Took a 4 day break from arimidex because I had tanked my e2 with 0.5 adex ED.
500mg test E/week for 15 weeks + 250iu hcg 2x/week. Blood results:
The reason my e2 is high is because I was "recovering" my tanked e2 by stopping my AI for 4 days. Apparently that was enough time to take it from tanked to over double the normal range. I am on a 200mg/week cruise as of yesterday now. Should I keep my adex at 0.25 EOD? Also surprised at how high my test is at 500mg/week.
Strength and size gains were amazing, this was my first time on steroids. No sides other than some water retention on some days. Put on no fat by keeping my surplus small. Gained 16-18 lbs while maintaining leanness. Strength also went up a lot on all lifts. Added 60-70 lbs to deadlift working weight. 60 lbs to squat working weight, 40 lbs to bench working weight. Didn't test 1 rep maxes and don't plan to but they obviously shot up a lot if my working weight went up by that much.
500mg test E/week for 15 weeks + 250iu hcg 2x/week. Blood results:

The reason my e2 is high is because I was "recovering" my tanked e2 by stopping my AI for 4 days. Apparently that was enough time to take it from tanked to over double the normal range. I am on a 200mg/week cruise as of yesterday now. Should I keep my adex at 0.25 EOD? Also surprised at how high my test is at 500mg/week.
Strength and size gains were amazing, this was my first time on steroids. No sides other than some water retention on some days. Put on no fat by keeping my surplus small. Gained 16-18 lbs while maintaining leanness. Strength also went up a lot on all lifts. Added 60-70 lbs to deadlift working weight. 60 lbs to squat working weight, 40 lbs to bench working weight. Didn't test 1 rep maxes and don't plan to but they obviously shot up a lot if my working weight went up by that much.