16 week cycle concluded, what now?


Finished a 16 week basic test C 500 cycle. Gained nearly 20lbs of muscle doing great. Last injection was about 10 days ago. I have nolvadex and aromasin in hand but I really am not feeling the need. Should I start Nolvadex just in case? I wanted to start cruising but I think now a break won’t hurt much.

Additionally, right at the end elbows started going off on me. If it is tennis elbow it’s pretty severe. Any advice to deal with this is appreciated
You have to wait more than two weeks to let the hormones clear. You still have a good amount of the hormone in your body. Use hcg for two weeks then clomid and nolva. Or don’t use hcg but wait two weeks then clomid and nolva
Finished a 16 week basic test C 500 cycle. Gained nearly 20lbs of muscle doing great. Last injection was about 10 days ago. I have nolvadex and aromasin in hand but I really am not feeling the need. Should I start Nolvadex just in case? I wanted to start cruising but I think now a break won’t hurt much.

Additionally, right at the end elbows started going off on me. If it is tennis elbow it’s pretty severe. Any advice to deal with this is appreciated
If you want to cruise, you do not need PCT !
Start cruise @ 150mg test E/C weekly
He said he wants to do pct. It’s better to do pct after first cycle then cruise. He can decide wether aas are something for hem or not and how he recovers his hpta
I think you should do PCT. like parsashameli wrote to you, the PCT should be start 2 weeks after the last Injection.

The old-school PCT is 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex and some recommend Clomid 100/100/50/50

Take it for 1 month and do a break from AAS minimum 16 weeks (the cycle length).

There are many PCT protocols, you can search around the web for many PCT protocols.

Good luck!
He said he wants to do pct. It’s better to do pct after first cycle then cruise. He can decide wether aas are something for hem or not and how he recovers his hpta
and after PCT go on cruise to his next blast :D

20mg ED Nolva 4 weeks will do fine on a 500mg Test cycle. Some examine even say not to do PCT, like the Dutch Harlem.
When your balls feel schrunk, do 1 inject 1500iu HCG followed by 500iu EOD.
Finished a 16 week basic test C 500 cycle. Gained nearly 20lbs of muscle doing great. Last injection was about 10 days ago. I have nolvadex and aromasin in hand but I really am not feeling the need. Should I start Nolvadex just in case? I wanted to start cruising but I think now a break won’t hurt much.

Additionally, right at the end elbows started going off on me. If it is tennis elbow it’s pretty severe. Any advice to deal with this is appreciated
How old are you? Got/want kids?
That’s what I thought. I appreciate it. When I saw the way people were writing it 40/40ect I confused myself. I’m going to start today. Been two weeks dead on. Will Nolvadex have any effect on sex drive or energy level?
I’m 38 I have 3 kids almost grown. Nah I’m cool with anymore kids.
Then go on trt. You are about the age most see a decline anyway and since kids are out of the picture no need to worry about that. Hormonal fluctuations from pct is worse than trt tbh
Did you take pre cycle bloods?
No. I work a different type of job. It is very difficult to get time off, I have a lot going on outside of work aswell, doing schooling, 6 days a week gym, kids going back to school. I’m trying to figure out a way to get it done but I just never have opportunity and money at the same time.
As i stated before. Nolva taking ED, Every Day.
Best is to do blood before a roid cycle, and inform yourself before starting your cycle. incl. PCT
I’m with him.. go on TRT.

I’m also with bullseye, dumb to start without bloods if you plan on PCT’ing and even dumber doing that not knowing how to pct.
Then go on trt. You are about the age most see a decline anyway and since kids are out of the picture no need to worry about that. Hormonal fluctuations from pct is worse than trt tbh
But pct is only a month long huh and if I didn’t really have any bad side effects can I not just do Nolvadex only and
I’m with him.. go on TRT.

I’m also with bullseye, dumb to start without bloods if you plan on PCT’ing and even dumber doing that not knowing how to pct.
Well I did know I just forgot because it’s been four months since I did all that research. I fucking forgot. I do a lot. I never give myself time for anything. I have not had a bad experience with this and no real side effects.
Nope doing TRT. All these TRT clinics popping up are puttting every person who walks in on TRT regardless of their levels. If the doctor would run it, fuck it. My elbows are hurting.

Just 150 once a week is fine huh? I’ll go to the doctor when work slows down
Nope doing TRT. All these TRT clinics popping up are puttting every person who walks in on TRT regardless of their levels. If the doctor would run it, fuck it. My elbows are hurting.

Just 150 once a week is fine huh? I’ll go to the doctor when work slows down

150mg a week is probably fine. Won’t know till you run bloodwork.

When does work slow down? What’s your plan until you can go to a TRT doctor