Androgel "working" time?


New Member

I'm on 5 g of AndroGel daily (second month)

The official info about pharmacokinetics says, that it should stay active for 24H.
AndroGel??(testosterone gel) 1%

But I have a feeling that it's only works 6- 8 hours after application.
Should I increase dose, test for other things like DHEA-s, Thyroid panel etc?

My levels of testosterone, free t, LH, FSH, e2 are very low - doc said I'm secondary hypo - give me androgel and I should come back in 3 months.

After visiting a gym I felt bad, have symptoms of high cortisol or just I'm felt numb - like adrenal glands burn out for few days after training. And no "morning wood". After few days of rest I felt better, but only at the morning / first part of the day. At the evening I felt sleepy again - no libido, no energy - only thing i want is to go to bed and sleep. Sometimes my hands felt very wet / sweaty (- very unpleasant for my gf)

Should I increase the dose of AndroGel or supplement myself additional with DHEA or something..(i.e. maca / tribulus)? (Currently I use only extra multivit/minerals daily)

My doc is best in town and very open - maybe I can suggest something..?

(Previously another doc give me series of HCG shots (5000 IU 2x weekly) - but I stopped the treatment a year ago because of high e2 very unpleasant symptoms - I asked about AI/SERM but doc says no)

PS Sorry for my grammar etc - English is not my native language.
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Hey man

I understand your pain, but androgel is a really good product, but if you want results from it, it has to be applied the right way.

First, how are you applying the gel?

The best way I have found it needs to be applied is about 10 mins after your shower (whenever this is), same time every day. Make sure the skin is dry of course, and your hands are clean. Rip the packet open, and sqeeze the gel onto your skin and apply to the bicep and under side of the arm on the left, rub it in, and then the right side, and rub it in with your figner till its dry. Then squeeze equal amounts left over onto your shoulders, rub it in, then apply the rest to the sides of your stomach.

Also do not squeeze the gel onto your palms then rub it on, this wastes lots of gel, you squeeze the gel onto the application sites and rub it in till its dry.

Following this, you should see a major improvement with in the first week. Other tips are do not apply lotion or other garbage to the application sites. Its crazy you're on month two, you should have seen an improvement within the first week, then its a compounding effect and just gets more intense has the month goes on.

Let me know if you have any questions.


I'm on 5 g of AndroGel daily (second month)

The official info about pharmacokinetics says, that it should stay active for 24H.
AndroGel??(testosterone gel) 1%

But I have a feeling that it's only works 6- 8 hours after application.
Should I increase dose, test for other things like DHEA-s, Thyroid panel etc?

My levels of testosterone, free t, LH, FSH, e2 are very low - doc said I'm secondary hypo - give me androgel and I should come back in 3 months.

After visiting a gym I felt bad, have symptoms of high cortisol or just I'm felt numb - like adrenal glands burn out for few days after training. And no "morning wood". After few days of rest I felt better, but only at the morning / first part of the day. At the evening I felt sleepy again - no libido, no energy - only thing i want is to go to bed and sleep. Sometimes my hands felt very wet / sweaty (- very unpleasant for my gf)

Should I increase the dose of AndroGel or supplement myself additional with DHEA or something..(i.e. maca / tribulus)? (Currently I use only extra multivit/minerals daily)

My doc is best in town and very open - maybe I can suggest something..?

(Previously another doc give me series of HCG shots (5000 IU 2x weekly) - but I stopped the treatment a year ago because of high e2 very unpleasant symptoms - I asked about AI/SERM but doc says no)

PS Sorry for my grammar etc - English is not my native language.
Hey man

I understand your pain, but androgel is a really good product, but if you want results from it, it has to be applied the right way.

First, how are you applying the gel?

The best way I have found it needs to be applied is about 10 mins after your shower (whenever this is), same time every day. Make sure the skin is dry of course, and your hands are clean. Rip the packet open, and sqeeze the gel onto your skin and apply to the bicep and under side of the arm on the left, rub it in, and then the right side, and rub it in with your figner till its dry. Then squeeze equal amounts left over onto your shoulders, rub it in, then apply the rest to the sides of your stomach.

Also do not squeeze the gel onto your palms then rub it on, this wastes lots of gel, you squeeze the gel onto the application sites and rub it in till its dry.

Following this, you should see a major improvement with in the first week. Other tips are do not apply lotion or other garbage to the application sites. Its crazy you're on month two, you should have seen an improvement within the first week, then its a compounding effect and just gets more intense has the month goes on.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank You for answering me!

First month on AndroGel was great, but effects declined with time and increased gym / life activity. Maybe 5 g is not enough for me? Maybe after first month of use my HPTA is already blocked?

I use plastic (old credit card) to apply the gel to my upper arms / shoulders - 5 minutes after morning shower. Tomorrow I will try to apply AndroGel following Your instructions.
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I could not say if 5g is enough or not, dr should run your numbers after 6wks to determine if the dose is working or not.

Just make sure you are not applying it to the area where you'll have blood drawn.

Sorry, plastic credit card?? Yeah that's a new one.

The key to this gel is in application, squeezing it onto the skin, then using your figner to really rub it in is how it needs to be done. Rub it in until the site is almost dry is the key.

Keep me updated, you should start feeling better with in a week.

Also one other key, don't use bar soap or any liquid lotion soap on your skin. Use a clean body wash.

Thank You for answering me!

First month on AndroGel was great, but effects declined with time and increased gym / life activity. Maybe 5 g is not enough for me? Maybe after first month of use my HPTA is already blocked?

I use plastic (old credit card) to apply the gel to my upper arms / shoulders - 5 minutes after morning shower. Tomorrow I will try to apply AndroGel following Your instructions.
Hi, I used plastic to not waste gel with hands. To much stays on my fingers.

Thanks again, information about rub it to dry and not use bar soap is new to me.

I will keep this thread updated.
androgel works over a 24 hour period-- your skin acts like a reservoir and it "seeps into your system" slowly but you need to do daily applications.

I really like androgel-- I apply it everyday after a hot shower which I believe opens your pores and allows for maximum absorption.

5g/day is the MINIMAL DOSE you might need 7.5 g/day or 10 g/day. Ask your doc to go to 7,5 g/day and retest within 1 month

androgel works great for libido!!

good luck to you!!
I bet your T levels are lower than before and possibly E and DHT are up. Why?

Feels great the first week to get a test "boost". then your body shuts down because it's getting external test. Now you're dropping lower and only androgel is providing the test.

I'm a year into HRT (injections though) and am finally finding the sweet spots. It takes a while, but it is worth it. If you have a lame duck telling you how much to take because he attended a seminar/conference or read some articles, he's not using his brain, he's just ushering you along like the status quo.
If you read the pharmacological information that androgel provides, you will see that they are basically emulating the natural curve and levels of testosterone in normal individuals.

If your lab work shows no signficant rise in Testosterone or FreeT, then you should up your dose to possibly 10grams.

Which you are basically taking a bath in the stuff. It is a flaw with their product, the percentage is so low, you need to douse yourself in the stuff.
Thank You guys very much for all priceless information.

Today I tried to really rub my gel hard and carefully to almost dry and I think it's feels better. Possibly my DHT & e2 levels feels higher too.

In next few days I will check my levels at lab (after gym and non gym / resting days) and come back with blood work results to update this thread.

I suspect that 5g is OK for easy day and for gym times I need 7.5 or 10. After lab work we will see..

Thanks again! :)
5 GRAMS/DAY.. When will it work?? never...........

Thats not enough. You are getting less than a normal person makes. you will need 10/day..
You have probably right!

Now my lab results:

Before AndroGel therapy:

PRL (prolactin) 13.84 ng/ml (Reference values: 3.28 - 19.68)
LH 1.9 mIU/ml (2.0 - 12.0)
FSH 3.13 mIU/ml (1.0 - 8.0)
Testosterone 3.45 ng/ml (1.95 - 11.38)

After 2 months on AndroGel 5g:
(at 9:15 AM, before gel dose)

PRL 11.56 ng/ml
E2 13,6 pg/ml (< 77.0)
Testosterone 4.15

TSH 0.978 µIU/ml (0.490 - 4.670)
FT3 2.24 pg/ml (1.45 - 3.48)
FT4 1.27 ng/dl (0.71 - 1.85)
(DHEA-s level comes next week)

Please discuss.