Ask Bill Roberts: Is Deca Durabolin Overrated?

Steroid News

News bot on steroids
Dear Bill, I know who are users rave about Deca , except for one who says it is crap and should be stayed away from. You don’t seem to say anything good about it in your articles and on boards there are both opinions – for and against. Can you shed some light on this?

What kind of cheap ass setup is this?? A robot that asks questions. Look you are supposed to serve us, not question your master. Get your shit together before we send your metal ass down to be reprogrammed.:eek: So heres to you, polishing these nutz.......!
U serious here ASS HAT??....I'm pretty sure the BOT just reposts the question which someone must have asked on the steroid blog. LMAO
I dont know. I just didn't like the looks of him last night!!!!!![:eek:)]

U serious here ASS HAT??....I'm pretty sure the BOT just reposts the question which someone must have asked on the steroid blog. LMAO