MESO-Rx Exclusive About Michael Scally, MD


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I wanted to address some of the misinformed statements you have made about Dr. Scally in the "Men's Health Forum". Out of respect for Dr. Scally, I don't want to litter the men's health forum and detract him from his efforts to educate members about medicine, TRT, AAS and ASIH.

barcafan said:
You sure love to refer to him as a doctor, even though he isn't one anymore? His license got revoked for what i imagine to be rather unscrupulous activities.

barcafan said:
He had to break 'medical law' in order to treat people with steroid induced hypogonadism?

I'm pretty sure theres doctors treating people for that condition everyday without offering them banned substances.

There is no "medical law" governing treatment of anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). In fact, the medical community does NOT recognize this condition nor is there an FDA-approved treatment for ASIH. The current standard of care is watchful waiting.

Dr. Scally actually established the standard of care for ASIH but had his license revoked because the TSBME thought "watchful waiting" was the appropriate treatment. Legal scholar Philip Sweitzer has called this a "politically-motivated" action.

It is clear that you are unfamiliar with Dr. Scally's legal case but are relying on the self-serving rantings espoused by an individual on another forum.

An excellent review of Dr. Scally's case can be found here:

barcafan said:
Besides, Scallys infamy is hinged upon his personal attacks on various i dont know why hes going down that path of argument.

Scally promotes the use of anabolic steorids, at his medical license's peril.

This is clearly the spiteful line of argument originating from a physician on another forum. The irony is that said doctor's infamy derives from HIS personal attacks on various individuals; the doctor responsible for these statements against Dr. Scally has, in fact, been banned from numerous bodybuilding forums because of his personal attacks on individuals. Dr. Scally has never been banned from any internet forum.

Michael Scally is known for his determined advocacy of the treatment of ASIH for pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical androgen users. He has been published in medical journals numerous times and has presented his protocols before Endocrine Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of Sports Medicine, and the International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV.

]If you stick around and read Dr. Scally's posts, you will notice quite a difference in the posting style between Dr. Scally and other TRT docs posting on the internet. Dr. Scally actually meticulously supports all his protocols and recommendations with hard science.
I found this on Dr. Chrisler's forum

Is this you or is he plotting something?

It is real. I took the picture. The photo was stolen from my blog.

Did you know that Taylor Hooton committed suicide AFTER he discontinued anabolic steroids? The professionals treating Taylor failed to address the resulting anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). Obviously, ASIH isn't going to make anyone suffering depression feel any better.

Of all the professionals that Don Hooton had consulted since the death of his son, Michael Scally was the FIRST to offer him medical solutions/protocols to help teens come off steroids and restore their health.
It is real. I took the picture. The photo was stolen from my blog.

Did you know that Taylor Hooton committed suicide AFTER he discontinued anabolic steroids? The professionals treating Taylor failed to address the anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). ASIH isn't going to make anyone suffering depression feel any better.

Of all the professionals that Don Hooton had consulted since the death of his son, Michael Scally was the FIRST to offer him solutions/protocols to help teens come off steroids.

I have been working with many interested people, federal regulatory agencies, and those afflicted with AIH in bringing a treatment for this disorder. Don Hooton is is a remarkable person who is committed to bringing the plight of AAS, including stopping AAS, to the public. Since i do not venture into Crisler's hideout, I have no idea for its presence.
Here is the original context in which the photo appeared:

In the five years since Taylor’s death, has been at the forefront of efforts to educate adolescents about the unacceptable risks that anabolic steroids pose to them. Hooton has been frustrated that various medical experts from around the country have been unable to offer any medical solutions for the treating the the medical sequelae of ASIH. Thus, it was no surprise that family physicians were unprepared to deal with (adolescent) steroid use.

Dr. Michael Scally, at significant professional risk, has provided medical care for individuals using anabolic steroids since 1995 with a particular clinical/research emphasis on returning his patients to normal physiology after the discontinuation of anabolic steroids. Dr. Scally has presented his medical protocol for the treatment of Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism before the Endocrine Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of Sports Medicine, and International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV.​
For the greater part of 10 years I have found that the medical treatment provided for the condition termed anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH), is nonexistent or ignored by the great majority of medical professionals. As predicted since my entry into this field in 1995 more and more cases of ASIH would appear due to this negligence.
Ironically, the one physician dedicated to addressing the problem of ASIH was selectively targeted for professional discipline in the aftermath of the Taylor Hooton tragedy. The lack of “political support for his chosen area of practice” resulted in Dr. Michael Scally’s professional decertification. Undeterred, Dr. Scally continued to work on developing medical therapies for the normalization, functionality, and restoration of hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis (HPTA) following anabolic steroid cessation. While no longer able to directly care for patients, he continues to consult with physicians and assist in the treatment of ASIH.

Taylor Hooton and his family would have been lucky to have had Michael Scally MD as their physician. Many people feel the tragedy could have been averted if the medical community (in general) and Taylor's doctors (in particular) had a better understanding of anabolic steroids and ASIH.

I don't think steroids caused Taylor Hooton to commit suicide. But I also don't think taking someone off steroids "cold turkey" without PCT (as Don Hooton told us was done) helped Taylor's depression.

Read the conclusions of Philip Sweitzer in the following article:

Anabolic steroid legislative and enforcement policy, to date, has been an unmitigated failure, because it intentionally ignores scientific reality; and, until it comes to terms with scientific reality instead of focusing on quasi-religious issues of faith, it will continue to fail the test. It is the author’s opinion that had Taylor Hooton been Dr. Scally’s patient, it is quite likely he would still be with us today.

The Michael Scally Case: How Political Subversion of the Law Reaches the Professions through the Anti-Steroid Crusade by Philip Sweitzer, Esq
It is real. I took the picture. The photo was stolen from my blog.

Did you know that Taylor Hooton committed suicide AFTER he discontinued anabolic steroids? The professionals treating Taylor failed to address the resulting anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). Obviously, ASIH isn't going to make anyone suffering depression feel any better.

Of all the professionals that Don Hooton had consulted since the death of his son, Michael Scally was the FIRST to offer him medical solutions/protocols to help teens come off steroids and restore their health.

Damn kid, should have listened to the ones who know best.. Hopefully it will turn out that I have a better head on my young shoulders than Taylor.. Dealing with any form of hypogonadism, steroid-induced or not is a struggle. So far a struggle that I would hope could never take me that far, yet the diagnosis of Idiopathic that clinical endocrinologists love using is a hard fact to face.
I have been working with many interested people, federal regulatory agencies, and those afflicted with AIH in bringing a treatment for this disorder. Don Hooton is is a remarkable person who is committed to bringing the plight of AAS, including stopping AAS, to the public. Since i do not venture into Crisler's hideout, I have no idea for its presence.

I enjoy watching him try to smite you. It is definately a sign of either boredom or immaturity on his part.
Damn kid, should have listened to the ones who know best.. Hopefully it will turn out that I have a better head on my young shoulders than Taylor.. Dealing with any form of hypogonadism, steroid-induced or not is a struggle. So far a struggle that I would hope could never take me that far, yet the diagnosis of Idiopathic that clinical endocrinologists love using is a hard fact to face.

You and me! The term "idiopathic" is a buzz word for we do not know. Only the medical profession would develop so many words for ignorance. Another one is primary as in primary hypertension.
I enjoy watching him try to smite you. It is definately a sign of either boredom or immaturity on his part.

Dr. Scally is positioning his company to have a significant impact on how doctors treat pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical anabolic steroid use.

I am not surprised that the most popular threads on other forums are devoted to him.
You and me! The term "idiopathic" is a buzz word for we do not know. Only the medical profession would develop so many words for ignorance. Another one is primary as in primary hypertension.

I literally wanted to knock my endo clear out of the 5th floor of the Mayo building when I was "informed" of my diagnosis or lack there of I guess.
im going to get a copy of the public proceedings of the TSMBE action. I want to find out exactly why from their point of view they did what they did. I read the lawyers rebuttle but their are some issues not covered that have to be public for this decision to have come down this way.

I also have a good friend who works for the Chronicle and I will ask if any of this was covered by their reporters or editor. I would think this case would have been quite news worthy.
Free press too.??? You cant be serious.

Pehaps an inquiry to YOUR GROUP would suit well. Perhaps a review of your practices are protocol as they relate to todays medical standards, should be reviewed.

The Doc is not practicing medicine here. YOU ARE practicing where you are. Who has something to loose.....:drooling:


im going to get a copy of the public proceedings of the TSMBE action. I want to find out exactly why from their point of view they did what they did. I read the lawyers rebuttle but their are some issues not covered that have to be public for this decision to have come down this way.

I also have a good friend who works for the Chronicle and I will ask if any of this was covered by their reporters or editor. I would think this case would have been quite news worthy.
Personally I do not understand the argument but I do know I enjoy the posts and guidance Dr. Scally provides. I have always found it best to not judge anyone and listen to them. Generally speaking allowing someone to talk will show you the validity of the advice over time. I remember being really young and my grandmother told me you learn nothing while speaking yet when you listen you learn everything.

I really do not care what other peoples opinions are of posters on this board I will decide for myself how to use the information they give. I find it rather curious that people always look for certification or some other "authority" to tell them things are safe. It seems as though in my lifetime personal responsibility has been removed completely.

Anyway thank you Millard for the site and thank you Dr. Scally for the posts.
im going to get a copy of the public proceedings of the TSMBE action. I want to find out exactly why from their point of view they did what they did. I read the lawyers rebuttle but their are some issues not covered that have to be public for this decision to have come down this way.

I also have a good friend who works for the Chronicle and I will ask if any of this was covered by their reporters or editor. I would think this case would have been quite news worthy.

Go ahead, do as you wish...........but no one here gives a shit..........ive read Dr. Scally's posts and many many others over the various boards. I have learned more from the DR's posts than on any board. BBC is correct the DR is POLITICALLY PRUDENT and trust me ALL OF US wish he would let loose.

My point being, before you go trying to dig up some garbage, lets see your educated posts....................because around here thats really all that matters. We already know what "the licensed doc's in good standing" have to say. :popcorn:

To Dr. Scally thanks for sticking up for the guys with ASIH, its about time someone had the balls to do so :cool:
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im going to get a copy of the public proceedings of the TSMBE action. I want to find out exactly why from their point of view they did what they did. I read the lawyers rebuttle but their are some issues not covered that have to be public for this decision to have come down this way.

I also have a good friend who works for the Chronicle and I will ask if any of this was covered by their reporters or editor. I would think this case would have been quite news worthy.

I would appreciate all the news, publicity, etc. I/you can gather. The case is on appeal currently. Thank you for your interest!

[If you take the time, I only support evidence based medical (EBM) treatments. I take the time to provide the literature to Meso readers. And by EBM, I mean EBM.]
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There is nothing to understand. He is a trolling snake oil salesman, looking for business...

Who, by the way, dug up this old post in an effort to discredit scally any way he could. After scally called the spade once he came here to sell his shit. What he did not know was that the thread was started by that idiot Barablower, or whatever, who simply had another ax of this type to grind. BaracBlower was actually banned for a few weeks to my recollection, and succedded in begging Millard to re-activate his membership. But with no formal apology, WHICH IS STILL DUE....

The whole thread merits deletion.......
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im going to get a copy of the public proceedings of the TSMBE action. I want to find out exactly why from their point of view they did what they did. I read the lawyers rebuttle but their are some issues not covered that have to be public for this decision to have come down this way.

I also have a good friend who works for the Chronicle and I will ask if any of this was covered by their reporters or editor. I would think this case would have been quite news worthy.

Sadly, this case was not given a high-profile by the media. The Chronicle did little to cover the plight of a local physician that was a political casualty of a steroid witch-hunt. Certainly, it was newsworthy and should have been treated as such.

It was Dr. Scally who sought to give the case a higher profile. He sent out a letter to various websites and news organizations to bring attention to his plight after his license was revoked in 2004. MESO-Rx published it here:

Dr. Scally has become more familiar with the (Texas) legal system than anyone should ever want to be with his case at the appellate level:

There are thousands of pages in public documents that tell the story. I have reviewed most of them, as has Philip Sweitzer in his piece on Dr. Scally

Should you have the time and interest to review these documents, I expect you change your assumption that his license was revoked with "good cause". You may reach the same conclusion as Sweitzer:

Dr. Scally’s professional decertification should not withstand appellate scrutiny. That statement, however, necessarily presumes a politically independent judiciary. As demonstrated, Texas has no politically independent judiciary. Further, because 1) Dr. Scally’s professional decertification serves an important political goal for the executive; 2) the executive in Texas is afforded broad executive privilege to act largely in secret to act on its political goals; 3) the judiciary in Texas has been loath to effectively check such action by acquiescent deference to the judgment of administrative agencies, which deferential standard is established in Texas law; 4) religion and government freely commingle in Texas; and 5) steroid policy is now fundamentally related to the religious underpinning of the evolution of American team sports out of Muscular Christianity, it is this author’s opinion that the situation is only likely to change with the dissemination – and publication – of the scientific data in the press. For instance, the HBO Real Sports, Keteyian report effectively silenced the steroid crusaders, if only for a moment.

Moreover, the Austin, Dallas and Houston press should not only put out the scientific “data;” rather, it should also shine a light on State Medical Board proceedings, to demand full public disclosure of “open records,” at a minimum, an important first step to ensure that physicians – like Dr. Scally - are not being targeted for professional reprisal premised on the lack of political support for their chosen area of practice. Such political targeting of physicians and medical care portends ominous social consequences: when the practice of medicine is politically – rather than scientifically – organized, moralistic restrictions on the delivery of care will invariably, but nonetheless selectively, target the already weak or physically compromised. Recently, this has been most obvious in the Bush Administration’s position on stem cell research.

Anabolic steroid legislative and enforcement policy, to date, has been an unmitigated failure, because it intentionally ignores scientific reality; and, until it comes to terms with scientific reality instead of focusing on quasi-religious issues of faith, it will continue to fail the test. It is the author’s opinion that had Taylor Hooton been Dr. Scally’s patient, it is quite likely he would still be with us today.
