16 weeks of Test C half a gram a week

Interesting story behind all this.... the screen shot you seen (1600ng test) is from June 15th. The other interesting thing about that blood work is the white blood cell count skyrocketed. Why? My appendix ruptured June 18th. Could be unrelated but possibly by test dropped from an early infection from leaky appendix.

Now look at my bloodwork from June 29th. Total T is 400 ng higher and Free T is 68pg higher. This is a week and a half after appendix removal.

I doubt there is a coincidence. Numbers don't lie. Perhaps the second bloodwork is my most true reading (with the infection gone).

Regardless (2000ng) may still may be low total T in your view for a half a gram a week.
I think this may be related to your injection frequency / when you did the bloodwork, unless you did both labs the same hours after your injection

and yes, 2000ng/dl is still very low for 500mg test.
again this is why you aren't growing and i strongly recommend taking a lot more test / other androgens.
you have spent a year not even taking steroids basically. you havent been doing anything wrong, except not taking enough!
I think this may be related to your injection frequency / when you did the bloodwork, unless you did both labs the same hours after your injection

and yes, 2000ng/dl is still very low for 500mg test.
again this is why you aren't growing and i strongly recommend taking a lot more test / other androgens.
you have spent a year not even taking steroids basically. you havent been doing anything wrong, except not taking enough!
Both labs were done on my injection day which were both Saturdays (Sat and Tue are my days) prior to my injection. I still think it's odd that one day the T levels were higher than the other. Both days were the same exact appointment times (7:40am). Slept the same both nights and both I was fasted.

I guess the silver lining is, I don't aromatize easily. I have a buddy that needs aromasin on TRT level injections. He's single digit body fat and much bigger than me too. Crazy
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I think this may be related to your injection frequency / when you did the bloodwork, unless you did both labs the same hours after your injection

and yes, 2000ng/dl is still very low for 500mg test.
again this is why you aren't growing and i strongly recommend taking a lot more test / other androgens.
you have spent a year not even taking steroids basically. you havent been doing anything wrong, except not taking enough!
Honestly I'm just curious about the DHT derived compounds. Never touched anything besides Test C. I'm keen on Primo because I've read Masteron is pointless at over 10% bodyfat. I'm probably around 15 to 20.

I stopped the .5mg Anastrozole, day after injection days. Libido took a noticeable hit, although not gone completely. That's after only being on it for 2 weeks
The greatest comment I've ever read on here. With all due respect to the man you replied to.

I was at 230 lbs in April but upped the cardio, cut calories, to lean out. Hence the 198 now. Still retained some mass, thankfully to the half a gram of weekly test. Can actually see veins in my Quads now

I'm not worried about the Cholesterol. Possibly because of genetics and supplementation that I run, I've been in good shape there.
Both labs were done on my injection day which were both Saturdays (Sat and Tue are my days) prior to my injection. I still think it's odd that one day the T levels were higher than the other. Both days were the same exact appointment times (7:40am). Slept the same both nights and both I was fasted.

I guess the silver lining is, I don't aromatize easily. I have a buddy that needs aromasin on TRT level injections.
If you require .5 adex on pin days to be 60 e2 at around 1750ng dl test, then you kind of do aromatize alot. You're not that far out of trt range taking two doses and you're still more than double the e2 you should be imo.

Regardless, if you want to look like you're on steroids you have to increase your test significantly and use other compounds. If you want to get big, which users reading this need to remember is the goal of STEROIDS then you should run 1 gram of test because that's like most dudes 500mg-700mg.

after 6 weeks of the test, you should add something else, since you respond poorly to test. Like 50mg anadrol for 8 weeks. You can go up to 100mg if you can keep your BP down with meds or naturally. Then take 4-8 weeks off and repeat. Whatever your risk tolerance is, alternate an oral off and on since you get bloodwork.
If you require .5 adex on pin days to be 60 e2 at around 1750ng dl test, then you kind of do aromatize alot. You're not that far out of trt range taking two doses and you're still more than double the e2 you should be imo.

Regardless, if you want to look like you're on steroids you have to increase your test significantly and use other compounds. If you want to get big, which users reading this need to remember is the goal of STEROIDS then you should run 1 gram of test because that's like most dudes 500mg-700mg.

after 6 weeks of the test, you should add something else, since you respond poorly to test. Like 50mg anadrol for 8 weeks. You can go up to 100mg if you can keep your BP down with meds or naturally. Then take 4-8 weeks off and repeat. Whatever your risk tolerance is, alternate an oral off and on since you get bloodwork.
The 60 e2 was before I introduced adex. I have no idea what my e2 is after I started the adex because I was only on it for 2 weeks before stopping it

That 60e2 is around 3.5% of the total T of 1663. Some people believe 3-5% is the right percentage of E2 to Test. Maybe you're not in that camp?
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The 60 e2 was before I introduced adex. I have no idea what my e2 is after I started the adex because I was only on it for 2 weeks before stopping it

That 60e2 is around 3.5% of the total T of 1663. Some people believe 3-5% is the right percentage of E2 to Test. Maybe you're not in that camp?
no, there is no ratio, having high test or androgens does not change the fact your estrogen is 2x+ the normal range.
this is a new theory that has become popular on the internet in the past few years. all this does is increase the risk you develop acne, blood pressure or prostate issues, mood issues, dick isses , bloated face etc.
people say that having higher e2 increases IGF-1, ok lets say that it does, i dont think the previous issues are worth whatever 1%-30% increase it is. and if IGF-1 is so important, then just run a few IU of HGH instead of increasing your estrogen to that of a fertile woman.

if someone is truly ok with it, and knows their body well enough to let it ride high like that, then they can do them, but i dont think that this "ratio" talk is real or for everyone.

the ratio is only relating to gyno symptoms, the higher androgens reduce the risk of gyno, NOT all estrogen issues, i think this is where the idea comes from and its of course, taken out of context or just made up as the new "we have been doing it all wrong guys" thing to attract clicks/clients
If you require .5 adex on pin days to be 60 e2 at around 1750ng dl test, then you kind of do aromatize alot. You're not that far out of trt range taking two doses and you're still more than double the e2 you should be imo.

Regardless, if you want to look like you're on steroids you have to increase your test significantly and use other compounds. If you want to get big, which users reading this need to remember is the goal of STEROIDS then you should run 1 gram of test because that's like most dudes 500mg-700mg.

after 6 weeks of the test, you should add something else, since you respond poorly to test. Like 50mg anadrol for 8 weeks. You can go up to 100mg if you can keep your BP down with meds or naturally. Then take 4-8 weeks off and repeat. Whatever your risk tolerance is, alternate an oral off and on since you get bloodwork.
Take 4 weeks to 8 weeks off the oral only and basically cruise on the gram of test year long? Of course as long as blood work looks good.
Take 4 weeks to 8 weeks off the oral only and basically cruise on the gram of test year long? Of course as long as blood work looks good.
yeah, milligrams is the only number that doesn't matter. the only things that matter are bloodwork, BP, HR and fasting glucose. theres nothing special about the milligrams that is dangerous.
the only reason to lower the dose is if your lifestyle doesnt allow it anymore or one of those numbers above is skewed in a way that you need to go to TRT to fix.
Like I said, that one gram is like other guys 600mg so its not that big of a deal.
and 600mg test and 50mg-100mg anadrol is like beginner stuff

yes, for example anadrol 6 weeks on 6 weeks off.
you get bloodwork so you can make your own judgement on the weeks off and on. I think 4 weeks is too short. I think you can push hard on the 6 weeks of anadro then kind of deload a bit on a week or two off the anadrol ,
I guess no one looked at the bloodwork.

Your blood level testosterone is very low for your dose.
This is probably just your genetics

You should use more, your blood levels are what some guys get on 200mg cruises. This is why you're not above 200lbs.

My advice,
increase testosterone to 750mg-1000mg
forget primo and dial in your e2 with arimidex.

because you seem to be concerned with cholesterol,
primo will wreck your cholesterol
If you want to do run test for longer and build more muscle, you will do this healthier without primo.

Also, most people will say that keeping your estrogen in the male range is ideal.

What I would do
1000mg test weekly, pinned EoD with a small frontload
.5 adex 5x per week
get bloodwork at week 3 and week 6

*you spent 1 year "titrating" up to most peoples
yeah, milligrams is the only number that doesn't matter. the only things that matter are bloodwork, BP, HR and fasting glucose. theres nothing special about the milligrams that is dangerous.
the only reason to lower the dose is if your lifestyle doesnt allow it anymore or one of those numbers above is skewed in a way that you need to go to TRT to fix.
Like I said, that one gram is like other guys 600mg so its not that big of a deal.
and 600mg test and 50mg-100mg anadrol is like beginner stuff

yes, for example anadrol 6 weeks on 6 weeks off.
you get bloodwork so you can make your own judgement on the weeks off and on. I think 4 weeks is too short. I think you can push hard on the 6 weeks of anadro then kind of deload a bit on a week or two off the anadrol ,
Test C still fine as that's what I've been using?
Test C still fine as that's what I've been using?
yeah that was a typo on my part, do Test C thats best and also what I use. theres something going on with Test E raws that makes the majority of sources test e give killer pip.
just do as much test as you want and keep your estrogen between 20-40 pg/ml , use an ARB to keep your BP down .
why would he give himself a "break" from testosterone?
His cholesterol is in range, probably better than 99% of us
Because his testosterone level on is lower than most peoples, because 500mg only got him to 1600ng/dl.

So why would he drop down to "TRT"?
Why go from 1600ng/dl to 1,000ng/dl?
Hes not even 200lbs, why would he lower his testosterone?
His HDL is higher than naturals.
He needs a "break" from an extra 600ng/dl?

Why are you giving advice when you don't fully read the post?
Did you even click the image?

Why did 3 people agree with your post?

Why is it, that recently everyone wants to give advice to keep everyone small?

The man has been injecting testosterone for over ONE YEAR, and 8 months of that, has been a complete waste because he had actual natural level of testosterone. one year of testosterone injections and he has not broke 200lbs, and you want him to come off to give him a break?
The past 8 months have been a break,

Hes just ramping up now and finally got to a supraphysiological dose of testosterone.

If months ago he posted bloodwork at a lower dose, and someone with attention to detail spotted it, they would've saved this guy a whole lot of time.

i dont know why it seems like everyones goal is to tell people how to make as minimal gains as possible.

does MESO stand for "Moms Encouraging Safe Oils"????????
bloodwork and blood pressure are a very small part of the picture. You’re growing your organs, stressing your body, incurring fatigue and inflammation at any dose that’s beyond what your body is meant to produce naturally. If you want to permablast, that’s fine. At 500 test, a relatively young and healthy guy won’t run into issues for years. But that’s not really the point of a harm reduction forum (which is what you’re posting on), now is it?
I'm 39 but yes, only trained for a few years consistently now. On and off training far too often my whole life
This could likely be why 500 test hasn’t done much for you. Are you nailing your diet every single day and gaining weight each week? (0.5-1lb/week), training with intensity and not skipping any sessions? That is the bare minimum imo to get the most out of your dosages
bloodwork and blood pressure are a very small part of the picture. You’re growing your organs, stressing your body, incurring fatigue and inflammation at any dose that’s beyond what your body is meant to produce naturally. If you want to permablast, that’s fine. At 500 test, a relatively young and healthy guy won’t run into issues for years. But that’s not really the point of a harm reduction forum (which is what you’re posting on), now is it?

This could likely be why 500 test hasn’t done much for you. Are you nailing your diet every single day and gaining weight each week? (0.5-1lb/week), training with intensity and not skipping any sessions? That is the bare minimum imo to get the most out of your dosages
Do you read any of the threads you comment in?
This is a serious question.

Why are you still bringing up."500mg" test?

Do you not understand the difference between milligrams and blood levels?

He's growing his organs? He's taking test not HGH.
Again I don't think you read any of this thread.

If you're going to say heart, which I don't know why you would say "organS" plural instead of "heart" , then why are you on a steroid forum telling guys to take breaks from basically a 16 week high cruise because of growing their heart,
This is ridiculous.

You're talking about diet and training and implying He's doing something wrong?

Dude you should be embarrassed by the amount of nonsense you type, not caring to even spend a few minutes reading, after I already called you out for not looking at the bloodwork.

Maybe you did read and you're just this naive.

You have no idea what you're talking about
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Those are good stats for a natty teenager who has trained two or three years. You are far from ready to run a cycle.
Most of people start a lot less ready these days. Besides sub 200lbs at 15% is definitely good (if legit 15% body fat), sadly some steroid users can't even achieve that.
Do you read any of the threads you comment in?
This is a serious question.

Why are you still bringing up."500mg" test?

Do you not understand the difference between milligrams and blood levels?

He's growing his organs? He's taking test not HGH.
Again I don't think you read any of this thread.

If you're going to say heart, which I don't know why you would say "organS" plural instead of "heart" , then why are you on a steroid forum telling guys to take breaks from basically a 16 week high cruise because of growing their heart,
This is ridiculous.

You're talking about diet and training and implying He's doing something wrong?

Dude you should be embarrassed by the amount of nonsense you type, not caring to even spend a few minutes reading, after I already called you out for not looking at the bloodwork.

Maybe you did read and you're just this naive.

You have no idea what you're talking about
Again homie, this is a harm reduction forum. I’m sorry you don’t like it and wish everyone would permablast forever for the sick gainz, bro but this isn’t what the forum’s about. Sorry you were mislead to believe 500mg test is healthy.
Again homie, this is a harm reduction forum. I’m sorry you don’t like it and wish everyone would permablast forever for the sick gainz, bro but this isn’t what the forum’s about. Sorry you were mislead to believe 500mg test is healthy.
is english your first language or are you at an age where you may be experiencing some type of cognitive decline?

Why are you even commenting if you don't read or actually understand anything?

youre just typing things for your ego and ignoring everything in this thread including the original post.

i doubt you have even a basic grasp on how gear affects the body,
again, if you took 3 seconds to click on the image the original poster posted, and put your glasses on, you'd see all of his blood markers are in range, and i already explained all of this.
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is english your first language or are you at an age where you may be experiencing some type of cognitive decline?

Why are you even commenting if you don't read or actually understand anything?

youre just typing things for your ego and ignoring everything in this thread including the original post.

i doubt you have even a basic grasp on how gear affects the body,
again, if you took 3 seconds to click on the image the original poster posted, and put your glasses on, you'd see all of his blood markers are in range, and i already explained all of this.
If you took 3 seconds to read the first line of text in my reply, I explained that bloodwork does not begin to paint a comprehensive picture of health. It should be used to track trends over time. If you are unable to have a conversation and want to push him to continue blasting indefinitely, do your thing. I’ve said my piece and it’s clear you’re unable to have a civil conversation