15 weeks in Test cycle, Need Help

okay i will start the letrozole today. so when you say dialing in my dose, I had sex last night and no ED thats for sure. acne is there and morning wood not so much. so with the use of letrozole I should see my acne clear up and morning woods pop. And my buddy said having letrozole would be fine, which i regret now that ive done more research.
I think youre the troll. Although clomid can and has caused permanent vision impairment, how much do you think medical professionals are administering to fertility patients/oligospermia? Get a grip..
Have u ever been prescribed Clomid? If so, what dose? I blv Clomid works for pct because I've used it for that purpose. But the doses he was proposing are way too high IMO. That drug wasn't designed for men and if a man is going to use it I blv it should be in moderation.
And perhaps this member is not 5%, but hes single digits for sure. So perhaps 7%, maybe even 8? How lean are you? Lets a see a photo of you with your Padre name on paper in the photo.

I'm about 12 or 13 percent. But I don't compete nor do I plan to. But dont u think if someone is going to compete, and are supposedly 3 or so months, they should have an idea of what their bf percentage is? And I know several ppl that do compete and I've never heard of such a moderate cycle w only 2 low dosed compounds in preps for a show. I could be wrong. Not a know it all by any means but I've just never heard of that. Combine that w him being way off on bf percentage and what I consider a way too high dose of clomid, and this I way I thought this guy was trolling.
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I'm about 12 or 13 percent. But I don't compete nor do I plan to. But dont u think if someone is going to compete, and are supposedly 3 or so months, they should have an idea of what their bf percentage is? And I know several ppl that do compete and I've never heard of such a moderate cycle w only 2 low dosed compounds in preps for a show. I could be wrong. Not a know it all by any means but I've just never heard of that. Combine that w him being way off on bf percentage and what I consider a way too high dose of clomid, and this I way I thought this guy was trolling.

The reason I'm not on a high dose of anything is because this is my first cycle and I didn't want to throw in the big compounds like tren or high doses of test. I'm new and looking for advice, not saying I know everything. Someone told me I was closer to 5% when I thought more like 8%. I don't need to calculate my bodyfat to know I look good and making progression. Yes it helps if you want everything recorded but there are pros out there that don't test there bf. would you say a better dose of clomid is more like 50/50/25/25/25
And perhaps this member is not 5%, but hes single digits for sure. So perhaps 7%, maybe even 8? How lean are you? Lets a see a photo of you with your Padre name on paper in the photo.
The reason I'm not on a high dose of anything is because this is my first cycle and I didn't want to throw in the big compounds like tren or high doses of test. I'm new and looking for advice, not saying I know everything. Someone told me I was closer to 5% when I thought more like 8%. I don't need to calculate my bodyfat to know I look good and making progression. Yes it helps if you want everything recorded but there are pros out there that don't test there bf. would you say a better dose of clomid is more like 50/50/25/25/25

Yes, I agree on the Clomid at that dose. Actually, I would do 50/25/25/25 and Nolvadex at 20/10/10/10. Plus an HCG blast to start the PCT. Can't remember the dose on that. HCG is very effective at getting the nuts to start pumping again. Vision issues are not cool. And I hear u on the cycle. I hope you do well in your comp. My bad on giving u shit. You do look good and u were just off on the bf estimate. But I did the same for years.
Well Thanks, and yeah I for sure do not want vision issues, i just thought since it was a long cycle i should run more but really seems like just run longer. im going to blast hcg 10000iu for the first week after cycle then start pct. 2500iu every other day
Have u ever been prescribed Clomid? If so, what dose? I blv Clomid works for pct because I've used it for that purpose. But the doses he was proposing are way too high IMO. That drug wasn't designed for men and if a man is going to use it I blv it should be in moderation.

His proposed doses are not too high, i think youre high. If youre too lazy to Google clomiphene therapy/oligospermia, then put a sock in it. And btw, I was doing clomid while you were still pissing chunks of fat.
And perhaps this member is not 5%, but hes single digits for sure. So perhaps 7%, maybe even 8? How lean are you? Lets a see a photo of you with your Padre name on paper in the photo.
His proposed doses are not too high, i think youre high. If youre too lazy to Google clomiphene therapy/oligospermia, then put a sock in it. And btw, I was doing clomid while you were still pissing chunks of fat.

Lol somebody is upset. I'm guessing it's because you live somewhere it's still cold outside.
Already been said in here, but don't worry about extending your cycle.

My first cycle was 16 weeks and I recovered just fine at 35 years old and higher body fat than you. Also don't worry about the troll and his Clomid fears.
Already been said in here, but don't worry about extending your cycle.

My first cycle was 16 weeks and I recovered just fine at 35 years old and higher body fat than you. Also don't worry about the troll and his Clomid fears.
Awe, that's cute. But I know what happened to my eyes. Eyesight is perfect w everyone in my family and I get no sides from any other drugs. Just trying to save someone else from potential issues especially when it's not needed to recover. But obviously u r an expert on the issue.
He hasn't claimed to be an expert but he's obviously done his homework, you fukin tool. Take your fear mongering to another site where the membership is uninformed. Perhaps you can make friends there.
He hasn't claimed to be an expert but he's obviously done his homework, you fukin tool. Take your fear mongering to another site where the membership is uninformed. Perhaps you can make friends there.
Lol. Pretty sure u r the tool in real life, hoss. In fact, I imagine u struggle to get along w most ppl. Why don't you take your bitter ass, old man comments elsewhere because I'm here to stay. Enjoy your shitty choice of a place to live. I'll stick to my tropical climate, thanks.
So the letrozole i have is in pill form 2.5mg. therefore i have to break them in 10ths to get .25 which is impossible. best i can do it 8ths brings to .3 or so.

My question? - how bad is it to have inconsistent doses of letrozole due to guessing measurements. Will the effect me? should I try and be more accurate and take it every other day? Any suggestions?
I don't give a shit if I get flamed by the canadian faggot. I know what works. Letro is too strong. Go w Arimidex or my fave Aromison. That sorry fuck isn't even smart enough to live in the right country. Come at me @Northern Nutrition . Love to hear your ill informed response here.
Bro, just google my advice verses his. He is an idiot and u will see real world experiences. Letro is too harsh. Nobody uses that shit anymore. Dude lives in Canada. How smart can he really be?
I don't give a shit if I get flamed by the canadian faggot. I know what works. Letro is too strong. Go w Arimidex or my fave Aromison. That sorry fuck isn't even smart enough to live in the right country. Come at me @Northern Nutrition . Love to hear your ill informed response here.

If you're gonna talk shit about smarts you should probably learn how to spell first.
U have an Asian handle w a retarded ass avatar. Are u really the one that should be talking shit here? Really?

Holy shit man you are 35 years old. A grown man. How do you possibly find enjoyment out of coming onto the internet and doing this kind of shit? I remember thinking that was fun when I was like 12 in the old AOL chat rooms lol.

I don't know what I'm trying to say really, other than that you are just really fucking annoying.