15 weeks in Test cycle, Need Help


New Member

SO this is basically my first cycle, I took some GNC anabolic when I was in highschool.

24 6'1" 210 about 5% body fat 4 weeks out.

my cycle has been great, started at about 205 15% bf now 210 5% bf
havnt noticed anything weird as far as estro levels, testies seem fine in size, may be loosing a bit of libido.

For my cycle,

1-12 weeks test e 500mg per week
12-15 test p 100mg eod
winstrol 10days on 50mg ed

my comp is 1 month out/4weeks

plan to continue test p for 3.5 weeks which brings me to a 17/18 week cycle.
also continue the winstrol for 4 weeks.

18 weeks on test
5 weeks on winstorl

Plan to start my PCT right after my show,

For PCT I will Blast HCG 10000iu for the first week
then start PCT - Clomid 50/50/50/50/25/ Novla 25/25/25/25

Im started to worry about bringing my natural levels back to normal. Im going to get tested 3-4 weeks after pct and see what happens from there.

The question i have is should i drop my cycle right now and start the PCT or ride out the next three weeks and kill my competition then start. Will there be a huge difference in extended the extra three week now that Im already this deep. Any expertise and or knowledge on you thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Trying now to screw myself any worse than I have already.
I never advise on competitions (or peptides) simply because i have never competed and don't feel confident handing out advice about something i have no experience with.

Having said that, post up a photo for motivation for the rest of us. 5% is not an easy task, particularly to carry it around for a number of weeks.

Thanks, and good luck with your upcoming competition.
Picture on the way,

put the competition aside, and think about my general health. I know i ran my cycle to long. 18 weeks is alot for first cycle but I have been running a mild dose of test the whole time. Im mainly concerned with a test shutdown and TRT which i have been reading up on. should I throw in some letrozole right now to combat the estrogen or should the winstrol be helping with that. If i start my pct now ill kinda be screwed for my show but my health is my major concern.
Competition aside, you'll be fine. In fact, your cycle is not even unusual. Its just long for a short ester, that's all. Youre gtg brother, no worries.
Thats really good to hear, the couple friends I have to talk to about this said the same thing but still had concerns.

This photo is take 10 min ago, I just ate my last meal of the day so holding some water.


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Not entirely sure myself, would love to get water displacement test...

And thanks, whether im at 5-6-7% Im going to keep up with my diet and cardio sessions these next 4 weeks and should turn out to something great! thanks for the support Northern Nutrition.

SO this is basically my first cycle, I took some GNC anabolic when I was in highschool.

24 6'1" 210 about 5% body fat 4 weeks out.

my cycle has been great, started at about 205 15% bf now 210 5% bf
havnt noticed anything weird as far as estro levels, testies seem fine in size, may be loosing a bit of libido.

For my cycle,

1-12 weeks test e 500mg per week
12-15 test p 100mg eod
winstrol 10days on 50mg ed

my comp is 1 month out/4weeks

plan to continue test p for 3.5 weeks which brings me to a 17/18 week cycle.
also continue the winstrol for 4 weeks.

18 weeks on test
5 weeks on winstorl

Plan to start my PCT right after my show,

For PCT I will Blast HCG 10000iu for the first week
then start PCT - Clomid 50/50/50/50/25/ Novla 25/25/25/25

Im started to worry about bringing my natural levels back to normal. Im going to get tested 3-4 weeks after pct and see what happens from there.

The question i have is should i drop my cycle right now and start the PCT or ride out the next three weeks and kill my competition then start. Will there be a huge difference in extended the extra three week now that Im already this deep. Any expertise and or knowledge on you thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Trying now to screw myself any worse than I have already.

Your first cycle and it will last 18 WEEKS, yea HTPA restoration will likely be more prolonged as a result. And that being the case you will need more than 3-4 weeks to recover, that I can almost promise you.

Your only saving grace is to cycle with an UGL anabolic agent and your youth.

Good luck
I've not been here as a member long but I've been a lurker for years. Don't remember seeing this many troll jobs until the last few weeks. U r nowhere near 5 percent, pal. Doubt u r even going to compete. That's a retarded cycle for someone competing. But, if u r serious, that's way too much Clomid. Good luck w your normal vision goals in 2015. I don't suffer from hardly any sides from any drugs but Clomid left me w a floater in my left eye and I only did half of what u supposedly have planned.
I've not been here as a member long but I've been a lurker for years. Don't remember seeing this many troll jobs until the last few weeks. U r nowhere near 5 percent, pal. Doubt u r even going to compete. That's a retarded cycle for someone competing. But, if u r serious, that's way too much Clomid. Good luck w your normal vision goals in 2015. I don't suffer from hardly any sides from any drugs but Clomid left me w a floater in my left eye and I only did half of what u supposedly have planned.

I think youre the troll. Although clomid can and has caused permanent vision impairment, how much do you think medical professionals are administering to fertility patients/oligospermia? Get a grip..
And perhaps this member is not 5%, but hes single digits for sure. So perhaps 7%, maybe even 8? How lean are you? Lets a see a photo of you with your Padre name on paper in the photo.
I've not been here as a member long but I've been a lurker for years. Don't remember seeing this many troll jobs until the last few weeks. U r nowhere near 5 percent, pal. Doubt u r even going to compete. That's a retarded cycle for someone competing. But, if u r serious, that's way too much Clomid. Good luck w your normal vision goals in 2015. I don't suffer from hardly any sides from any drugs but Clomid left me w a floater in my left eye and I only did half of what u supposedly have planned.

I'm not even sure you know what trolling means..

Go away.
Not sure what my body fat. Here is another picture. Either way I have 4 weeks and will
Bring a good package.
It's my first, I'm not a professional yet and I didn't want to blast my body with tren like the rest of them.


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Youre single digits, no doubt. Perhaps not 5%, but get hung up on that or that troll above. Keep working hard and eating right - youre on the right track brother. Once again, good luck with your competition.
Thanks again, another question. My acne has increase since starting the test p and now 10 days into winstrol even worse. Is there estrogen related issues here? Anything I can do to combat the acne.
Yes last two weeks now. I have letrozole on hand but havnt noticed any sides until now. Should i take a small dose of letrozole
Yeah your estrogen is likely high and fluctuating. Why didnt you include an AI on cycle? You seem to be on top of everything else. Im a bit surprised, thats all.

Run your letro .25mg/day up to the beginning of PCT. Its works fast so you shouldn't have any trouble bringing it back into range. Keep an eye on your libido and other indicators like ED, acne, morning wood,..ect, to help dial in your dose.