10x rule unscientific!


New Member
Testosterone Injections Dose Response
A WADA funded study

One of the notable findings was the huge difference in response to testosterone injections between the individuals in this study. For example, one guy had a testosterone level of approximately 3,300 ng/dL! While another guy given 500 mg’s of test enanthate had only a level of 1,000 ng/dL after 4 days. The authors attribute this difference in testosterone metabolism to genetic differences in the phosphodiesterase PDE7B gene. It also helps put things into perspective as to why we see such a varying degree of doses in the bodybuilding world. Some guys need only a little and they are what we often call hyper responders, while others seem to use endless amounts of AAS with a fairly moderate or even poor response.

Testosterone Injections Dose Response - Prohormone Podcast
I have Made up my Mind less is better I'm now at 1300 doing my homebrew of test and equipoise. I honestly have stopped ai.aromason
And my libido, and joints are perfect.
My training is getting better.
I don't believe in 10 times rule it's sometimes correct.ive had a long ride on nandrolone and decided not worth it equipoise is better and so is lower test
But others may not agree

caveman72 using not abusing
One of the reasons I looked into this was, when I started TRT a few years ago, my numbers came back over 1500 TT, on just 200mg a week. This was 4 days after injection. So many other guys argued with me on other boards showing blood work on 600mg at around 2000 TT. They couldn't believe me. I thought their gear was under dosed. Maybe I was wrong.

Another reason, I have a close friend who is a hard gainer. He always runs things much higher than I ever would. Like 150mg a day anadrol. He has to eat tons of carbs and calories. Total opposite body type than me. When I described to him how I feel on 300mg of test a week he said that's how he feels on 600mg.
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Why I always get dragged in to this?
Nothing different than I already knew
Next person to drop a 10x rule on their first set of labs gets back handed

30 hours give or take 6 hours isn't 10x the dosage of test e or cyp?

I'm hanging with Dr Jim. Fuck you guys.
Jk I don't f****** know. Dr Jim seems like a smart ass to me, I mean a smart guy.
30 hours give or take 6 hours isn't 10x the dosage of test e or cyp?

I'm hanging with Dr Jim. Fuck you guys.

Hey man, I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers. If I misunderstood the 10x rule or if this study is not applicable then I'm willing to stand corrected. I'm just trying to have a discussion. Nobody wins if you just say "f*** you"
I been preaching this...

It is so stupid to go by "10x" rule when everyone's body is different.
Everyone's might be a little different, but by week 5 things should be pretty damn consistent in the serum blood levels i would think. We aren't talking about how quick it takes an energy drink to hit you versus you friend or other fast acting shit. Most times we are talking about testosterones with a half life of 7 or 8 days and taking readings at day 35 or so. There really shouldn't be that big of a difference, especially when we see tests that should be 6000 and come out 1500 or something goofy.
Everyone's might be a little different, but by week 5 things should be pretty damn consistent in the serum blood levels i would think. We aren't talking about how quick it takes an energy drink to hit you versus you friend or other fast acting shit. Most times we are talking about testosterones with a half life of 7 or 8 days and taking readings at day 35 or so. There really shouldn't be that big of a difference, especially when we see tests that should be 6000 and come out 1500 or something goofy.

That's the point. This study shows that we can't say that it should 6000 because we don't know how each person will respond. Your number might be 6000 but mine could be very different. We can't use your numbers as universal for everyone else. There is no rule.
Agree with this entire thread. People are different. Why do people need different medicines? Some people who battle depression do fine with a medicine like lexapor, others it does not work on.

There is no set rule in this. Another thing is I hate it when people say don't take this or don't take that. Deca is way better than EQ or the opposite. Or people say tren does or doesn't work for them. People are different, do what works best for u.
I'm not a huge Rich Piana guy, but one thing he said I really agree with. He says he see's people on the internet just parroting what other people say, and never go out and find out what works for them. This is very true, and why it's important when u start using gear to take only 1 or 2 compounds to see what works best for u.