16 week cycle concluded, what now?

Nope doing TRT. All these TRT clinics popping up are puttting every person who walks in on TRT regardless of their levels. If the doctor would run it, fuck it. My elbows are hurting.

Just 150 once a week is fine huh? I’ll go to the doctor when work slows down
150mg a week is probably fine. Won’t know till you run bloodwork.

When does work slow down? What’s your plan until you can go to a TRT doctor
Just cruise and finish up all this stuff. I have. I have enough test to last months and months at 150 a week
Sounds like you’ve decided to cruise now anyway, but if you do go back to the idea of PCT I figured I should chime in…

PCT does not start 2 weeks after your last pin, you will want to wait around 4 weeks after a cycle with Test C.

Ps, you mention no side affects. Did you need to control estrogen during the cycle, or were you good without an AI?
Sounds like you’ve decided to cruise now anyway, but if you do go back to the idea of PCT I figured I should chime in…

PCT does not start 2 weeks after your last pin, you will want to wait around 4 weeks after a cycle with Test C.

Ps, you mention no side affects. Did you need to control estrogen during the cycle, or were you good without an AI?
I was good. I had the slightest almost not noticeable tender nipples. Since I stopped maybe a little more.
No. I work a different type of job. It is very difficult to get time off, I have a lot going on outside of work aswell, doing schooling, 6 days a week gym, kids going back to school. I’m trying to figure out a way to get it done but I just never have opportunity and money at the same time.
You can do bloodwork from home. Results within several days. Costs between 95 and up depending on how detailed you want to get.
You can do bloodwork from home. Results within several days. Costs between 95 and up depending on how detailed you want to get.
Please give me details. This is exactly what I need. I saw something about this before I started but then thought it was a scam
There's lots of examples online, just search. I've used Letsgetchecked. It's easy to order the specific kit you want. Follow the directions, ship it to the lab, get your results. It's private, so your physician isnt notified.
Do you want to try and recover your natural hormone levels? Then do pct. Are you OK with possibly being on trt for the rest of your life? Then do trt with an occasional blast.
I wouldn't bother with pct either, just go for cruise or trt if you wish. In most European countries you're better off self medicating when it comes to Testosterone. Hell, it's been shown that it's not like everyone becomes infertile even after blasting and cruising for long time. Anyway, I think you can regain fertility if you really need it when the time comes. Just make sure you don't abuse, as those who never pct'ed once tend to abuse shit from what I've seen. Hard times makes you tougher.
I wouldn't bother with pct either, just go for cruise or trt if you wish. In most European countries you're better off self medicating when it comes to Testosterone. Hell, it's been shown that it's not like everyone becomes infertile even after blasting and cruising for long time. Anyway, I think you can regain fertility if you really need it when the time comes. Just make sure you don't abuse, as those who never pct'ed once tend to abuse shit from what I've seen. Hard times makes you tougher.
I am a little older and have 3 grown kids. I don’t much worry about infertility but I would be more worried about erectile dysfunction. But in my experience seems to be the opposite. I went on TRT dose and feeling great. Keeping my strength pretty well and feeling pretty good. Might be a little more easily agitated but not too bad.
Finished a 16 week basic test C 500 cycle. Gained nearly 20lbs of muscle doing great. Last injection was about 10 days ago. I have nolvadex and aromasin in hand but I really am not feeling the need. Should I start Nolvadex just in case? I wanted to start cruising but I think now a break won’t hurt much.

Additionally, right at the end elbows started going off on me. If it is tennis elbow it’s pretty severe. Any advice to deal with this is appreciated
20 Lbs? No.
15 lbs of water.
Give it three weeks and check back.

And take a photo right now and another in three weeks; and upload both.