?

    Hey guys, This is my first post here, but I've been reading the forums for about a year and a half. I'm 100% natty and I know I'm way too young to be running gear. I won't be starting until I'm 25 or until I'm more financially secure due to me being a full time student. I don't want to be mid...
  7. D

    Steroid cycle of Test E , Primobolan and dianabol

    just asking a question had anyone done a 12 week stack cycle of Test E , Primobolan depot and dianabol ? Still researching about it I have done a 12 week cycle of just test E 4 months ago first 8 weeks was 1.5ml twice a week then last 4 wks were 1 ml twice a week aswell and then 2 weeks clomid
  8. D

    Steroid cycle of Test E , Primobolan and dianabol

    just asking a question had anyone done a 12 week stack cycle of Test E , Primobolan depot and dianabol ? Still researching about it I have done a 12 week cycle of just test E 4 months ago first 8 weeks was 1.5ml twice a week then last 4 wks were 1 ml twice a week aswell and then 2 weeks clomid
  9. CTipp22

    My current gh test

    my igf level was 450 and gh serum was 16.1. I also have some greys from a buddy and I only had the serum tested at 28. First one was norditropin
  10. CTipp22

    NEW and figuring out the rules..

    I am a powerlifter 29 years old 6'2" 235lbs. I want to make connections and talk about lifting and supplementation. The rules seem to be pretty strict about asking certain things so I guess I need a little help getting going here. Appreciate the help! CT
  11. Dak T

    Raw Source

    in need of a raw source. If anyone is willing to for any good advice/experiences you have had
  12. G

    Steroid acne remedies

    So throughout middle school and high school I always had moderate acne and at a couple of points during wrestling season it would turn to severe. Years later it seems to have subsided and then recently when I started my first steroid cycle I was extremely worried that it would come back. However...
  13. J

    Ready to Quit

    So recently, I have decided to quite juicing altogether and today marks the last day of my cycle. Which was 9 weeks of testosterone Acetate at 900mg. Testosterone acetate has a similar half life to prop, so wondering if waiting 10 days to start pct would be about right? Also in the 10 day window...
  14. K

    Pharmacom cycle log

    So I just finished a 10 week cycle of pharmacom dbol, tren e, test e. I have been taking 200 tren e3d, 250 test e3d and 50mg dbol every day. Started cycle at 155lbs 15% bf, ended cycle at 176lbs 13% bf. So even on a bulking cycle i managed to lose a bit of bodyfat. And the strength gains...
  15. K

    Pharmacom cycle log

    So I just finished a 10 week cycle of pharmacom dbol, tren e, test e. I have been taking 200 tren e3d, 250 test e3d and 50mg dbol every day. Started cycle at 155lbs 15% bf, ended cycle at 176lbs 13% bf. So even on a bulking cycle i managed to lose a bit of bodyfat. And the strength gains...
  16. G

    Cabergoline alternative

    Wondering if there's something I can use instead of cabergoline to fight off prolactin gyno as my source is sold out. I have arimidex but I've been told caber should at least be on hand if I'm going to run tren or MENT. Anyone know of anything that would be a worthy alternative?
  17. E

    Free steroids, Seriously.

    I recently began my journey into aas about 8 weeks ago but was able to endure the chronic pinning and other side effects. I now have a bit of a stockpile I'm looking to get rid of. I'd love to trade for some legit osterine but if that is undoable then I would also send them to whoever is willing...
  18. G


    Has anyone on here kept a detailed log of MENT before and after use? Like how much lean mass can you gain over what period of time? Side effects/estrogen levels, did you stack it with anything etc?
  19. G

    PIP/bad swelling

    So around 3 or 4 days ago I injected 2ml of sustanon. That was my first time using sustanon and before that i had only injected 1ml at a time. I think I forced the oil in too quickly because afterwards the injection side kind of hurt which usually doesn't happen until the next day. For the past...
  20. BigJohn

    Is Napsgear gtg?

    I've been doing some reading on these guys, they seem pretty good, got a lot of good reviews and are a top source on eroids, anyone have any experience
  21. BigJohn

    Ban Rodger rabbitt

    This guy is pushing all kinds of bullshit labs and giving people dangerous advice, he's a danger to the meso community and the lurkers, he's insulted many members here, and has done this countless times in the past.
  22. AASraw

    Help, please! Homebrew of Test Cyp, 322mg/mL, cloudy when it cooled!

    Hi guys, Need help from you guys! One friend try to to cook Test Cyp, 267g to produce 800ml of solution. Trying for 322mg/cc dose. He used this recipes at the first stage: 2% BA 18% BB/EO Rest of volume was MCT oil. Pharmaceutical grade. Brought to 108 C, held at 108-110 for 15 minutes. Slow...
  23. P

    5 weeks into PCT and not seeing much recovery

    So about 8 weeks ago I took my last shot of sustanon. I was on cycle for a total of 7 months looked like the following; (roughly) Weeks 1-5 Sustanon 600mg per week Weeks 6-7 Sustanon 600mg and Tren A 300mg eod Weeks 8-13 Test P 420mg eod Tren A 420mg eod Weeks 14-15 Test P 420mg and Test E...
  24. Arkangel1200

    First cycle Vs current cycle

    My first cycle I ran 500mg test E, 600mg EQ, 300 tren ace, and 50mg anadrol ED. Normal cycle, nothing crazy. (Keep in mind I've been lifting since I was a child and i have previously ran prohormones and insulin many times). The side effects from the first true AAS cycle were crippling, of course...
  25. W

    Never Recovered From Steroids - Teen

    Hey, I am a new poster on this website because I am unable to find solid information on my situation. So, when I was around 16 years old or so, almost 17, I asked an adult I knew for steroids and was warned, but ultimately given them. Before you call me stupid, I was completely unaware on the...