New Member
I just got back my bloodwork for my 2 month followup for TRT. Currently take 100mg of Test C weekly split into two doses (Tuesday/Friday) and 1500IU of HCG weekly split into three doses (M/W/F)
Estradiol: 71pg/mL (Reference below 39)
Total T: 673ng/dl (reference range 250-1100)
Testosterone, Free: 209.7pg/ml (35-155.0)
Hemoglobin 15.5 (13..2-17.1)
Hemocrit: 47.3 (38.5-50)
PSA, Total: 41
I'm wondering if I should just half my HCG dose instead and then rerun my E2 in 3-4 weeks to see if that brings me down or just split the Arimidex and take half a pill weekly instead of the full pill. I don't want to crash my E2
Bloods were drawn 3.5D after my last injection right before my Tuesday morning pin so at a trough.
Estradiol: 71pg/mL (Reference below 39)
Total T: 673ng/dl (reference range 250-1100)
Testosterone, Free: 209.7pg/ml (35-155.0)
Hemoglobin 15.5 (13..2-17.1)
Hemocrit: 47.3 (38.5-50)
PSA, Total: 41
I'm wondering if I should just half my HCG dose instead and then rerun my E2 in 3-4 weeks to see if that brings me down or just split the Arimidex and take half a pill weekly instead of the full pill. I don't want to crash my E2
Bloods were drawn 3.5D after my last injection right before my Tuesday morning pin so at a trough.