test e

  1. A

    First Tren A and Test E CYCLE and some background info on me

    Whats up everyone, Im 22 years old 190lbs 6" 14% Bf but not new to gear. I have made a lot of dumb ass mistakes during my first 2 cycles by taking a lot of different compounds and high dosages for my age at the time. I dealt with a severe issue of ED and lose of sex drive last year and 2 weeks...
  2. Nighthawk8118

    PCT for 1st test cycle w HCG

    I am going to run test E/ 500mg a week for 12 weeks... I plan on pinning 250iu hcg weeks 3 thru 12 every 4 days AND 10mg aromasin EOD weeks 1 thru 12 then 25 mg ED for 2 weeks following last test pin. AND finallyclomid 50mg ED weeks 15 16 17 Is this a good formula of pct? Is this enough without...
  3. Nighthawk8118

    PCT for 1st cycle/ test E 500/wk

    I am going to run test E/ 500mg a week for 12 weeks... I plan on pinning 250iu HCG weeks 3 thru 12 every 4 days AND 10mg Aromasin EOD weeks 1 thru 12 then 25 mg ED for 2 weeks following last test pin. AND finally Clomid 50mg ED weeks 15 16 17 Is this a good formula of PCT? Is this enough...
  4. A

    Confused Adding HCG at the end of the cycle or on PCT

    i am in the middle of cycle now tomorrow will be my week 5 my recent plan test e 500mg 1-8 weeks deca 350mg 1-8 weeks hcg 750iu/ed after 10 days from last injection after hcg immediately start nolva and colmid for 4 weeks but i read many articles that really confused my about starting hcg on...
  5. B

    Hard lump at the top of bicep after injection

    first cycle been lifting about 3 years straight, on and off the years prior. Decided to try Enantat 250 dragon pharma at 500mg a week pinning twice a week. Into my third week and have had pip every pin but tolerable can still lift just fine. This past week I felt a hard lump between my bicep and...
  6. M

    TEST E, dianabol & Winstrol cycle?

    Hey guys I'm 28 178 lbs 5 foot 9 I want To do a Test E, dianabol (oral) and Winstrol liquid cycle . Looking to build up and try and keep water retention down a bit (if possible) I also have T3 oral so with that in mind can somebody please suggest a good cycle for me with these products...
  7. BuckEighty

    Injecting into a vein?

    Just finished pinning 1cc test e into my left glute, and started coughing almost immediately after withdrawing the needle. I aspirated successfully, but my question is this - is it possible that I moved the needle into a vein after I aspirated? There was a good amount of blood when I withdrew...
  8. BioChemBro

    24k Test E (MCT) Mid Cycle Bloods

    *bloods were taken during the 6th week of my cycle ~36hrs post injection* Cycle Info: 100mg Component TH ED (700mg/week) 60mg 24k Var ED first 4 weeks of cycle 24k Test E (MCT oil) at 200mg/week 100mg per injection twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) at the time was taking 0.25mg...
  9. BuckEighty

    HCG & Test Prop last 2 weeks of cycle?

    Hey guys, currently running Test E, 500 mg/week (12 week cycle). I've also got some prop that I wasn't planning on using but after a little research, it seems like I could run it weeks 13-14 and jump right into pct 3 days after my last prop injection. Since I was planning on doing an HCG blast...
  10. J

    2nd Cycle questions

    first off, im 23 years old, with 6% body fat and 165lbs at 5'5. ive been lifting a good four years seriously, starting at 120 and going up from there. my macros are as of right now, fats 70g, carbs 240g, and 320g of protein which consists mainly of oats, chicken, egg whites, protein powder...
  11. M

    What to expect during PCT after Test E cycle

    Hey guys I am on week 10/10 of my first Test E 500mg/week cycle. I had strength increase, intensity increase, muscle gain, aggression increase, libido increase, confidence increase, appetite increase.. Basically it was a successful first cycle, and was very cool to learn how steroids effect a...
  12. A

    Cycle Advice?

    Stats Age:22 Height:6ft 3 Weight:105kg (229 lbs) BF: 12-13% Calorie intake:6500 Daily First cycle was just straight Dbol at 60mg ED Saw solid results and im keen to give them another go Now looking to run: Weeks 1-12 Test E 500mg Weeks 1-6 Dbol 50mg ED Weeks 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg ED Weeks...
  13. BuckEighty

    Underdosed Test E??? (Bloods)

    Just got the results from my bloodwork from last week, and I'm worried my test e is underdosed. I got my blood drawn about 36 hours after my third pin, and my total testosterone is at 1500 ng/dl (normal range = 348-1097 ng/dl). My tested natural test (pardon the pun) is 450 ng/dl. Cycle...
  14. Said Sakas

    Competitive powerlifter 19 years old.

    Hey, Im an 19 years old guy 191 lbs 5'8 Bench 285lbs Squat 485lbs. Deadlift 530 Im rated 2nd in Israel, i still have no idea how my last lift got 2 red and 1 white, but that was okay as the meet was Push&Pull only and it was my first meet. Im thinking of participating in Europe open...
  15. gunshow1990

    How should I dose my cycle of Test E, Tren Ace, and Winny??

    Okay guys so I'm going to give you all the information I have and get your thoughts. I've done one cycle before and it was Test P, Tren A, and Anavar. Pretty good gains but lost my abs and lost all the weight I gained on the cycle. Also broke out like a bitch. I want to keep from breaking out...
  16. K

    Transporting Gear Inconspicuously

    All, A few weeks ago I explained in a post that I wished to bring my gear on the DL while traveling overseas. It was suggested to me to buy "nail polish" bottles to disguise them and transfer the contents of the vials containing test e and deca into the nail polish bottles. My assumption is...
  17. B

    Tren Ace and Test E second cycle

    okay just a quick background, I'm 22 years old and was always a hardgainer because of my diet now I realize. I know I'm young but the decision to make this jump to AS was mine to make and I thought long and hard before I did it. First cycle was 9 weeks of sust. The first 4 weeks I was at 250...
  18. SSJ10_Gogeta

    First Cycle - Week 9 Blood Work - Underdosed

    I've spent A LOT of time researching on these forums, but this is my first post. I never felt the need to post because if I searched hard enough I always find someone that already asked my question before. Now I do have a legitimate question/request for advice. Stats: Age: 25 Weight: 205...
  19. K

    Poor Gains on Cycle and What to Do

    All, I started my cycle a month and a half ago - Test E 250, Deca 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate), and Dianabol. A little more than a week into the cycle, I was at the doctor's office for an unrelated matter, and my blood pressure was at an unhealthy level and my heart rate was the highest that...
  20. P

    First cycle, on week 5, comments , thoughts, all very welcome

    Hey all, That’s my first cycle, I’m 29yo, bf % no idea, not fat , not lean perhaps about 15% before starting the cycle, 188cm and currently 91kilos and I have been lifting for the last maybe 10 years, on and off, but quite consistent. In September 2015 I broke some capsules in my hand while...
  21. Street_Shark

    Test E Tren Ace Anavar

    I'm looking for advice Test e 250mg-mon 125mg-wed 250md-fri Tren Ace 100mg ED Anavar 40mg ED Need advice on dose and PCT
  22. B

    First Test E cycle

    The time has come for me to start my first cycle. I've been researching for about a month now and think I have a good amount of knowledge to start. I want to start with a very basic cycle that I think many first time users go with. I am about 5'10''. I have been around 135 pounds all my life but...
  23. L

    Questions regarding Tren A/Test E cycle.

    Started it about 4 days ago, curious if I am doing some things right. It is my first tren cycle btw and 3rd overall cycle. Im doing 50mg ED Tren Ace 125mg test e E3D 0.5 caber E3D 0.25 pharma arimidex EOD 1.Is the tren a good amount or is it too much for a first time user? 2.I am feeling a...
  24. A

    NPP and Test E Cycle

    Age: 25 Weight: 210 LBS Height: 5"11 BF: 15% This would be my 3rd cycle W 1-12 Test E 400mg W 1-10 NPP 75mg/EOD W 3-12 HcG 500IU W 1-10 Caber .5mg PCT W 15-20 Nolvadex 20mg/ED W 15-20 Caber .5mg W 15-18 Aromasin 20mg/ED W 15-16 HcG 2500IU This would be the first cycle I make on my own so there...
  25. A

    Tren ace test e 2nd cycle help

    Hey guys. I'm 6 foot 220 (6 months ago I was 195). I just did a cycle of test e. I started out with 250 2 times a week and then after week 4 went to 750 a week. Had great gains In size and stregnth and recovery. I absolutely loved everything. My last 4 weeks I did 80 mg winny a day for the cut...