--16 Week Test C Cycle--pct Protocol??

Ya I know all to well about not having pct in hand when coming off a cycle. First time I ever used aas I didn't even know what pct meant let alone how to use it properly. I was under the impression that I could just use it get big an not have to worry bout nothing. Man was I ever wrong. I came off my cycle an was so depressed when I started looking in the mirror while watching all my hard work go down the drain. I shrank down even smaller than I was when I began the cycle in the first place. from then on I made a promise to myself that I would learn how to cycle properly to never let that experience happen again. Now thanks to meso I'm ready to tackle my next cycle head on an reap everything I can get from it! I will do it the right way an see what I can gain from it this go around. I hopping for 20 to 30lbs. ;)