I wanted to address some of the misinformed statements you have made about Dr. Scally in the "Men's Health Forum". Out of respect for Dr. Scally, I don't want to litter the men's health forum and detract him from his efforts to educate members about medicine, TRT, AAS and ASIH.
There is no "medical law" governing treatment of anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). In fact, the medical community does NOT recognize this condition nor is there an FDA-approved treatment for ASIH. The current standard of care is watchful waiting.
Dr. Scally actually established the standard of care for ASIH but had his license revoked because the TSBME thought "watchful waiting" was the appropriate treatment. Legal scholar Philip Sweitzer has called this a "politically-motivated" action.
It is clear that you are unfamiliar with Dr. Scally's legal case but are relying on the self-serving rantings espoused by an individual on another forum.
An excellent review of Dr. Scally's case can be found here:
This is clearly the spiteful line of argument originating from a physician on another forum. The irony is that said doctor's infamy derives from HIS personal attacks on various individuals; the doctor responsible for these statements against Dr. Scally has, in fact, been banned from numerous bodybuilding forums because of his personal attacks on individuals. Dr. Scally has never been banned from any internet forum.
Michael Scally is known for his determined advocacy of the treatment of ASIH for pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical androgen users. He has been published in medical journals numerous times and has presented his protocols before Endocrine Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of Sports Medicine, and the International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV.
]If you stick around and read Dr. Scally's posts, you will notice quite a difference in the posting style between Dr. Scally and other TRT docs posting on the internet. Dr. Scally actually meticulously supports all his protocols and recommendations with hard science.
barcafan said:You sure love to refer to him as a doctor, even though he isn't one anymore? His license got revoked for what i imagine to be rather unscrupulous activities.
barcafan said:He had to break 'medical law' in order to treat people with steroid induced hypogonadism?
I'm pretty sure theres doctors treating people for that condition everyday without offering them banned substances.
There is no "medical law" governing treatment of anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). In fact, the medical community does NOT recognize this condition nor is there an FDA-approved treatment for ASIH. The current standard of care is watchful waiting.
Dr. Scally actually established the standard of care for ASIH but had his license revoked because the TSBME thought "watchful waiting" was the appropriate treatment. Legal scholar Philip Sweitzer has called this a "politically-motivated" action.
It is clear that you are unfamiliar with Dr. Scally's legal case but are relying on the self-serving rantings espoused by an individual on another forum.
An excellent review of Dr. Scally's case can be found here:

The Michael Scally Case: How Political Subversion of the Law Reaches the Professions through the Anti-Steroid Crusade
Introduction – My Interest in the Political Use and Abuse of Legislation Criminalizing Use of Anabolic Steroids In his political blockbuster on the

barcafan said:Besides, Scallys infamy is hinged upon his personal attacks on various people....so i dont know why hes going down that path of argument.
Scally promotes the use of anabolic steorids, at his medical license's peril.
This is clearly the spiteful line of argument originating from a physician on another forum. The irony is that said doctor's infamy derives from HIS personal attacks on various individuals; the doctor responsible for these statements against Dr. Scally has, in fact, been banned from numerous bodybuilding forums because of his personal attacks on individuals. Dr. Scally has never been banned from any internet forum.
Michael Scally is known for his determined advocacy of the treatment of ASIH for pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical androgen users. He has been published in medical journals numerous times and has presented his protocols before Endocrine Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of Sports Medicine, and the International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV.
]If you stick around and read Dr. Scally's posts, you will notice quite a difference in the posting style between Dr. Scally and other TRT docs posting on the internet. Dr. Scally actually meticulously supports all his protocols and recommendations with hard science.